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Posts posted by Illisandra

  1. Eyes narrow a bit, as Enya just starts snacking on the bagel. That was hers, blinded by her concern she'd pelted the girl with it. "Definitely, and THAT is mine." Illi extrudes as she swipes the foodstuff back from the girls clutches, debating eating it given cooties. Evidently she ends up stealing a bite, as Enya starts just rambling about books. "Did I break something? Yeah I read, so does a lot of people. Don't think my books are your style powderpuff." An immediate emerging puddle as water oozed off of Ren, dousing himself under the thing.

    "Given how lost you were last time, that does not surprise me." Scanning Ren beneath a heavy white mop of ratty hair plastered to his forehead. Her eyes train right back on Enya, turns out two conversations weren't too difficult to manage from ms. salt and vinegar. "Somewhere easy, Don't go slapping that fucker on like a mountain or your going to need to die every time you want to reach it. Find a warp gate, slap it as close as possible. Your feet will thank you." Grumbling through various bagel bits flying out of her gullet.

    Swapping back to Ren, her still rampant aggro wavering down. Heart still pounding from the jarring jump and flee that Enya had done a total of two seconds after they were just attacked. "We should trade notes sometime, WHEN IM DONE LIVING ON THE STREET." Screeching like a harpy, to no one in particular.

  2. Out of battle regen 1/3

    "What stripes, I don't get what your getting at stretch." her attentions locked to Ren with a bout of confusion. "Oh that, that's a spell. Mark of Death, pretty close and basically could mean either. I studied it like a home... with a book." An eyebrow raising toward the sentiment. "You find that stuff interesting Ren?" As if he'd just found some sort of excitement button, her normally callous behavior falling away to the prospect of another interested in the occult. Illisandra had always been the weird one, the girl to avoid and most thought she was creepy given her interests.

    "Beta test? Uh..." These questions were just a bit too much for her to handle, but her mind remained fixated on the guys acknowledgement of her life's work. "I just did this shit at home, well sorta. Less trees." Not understanding the gist the guy was laying down. A few seconds of them sharing a conversation sees Enya just disappear like a puff of smoke. "The hell she go? DID WE NOT ALMOST GET ATE." There it was the spark of outrage, turning from a doe eyed sponge probing Ren for info to a raging bulldozer in a matter of a few seconds.

    Barely keeping pace with Ren as they raced off to give Enya chase, catching the guy blind past with a bucket. "What's the rush? IS SHE DEAD?" A chopped up sentence after a sprint the girl was hardly prepared for. The minute she sees Enya's face, Illi pings her with a half eaten bagel.


  3. A hearty tug makes a heavy and near traumatizing snap, Illi losing all sense of balance as her world takes to a free falling nightmare. Bits of soil scatter all around, as a nice 3 foot root lingers below the tiniest stem. Grinding to a halt, covered in dirt and looking like she just got sandblasted and coated like a handful of powdered sugar. Shaking her head, an agitated and irritated scowl plastered to her face. Limply the girl lifts the branch up, and her outrage turns to jubilation. "That's right you son of a bitch, guys I got the fucker." Holding this sickly looking thing with an entire network of spider webs dangling out of the back of it. She had won, and with the most child like glee she had to make sure the whole world knew.

    Lifting herself up and patting her clothes sees a cloud emanate from her, wiggling her head and shaking a bit. One can faintly hear the tiny scattering of soil as it falls from her. Tilting her head and gouging her ears, a pair of twin tails dangling off to one side.

    212775    9    3    18    3    Illisandra        Picking Herbs I guess (First Lessons)    2023-06-27 16:25:14

    Quest Materials Gathered: 1/5

  4. OOC: We should have bought that tent, we live here now

    Most of the group had moved on, but Illi with her scarred pride would not let this damn thing get the best of her. Kicking Dimos in the shin as he passes by. "Rude. I said forget it. Never happened." The girl still looked appalled by the sheer embarrassment she'd experienced due to such a menial chore. While the others were so easily defeated, Illi began to size up her opponent. This was about to become the battle of the ages. Inspecting it carefully, twisting the leaves and looking down the little pock mark where the root was poking out. If brawn wasn't the trick then maybe brain would do it. It was a severe waste of her talents but this thing had bruised her ego and it was not about to get off scot free. "Can it with the carebear crap. We're friends now help me finish this so I can go home and take a bath."

