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Posts posted by Anansi

  1. Anansi chuckled at his brother, he may not talk anymore, but he was the same old dork that she had grown up with, even now. The walk to the fields surrounding the town of beginnings was done in comfortable silence, like most of their walks, and their interactions as a whole. It didn't take very long before the pair were surrounded by green on all sides, the only two players outside of the town in their vicinity.

    Looking over Anansi could see that here brother was as lost as she was, and that he seemingly had no real idea what they were looking for either. "So, what exactly are we even looking for here?" Andi looked at the expansive fields around her, finding nothing that seemed to pop out at her, and the quest wasn't much more helpful, just saying that they needed to find materials. They had only been in this game a few weeks, and seemingly most people were too scared to figure out what was needed for these quests, information was pretty limited.




    LD: 2 = failure


  2. Andi rolled her eyes at her brothers act, she appreciated it, but he was being more protective than she needed him to be, she was just as strong as he was, even if he didn't see it, she had been practicing so that she could be his equal, so that he wouldn't have to worry about her so much, he was always the one protecting, it was her turn to do the same for once. Andi walked up to Zackariah as her brother watched the door like a guard dog, ready to pounce on any enemy that came into the shop "You know this is a safe zone right? No one can hurt us here, you can relax." Andi gave her brother a concerned look before turning to the alchemist.

    "I heard the mayor may have given you a loan, and he wanted us to help to see if you could pay him back." the man behind the counter, presumably Zackariah seemed very distracted before he responded not really answering her question at all.  “Would you gather a few materials for me? Flowers, herbs, rare woods, whatever you can find outside the city walls. I promise I’ll help you fill your order as soon as you return. In fact, I would be willing to show you how to do it yourself.” Andi heard the ding of a pop up, followed by another one soon after, knowing that her and her brother had gotten the same quest she hit accept. "Well I guess you can't expect it to be that easy." She grinned at her brother, this was the most excitement that they had seen since they started this game, and she, being the thrill seeker she was, was beyond excited to head outside of the gates


  3. After Kieran's failed attempt to get a response out of the mayor without using any words, it was Andi's turn, which had so far been the normal for the duo. Andi would talk to whatever needed talking to, and Kieran would try to nod and glare his way through all conversations. Andi chuckled a tiny bit giving her brother a reassuring tap on the shoulder as he gave her the floor to deal with their new NPC. "It was pretty careless of you to forget something so important you know." Andi almost seemed to be chastising the NPC, something that she had gotten a lot of experience doing with her brother. "Who exactly do you think you gave the loan too?." Andi put her hand on her hip as she waited for a response from him "Excellent, I knew I could count on you! You might start with Zackariah, the alchemist. He's often doing projects for the town, so it may have been him that borrowed the money." 

    With that a quest window popped up for the pair, and upon hitting accept the mayor seemed to get quite nervous and scurry away, seemingly to bother other players for help. "Well then." Andi turned to face her brother clapping her hands together "Time for a real quest." She smiled at her brother, and was clearly very excited at the thought of some excitement. Before stepping past him and out of the door. "Hurry up, I want to get going."

  4. Andi found herself, for not the first time, wandering the streets of the beginner town on the first floor of Aincrad. Two weeks had been all that passed since it was announced to the player base that they were trapped in this game, and a lot had happened, mostly panicking, and her brother just getting even more protective then he normally was. Call her crazy but exploring this game world was still exciting, and she never left the town, but seeing how real it all was still left her with a sense of wonder. Her thoughts were soon interrupted by her brother Kieran, known as Lugh if you looked at his username, dropping down from the rooftops beside her. "You know I hate it when you do that." She laughingly said to her brother as he stood up sending her a message. He didn't talk much, if at all, and the ability to talk through the in game system made that a lot easier with him just sending her messages instead of opening his mouth. 

    "I know, I always do all of the talking." Andi rolled her eyes before stepping in stride beside her brother. "So where are we going anyways, I know you said it was a tutorial of sorts, but what does that mean?" Andi waited for the message that she knew her brother was going to send her, the only time he actually talked was when it was important, idle chit chat not being that. Even his messages somehow seemed to show his pension for not talking much as they were normally decently short and to the point.


