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Posts posted by Nverre

  1. Theodore Silvio Cardozo Barbosa



    FC: Zhongli (Genshin Impact/Real Appearance) / Cú Chulainn (Fate/In-Game Appearance)

    Username: Silvanus

    Real Name: Theodore Silvio Cardozo Barbosa

    Age: 22 > 24 (December 21st)

    Gender: Male

    Height: 188 cm (6’2)

    Complexion: Tan (Natural)/Pale (In-Game)

    Eye Color: Gold (Natural)/Red (In-Game)

    Hair Color: Ash Brown (Natural)/Blue (In-Game)

    Place of Origin: Ericeira, Portugal

    Profession: N/A

    Starter Package: Support



    Theodore was born in the bright and sunny city of Ericeira, Portugal. His parents ran a small shop and restaurant along the beach. Growing up, Theodore spent most of his days surfing the waves of the Atlantic or running through the streets of his hometown with the other children. He developed a bit of a reputation as a helpful child, as he enjoyed finding ways to be helpful and could often be found running errands around town.

    Despite the many hours Theodore spent submerged instead of studying, he was a good student and excelled in school. Following his graduation from secondary school, Theodore attended university to study medicine and engineering. While he greatly enjoyed his time at university and had a great passion for his studies, he nonetheless often felt homesick for the beach and the great outdoors, preferring grass beneath his feet over fumbling through the concrete jungle. 

    As Theodore got closer to deciding where to pursue his postgraduate education, the homesickness issue came into consideration. While some of the programs he had gotten accepted into were very prestigious and would offer him a lot of opportunities, they were also nestled deep into the urban areas, far from any familiar scenery. Fortunately, a solution presented itself in the form of the Nervegear. A perfect simulation of real-life sensations from anywhere would certainly circumvent his homesickness and desire for the outdoors. Out of the options available, the upcoming SAO seemed the best fit, as while Theo was never particularly into videogames or rpgs, a fantasy world with sprawling plans and a hundred different environments seemed like the perfect way to get away and never be bored. However, Theo couldn’t be sure, not without trying it first. So with the date at which he had to make a decision occurring only a few days after the intended SAO server launch, Theo couldn’t afford to wait and see.

    After buying the Nervegear and getting his hands on a copy of SAO, Theo fired up the Nervegear and dove into Aincrad.


    Virtues Flaws


    Theo is extremely loyal to friends. Short of something in direct opposition of his principles, he will always help his friends and defend them, even if they did something wrong. However this does not mean that he will allow his friends to get away with doing something, simply that he will do his best to get the facts straight and make sure it never happens again, whether by teaching, pressure, or even punishment.


    Theo doesn’t allow himself to half-ass things. When he attempts something, he does so with his whole being. If there is an obstacle or difficulty he will work hard to find a solution. Part of Theo’s determination is due to the belief that giving any less than 100% is a disservice to himself and helps no one. The other part of Theo’s determination is his somewhat forced optimism. Whenever Theo encounters a setback or a problem, he tries to see whatever positive he can. Whether it’s just a small benefit of the situation, or maybe simply the opportunity to be challenged and improve, nonetheless he will try to find an upside and keep it in mind.


    Kindness is a virtue that is deeply ingrained within Theo’s character. He believes that treating others with kindness and empathy is essential. In addition to mere politeness and sympathy, Theo actively seeks to alleviate suffering and bring joy to those in need. Whether it’s solving the problem, lending a hand, or simply listening, he’s always willing to help. 




    While Theo’s integrity and morality are generally very positive traits, it does lead to him being something of a stick in the mud. If he believes something is right, he will stand his ground and stand firm. While he will not risk the safety or health of others, he will accept personal loss if he believes that it is the right thing to do.


    Theo is naturally impulsive. He never wants to wait, he never wants to sit still, he’s always in motion, doing something. This can lead to poor decision making.


    Somewhat due to his impulsiveness and stubbornness, Theo can be quite reckless. While he will never knowingly risk others lives or safety, his own safety can often be treated quite flippantly. While it’s not like he’ll throw himself into the jaws of a beast, Theo will generally disregard his own health and well-being, especially mental and emotional, for the sake of others.



    SP: 1/5


    Cloth Armor: Rank 1




    Col: 2000

    Materials: 25





    (3) Starter Healing Potions (Heals 50 HP)


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