    212707 4 6 5 6 Illisandra http://www.cydel.net/images/saorpg/diceroll/Msg_hover2.png Picking Herbs I guess (First Lessons) 2023-06-23 20:47:54
  5. Upkeep, +1 EN

    Starting to pant, running out of juice rather quickly. This was beginning to become rather serious. "Just....Stop." Illi murmurs, struggling to catch her breath under insistent gasps of air. Why there was so many damn wolves, this is why she stayed out of the woods. The woods suck, and just like Ren said how the hell the ecosystem could support this many predators was completely nonsensical. "Anyone got any ideas?" she comments as her scythe blade reappears, because if this didn't work she'd be completely tapped.

    Winding it back, and slicing through the air she began to pick up speed as she casts some sort of accelerant. "Signum Mortis" mumbled as she passes through. Grinding to a sudden stop, no real contact made but notably this small lingering skull danced above the two wolves head. It had worked, and with a sharp grin Illi turns away causing them to charge her. A snap of her fingers sees the skulls detonate like hand grenades sending them tumbling past her in clouds of dust that skip like stones.

    AoE-I [x3], 1+4 [2*2] EN used

    212694    9    6    17    10    Illisandra        AOE-1 [x3] vs. Wolf #11    2023-06-23 19:32:35
    212696    10    9    2    4    Illisandra        AOE-1 [x3] vs. Wolf #12    2023-06-23 19:32:51

    Loot Rolls:

    212697    7    11    1    1    Illisandra        Rolling for Loot: Wolf #11    2023-06-23 19:38:56
    212698    10    6    1    1    Illisandra        Rolling for Loot: Wolf #12    2023-06-23 19:39:10



    T1 Perfect Armor/Shield #212640a
    T1 Perfect Trinket #212640b
    T1 Rare Trinket #212641a
    T1 Rare Weapon #212642a
    T1 Uncommon Consumable #212642b
    T1 Rare Weapon #212669a
    T1 Uncommon Consumable #212669b
    T1 Rare Trinket #212670a

    Enya | HP: 20/20 | EN: 4/20 | DMG: 5 | ACC: 1
    Illisandra | HP: 20/20 | EN: 3/20 | DMG: 4 | ACC: 2
    Rencesvals | HP: 20/20 | EN: 9/20 | DMG: 4 | ACC: 2 | LD: 3

    Wolf #11 | HP: 12/12 | DMG: 6
    Wolf #12 | HP: 12/12 | DMG: 6 

  6. Illi's face contorts into a rather displeased outrage, raising up after getting all the soil out of her hair. Dusting off her behind and fixing her skirt. "Listen here you little shit." Yelling at the plant now, she spits in both hands before rubbing them together. The woman latches onto the stem and begins to heave and tug in the most sporadic and volatile way possible. Frankly it would appear as though she'd pull something other then a plant out. "What....In....The....Total....FUCK!" Illi murmurs between each tug, constantly redirecting and attacking from different angles. After a few minutes of the most suggestive and strained grunting thats when it hit.


    Immediately she lets go of the plant, turns beet red and glares at everyone. "You didn't hear anything. GOT IT?" she then proceeds to step away, trying to heal the horrifying damage to her pride having made a little fart. Girls don't fart.

    212692 9 7 9 10 Illisandra http://www.cydel.net/images/saorpg/diceroll/Msg_hover2.png Picking Herbs I guess (First Lessons) 2023-06-23 19:20:54
  7. Scanning Dimos carefully, "Oh no you don't fucker. You want a paycheck your helping." Before wandering into the woods with the other goons. She'd never admit it but these deeper parts give her the heebie jeebies, and all these people offered her a bit of comfort. Eyeballing a patch of what was presumably what Zackariah wants, Illi began to rub her hands together. "Woah woah, Powder puff no need to get your knickers in a bunch. I'm not that delicate that a few rogue remarks are going to make me break down in tears." Looking over to Dimos "Even if he is a dick, he's our dick now. At least until this is over, then he can go be edgy somewhere else. Maybe with a better suit." That same coy smile, salting the wound as usual. 