    Level: 1
    Paragon Level: 0
    HP: 20/20
    EN: 20/20

    Damage: 6

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: <Rose Thorn> T1 R Saber DAM 2

    Saber R1

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    Starter Healing Potions x3



  5. Inventory:

    (Picked DPS Package)


    < Rose Thorn> T1 R Saber DAM 2

         This long thin blade is a very simple rapier, the only thing setting it apart from most is the green sheen of it's metallic blade, and the red rose that acts as the hand guard. Truly it fits the name that has been given to it, the Rose         Thorn.






    > (3) Starter Health potions (Heal 50 HP)

  6. Normal_Makoto_Kikuchi_Mobage_Transparent.thumb.png.ae60a709de9e789d53b8b54c6603e365.png


    Username: Anansi

    Real Name: Andrea (Andi) Quinn                                                            

    Age: 18 -> 20

    Gender: Female

    Height: 5'2"



       Andi grew up in an average Irish home, not rich definitely, but for the most part not poor. It was just her, her dad and her brother Kieran. Though she wasn't prone to fighting like her brother was, Andi wasn't much the exemplary student, or child for the matter, more likely to skip school to go to the beach and surf, than she ever was to study, she had mostly sub par grades. Andi spent a surprising amount of time taking care of her brother, if she didn't who knew how many of his wounds wouldn't have healed properly. It was almost like he was addicted to fighting, and no matter how many times he had told him to stop he just wouldn't listen, no matter how banged up he got.

       Most of that changed when she was 10, her father passed away, leaving her and her brother alone, and that left Kieran as the head of the house when he was only twelve. He became very protective, and seemed to just get into even more fights, which led to him not talking to her, or anyone for that matter. At that point they weren't really close, Andi spending most of her time in the ocean or skating, spending as much time as she could away from school. There she was just the girl whose parents were dead, but outside she could do anything she wanted, which was normally not study. 

      Andi found herself only really getting close to her brother after a really bad fight where he got his ass kicked by four older guys who were picking on her. The fight may not have beat them, but it did show Andi that her brother was there for her, they had been inseparable since, playing a lot of games together, which was Kieran's only hobby other than fighting. To this day though Andi regrets that, because she was the one who introduced him to SAO in the hopes that it would let her spend time with her brother, and feel like she was doing something other than sit in a chair. This ended up as a horrible mistake when the game turned out to be a giant death trap, now it was still just her and her brother, but they were trapped in a game of death.


    Kind: Andi has always patched up her brother, and everything else around her. She has always been willing to help someone in need, and that hasn't changed at all from her childhood. Andi will always be there for people when they need a helping hand.

    Outgoing: Trying new things has been something Andi is well versed at, she loves the rush she gets from doing things, especially sports and other activities. Striking up a conversation with someone new never bothers her at all. Andi is very willing to go out and just do, well anything, and that has always helped her meet new people.

    Empathetic: Andi has always been a good judge of the ways other people are feeling, and she can always empathize with them. Maybe it is because of her own trauma, but Andi has always found it easy to connect with people on an emotional level. Those connections help her to show compassion to the people around her.


    Stupid: Andi is, well to put it bluntly, not smart. She has spent most of her life avoiding her studies, which has led to both her actual intelligence and her common sense to taking a hit. She isn't really the person you want around when things need thinking through, she acts more on impulse than on rationality.

    Gullible: Andi is easy to fool, maybe it comes from her lack of common sense, but either way she believes most people when they tell her things, especially if they aren't obvious lies. This has gotten her into trouble quite a few times, but has proven to be a hard habit to kick. She just seems to trust people too much.

    Stubborn: It is Andi's way or the highway. When she has made up her mind on something, she intends to do it, no matter the consequences. This stubbornness has led her to more than a few troublesome spots, including almost getting swept out to sea.





    Weapon Skills:

         >Saber R1

    Armor Skills:

    Extra Skills:


    Combat Mastery:


    Linked Here Under Threads


    Legend: Great - Good - Indifferent - Not Good - Bad

    Lugh: Lugh is Andi's older brother, and though he gets on her nerves a lot, and doesn't really talk to her, she loves him furiously. He has spent his life protecting her, most of the time taking it too far, leaving Andi to clean up the messes, normally literally. Though, she knew in the end he would always have his back.


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