    212674 5 9 9 6 Illisandra http://www.cydel.net/images/saorpg/diceroll/Msg_hover2.png Picking Herbs I guess (First Lessons) 2023-06-23 18:13:15

    Leaning down and clasping the root, she eyes Ren. "You got to lift with your legs, Stretch. They get real in there." Speaking from real life experience and little did she know that it was a check or fail system. Grunting and pulling as hard as she could, as her feet began to slide in the muck. "Almost..." Before she ends up moving ass over teakettle and some soil rains down on her head. No plant, a hair full of muck she starts raking through it to remove the debris. "Son of a BITCH. That thing is in THERE." 

  8. Upkeep: +1 EN, top of the turn

    Completely oblivious to the coming threat as she rights up her weapon, the translucent part of the edge beginning to fade into obscurity. Twisting her head back at Ren's sudden shock and drawing a blade, flying out of the tree line is a pack of wolves come tearing ass out. Illi shrieks having little rebuttal given her skill stasis was still locking her out, virtually paralyzed in place. A gleaming powerhouse comes flying through, sending bits of fur in a blast as a few whimpers decree that nearly all of them had expired.

    "Fuck that was close, thanks Ren." a weirdly genuine appreciation from the girl. A small notification on her HUD alerts her that her skills were ready to use again, as more wolves begin to pour themselves from the cover. "WE'RE DONE. GET BENT!" The girl screeches as her blade reappears, still slightly see through. Dragging it low and grabbing one from below she spins on her heels and pile drives its carcass into another, before getting the hell out of dodge. Keeping it simple, she didn't want to become a damn dog biscuit.

    AoE-I [x3], 1+4 [2*2] EN used

    212664    8    5    16    7    Illisandra        AOE-1 [x3] vs. Wolf #7    2023-06-23 17:55:12
    212663    3+2=5, Missed    5    5    5, Missed vs. Illi    Illisandra        AOE-1 [x3] vs. Wolf #6    2023-06-23 17:54:56
    212662    2+2=4, Missed    1    19    5, Missed vs. Illi    Illisandra        AOE-1 [x3] vs. Wolf #5    2023-06-23 17:54:38
    212661    10    5    16    8    Illisandra        AOE-1 [x3] vs. Wolf #3    2023-06-23 17:54:24

    212669    8    6    12    7    Illisandra        Rolling for Loot: Wolf #3    2023-06-23 17:57:46
    212670    7    10    6    2    Illisandra        Rolling for Loot: Wolf #7    2023-06-23 17:58:00


    T1 Perfect Armor/Shield #212640a
    T1 Perfect Trinket #212640b
    T1 Rare Trinket #212641a
    T1 Rare Weapon #212642a
    T1 Uncommon Consumable #212642b
    T1 Rare Weapon #212669a
    T1 Uncommon Consumable #212669b
    T1 Rare Trinket #212670a

    Enya | HP: 20/20 | EN: 11/20 | DMG: 5 | ACC: 1
    Illisandra | HP: 20/20 | EN: 7/20 | DMG: 4 | ACC: 2
    Rencesvals | HP: 20/20 | EN: 13/20 | DMG: 4 | ACC: 2 | LD: 3

    Wolf #3 | HP: 12/12 | DMG: 6
    Wolf #5 | HP: 12/12 | DMG: 6 
    Wolf #6 | HP: 12/12 | DMG: 6
    Wolf #7 | HP: 12/12 | DMG: 6

  9. "Hey...HEY! Watch where your touching, suit. I'm not done here." The girl screeches as she clambers for anything she can grab that isnt taped down. Ending up with 3 nails and a bit of string, puffed out cheeks and feeling like an idiot a couple doors down. "I was looking for a plant." Illi scoffed beneath her breath, embarrassed by the mistake. "Armor? How bout we get paid before we try spending it, capisce?" Scanning the shop of Zackariah's with a irritated tone, her demeanor quickly shifts from one of anger to mischievous joy.

    Slinking to and fro behind various glassware that makes her appearance seem oblong and stretched to high hell. Like a gathering of fun house mirrors. "Nice digs old timer." She eludes as she reaches out and taps on one of the alembics. "Where's your cauldron? Is that a recipe book? Lemme see..." Illi starts sticking her nose where it doesn't belong and Zackariah is forced to lift a small tome high into the air. Toning out the droning, eyes fixated to the book just out of reach as she swiped at it like a kitten.

    Zack, was far too tall.

    As the others wandered out of the shop, she couldn't help but notice she was being left behind. "Wait, damn it!" Her gaze jumping back to the NPC, she takes two fingers and points to her eyes before a quick snap points them back at a shocked Zackariah. She'd be back for him, and he was in danger.

    "Wait weeds? I wasn't listening. We need weeds now. I thought we were just playing delivery boy. See I knew it was too good to be true." Cheeks puff out again, to symbolize her displeasure.

  10. "The hell are you doing!?" Illi remarks looking at Enya with the most disturbed look on her face. "I am not a farmer, and if these fuckers want vegetables they can do that their damn selves." As the girl scanned around, Illi grabs the girls head and turns her to face a small collective of deer. "You see that, that's meats, cook." Releasing the girls head and ripping her right arm out to her right. "Watch me twinkle toes, I don't got all day to be sitting around playing fruits basket. Also deal, Stre- Ren. Ren. That. Deal. But me first."

    A flash sees a pole appear that she twirls like a staff before docking it behind her right shoulder, and a slightly translucent glass looking scythe blade draws itself on its end. The deer perk up, and a pair of hearty antlers come into view. A sudden and jarring lunge and Illi passes through. It appears as though the girl missed all of them, before she begins to stand with a snicker. "Facies Filum Obitus." As she seems to pull on these thin white strings that promptly vanish.

    Twirling the scythe back to her side, she snaps her fingers in a gentle click. All four explode in a spray of red mist. "Like that, get over here Enya!"

    AoE-I [x3], 1+8 [2*4] EN used

    212638    6    9    15    9    Illisandra        AOE-1 [x3] vs. Deer #4    2023-06-22 21:21:01
    212637    6    11    2    5    Illisandra        AOE-1 [x3] vs. Deer #3    2023-06-22 21:20:46
    212636    6    7    4    9    Illisandra        AOE-1 [x3] vs. Deer #12    2023-06-22 21:20:33
    212635    5    10    5    8    Illisandra        AOE-1 [x3] vs. Deer #1    2023-06-22 21:20:19

    3x4=12 DMG to all 4, because math

    212639    3    2    3    5    Illisandra        Rolling for Loot: Deer #1    2023-06-22 21:22:15
    212640    5    7    19    5    Illisandra        Rolling for Loot: Deer #2    2023-06-22 21:22:27
    212641    7    6    6    2    Illisandra        Rolling for Loot: Deer #3    2023-06-22 21:22:39
    212642    1    5    13    8    Illisandra        Rolling for Loot: Deer #4    2023-06-22 21:22:51



    T1 Perfect Armor/Shield #212640a
    T1 Perfect Trinket #212640b
    T1 Rare Trinket #212641a
    T1 Rare Weapon #212642a
    T1 Uncommon Consumable #212642b

    Illisandra | HP: 20/20 | EN: 11/20 | DMG: 4 | ACC: 2
    Enya | HP: 20/20 | EN: 20/20 | DMG: 5 | ACC: 1
    Rencesvals | HP: 20/20 | EN: 20/20 | DMG: 4 | ACC: 2 | LD: 3

    Deer #1 | HP: 12/12 | DMG: 6
    Deer #2 | HP: 12/12 | DMG: 6
    Deer #3 | HP: 12/12 | DMG: 6
    Deer #4 | HP: 12/12 | DMG: 6

  11. "That's where you got off to, us girls have to stick to-" eyeballing the newly arriving Ren with half a bagel sitting out of her gullet. "Oh hell yeah, welcome to the club meat shield. I was just forcing Enya to pick up cooking." Dropping a bit of crumbs all over the place before she plucks out a little baggy filled with clams and other random shit. "Save me a buck or two, and then I dont have to do it. Win meet win." Gesturing with both hands with a bagel hanging out of her mouth before she pats Enya with an open palm. "So my guy. You joining in the fun then. Would be good to not have to sew my ass back together." Her gaze swaps back to the player she'd roped into this mess.

    "So how we doing this, did the quest dork tell you anything? Are we growing shit like farmers or what?" Illi's attention seemed solely deadlocked on what was important, and right now that was collecting a way to not have to deal with blowing through an entire day of grinding on room and board. Yeah, that.

    Illi consumes Field Ration: HP 22/22


    Illisandra, The Maiden of Strings
    Level: 1
    Paragon Level: 0
    HP: 20/20
    EN: 20/20

    Damage: 4
    Accuracy: 2

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Ghost Hunter's Training Scythe [T1/Rare/Polearm] (Accuracy +2)


  12. As the others followed suit out of the mayors abode, Illi hopped from the surrounding wall and weaved her fingers behind her back. "So how much we talking, and how long is this going to take?" Before her composure soured, checking eyesight with Dimos. "You wish, be grateful if I decide to pick you out of somethings gullet. Dee-mos." A deliberate exaggeration of his name for added taunting. "Your too damn chipper." The girl shifted her laser focus on Enya, taking a mental note that she'd pocketed the parcel. "I totally will leave ya'll behind." reaching up and grabbing Ren's wrist and slightly pushing it toward something resembling vaguely accurate instead of right out the wall. "Minus you, stretch. Your my boulder. Wouldn't want me getting hurt all by myself, right?"

    The innocent act probably wasn't getting her very far, unless he was real dense. Chivalry was exploitable though, and she'd take all the power she could get. Illi uses Ren's arm as an iron sight on a gun, shutting one eye and looking where he was pointing. "Lets hit him sooner then later, then I'll know where I stand. And maybe I'll share with you both." Offering a coy grin to Enya and Dimos.

    "That is if your good meat shields."

    Scampering ahead of the group, past a number of buildings labeled with swaying signs. Icons of hammers, needles, a stack of coins or what have you. Tolbana was quite the ripe location for quest targeting it seemed. But she finally finds their golden goose. A singular nightshade hanging out of a plant affixed to an awning, shifting to the sound of insistent hammer blows in sharp clangs. Whistling as she's the first inside, scanning a bright orange furnace and pulling her heeled boots back to dodge some showering sparks.


  13. A midafternoon lull played upon the settlement of Tolbana. Dim glows of orange began to bleed out of windowpanes, matching columns of smoke that exit from slits above nigh every rooftop. Pungent scents of spice and produce filled the air, where kettles of porridge was surely being nursed as to feed a rising appetite. A subtle growl in Illi's stomach sounds off her acknowledgement, making known that a single apple wouldn't be a full meal for the day.  Sporadically she dejects from her own embarrassment.

    "Nice to meet you paycheck, I mean Dorian." speaking with a quirky smile plastered to her face, taking note of a handshake between the dude and Ren. This guy was the formal type apparently, a handshake and all these pleasantries sat funky with her. "What if he doesn't pay?" The blunt question rises immediately, right to Dorian. "Do we spank him then? And are we getting paid anyway?"

    Dorian looks to the girl with the almost horrified glance. "Not at all, I must insist that there will be no issues. Simply deliver this parcel to the man and return here for payment."

    Illi with a bit of a skepticism an eyebrow raises. This guy seemed pretty thick himself, nothing was ever that simple. "Illi." she barks out a response to Ren as she pops a hip with a hand clasped to her waist. "Sure, but I wont take no for an answer. Better get that wallet ready, pennybags. A girls gotta eat, and my time aint cheap."

    Her hand slides free, and she ushers to a fence and hops up with a smile looking to Dimos. "Better pick up the pace trash bag, or that overtime is about to bite your keister. Unless..." Her grin gets a bit wider. "You want to leave...God knows I can find a use for your share after all."

  14. A singular harsh shove from Illi with a instant rebuttal to Dimos "No no, he's mine I saw him first. Get your own stiff." Taking the flier and sizing Ren up at closer inspection "You'll do nicely. Tell me stretch, how tough is that skin of yours." A set of armor, a bit of a glimmer. This guy would make for an excellent glowing metal distraction, and if you'd look close enough you'd find a pair of dollar signs playing the part of irises. Eying the other two, sizing them up heavily. "Second thought, you can be my meat shields." The girl had set her sights on a brand new prospect, and using the paper as guide she starts to walk.

    "Come on whatever your name is, we'll be late and like hell if I am letting this pass me by." Her eyes immediately scan to Enya. "Hurry up, I don't have all day. Clocks ticking."

    Right out the walls of the city, a bombastic group of mooks destined for greatness. Or to die horribly, but thems the breaks.

  15. Sizing up this monkey in tight wrapper, Illi toyed with a response. "Explains a lot, no wonder you cant smell the bullshit your wearing. Those standard issue dupe suits or tailor made?" Sliding up from the fountain and weighing her options for an exit stage left. Eyeballing the tan haired girl, seriously taken completely off guard with a clear shift in her posture. "You cannot be serious?" Scanning the girls eyes as the lightbulb clearly had died, or was never lit in the first place.

    Waving her hand around and shuffling the smoke away, giving a sharp cough. Enough was enough, the girl leans down and scoops a handful of water from the fountain and tosses it onto mister black jumpsuit. Attempting to put out a cigarette she'd missed him discarding. "Better. Now." Her attention finally slides to the white haired delivery boy, who honestly just took the punch like it was nothing. Either thick or smart, no matter given the way it worked. "Dorian is who again? I might know."

    Illi counted her blessings, maybe she could rope him into using that head of his for target practice. Would save her the licking she'd eat otherwise.

  16. Scrunching up her nose, Illi turns with a sour look strapped to her face. A violent snap like a whip "Do you have to do that here!? It smells, wouldn't you rather wipe your ass with your own tongue?" Scanning the nonchalant yet overtly offensive stink that bled from a well dressed goon. Reminded her clearly of a banker, or a hitman. As a small collective of tiny green diamonds started to become more prevalent. "No, do it yourself." The girl barked out toward another who had slinked up from some place behind the fountain. "What am I your mom? Get Bent." Why a sudden gaggle of small screaming flies had began to circle her eluded her, lifting her arm and taking a whiff in a sharp inhale.

    "Am I giving off some sort of stupid attractant?"

    An agitated rumble in the girls stomach bequeathed and demanded tribute shattering her concentration, and skittering to a tumbling halt was a bright red piece of irresistible offering.  Without a second thought, a greedy paw that plucked it from the stonework and broke the skin. Who it belonged to wasn't important, what mattered was that it was free. Grinding it down and helping herself, she eyed the top of a bright white hairdo. "Nice going stretch, they build you with two left feet or no toes?"

    Illi consumes 1 field ration
    HP becomes 22/22

  17. 19291380_Howtocreateadndtown29.jpg.8405fb2faa9140f392566d7ad375c709.jpgThe soft whistle of wind through emerald green leaves lingering just beyond the walls, causing them to sporadically sway and bend in a somber serenity. A chained cacophony of footfalls that grace hardened brick, creating a cascade of patters in a droning white noise. Sounds accented by the insistent chattering of players and NPC alike, an exchange of goods between the town. 

    Aboard a centered fountain, whose ever clear waters glimmered beneath a bright burning sun. Gentle mist finding itself into a hue of color as it reflects, the slight bits of silver beneath its surface becoming like stars as they peered back. A violet haired girl, haired tied above in a tight pair of bands in long tails that threatened to dunk themselves in the water.

    Staring in earnest into a small clasped purse, offering it nothing more then a reticent sigh. A dwindling lifeline, coin running ever lower and matched with a handful of meager meals. At the rate she was heading, Illi had two days tops before she'd be on the street and eating grass. "Ugh...What an annoying turn of events." she decrees as passersby pay her no mind.



    Illisandra, The Maiden of Strings
    Level: 1
    Paragon Level: 0
    HP: 20/20
    EN: 20/20

    Damage: 4
    Accuracy: 2

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Ghost Hunter's Training Scythe [T1/Rare/Polearm] (Accuracy +2)

    Polearm R1

    Battle Ready Inventory:

    Field Rations 2/2


  18. 360_F_567568979_fzkWVfXEVi23vw8yudmQtaJMShGuQL8r.jpg.3923791ac047f36b58a25c2fc09ba39a.jpgA quaint little building right in the center of Scalabis that no one seems to visit. The building is unmarked but eludes a bit of intrigue. Inside smells of all manner of spices and odd scents.

    A myraid of shelves obscure ones view with vials of odd mixtures in various colors and sizes. Just beyond, a large black cauldron bubbles away releasing clouds of vibrant colors that dance with shapes from time to time. Beyond that a number of old books on lecterns open and revealing recipes to all that would scan.

    A back wall shows a number of obtuse ingredients: Eye of Newt, Rabbit Feet, Lizard Scales, Hawk Talons and more. Should you be in the market for a potion, best go somewhere else and avoid the indigestion and the taste.

  19. Skills:
    SP: 1/5

    Polearm Mastery - R1


    Set B | DPS Package

    Rare Weapon of choice - Ghost Hunter's Training Scythe (Accuracy +2)
    (3) Starter Healing Potions (Heals 50 HP)
    2,500 Col and (10) Materials


    [Insert Equipment here.]

    [Insert Consumables here.]

  20. Virtues

    Studied - The girls been around the block or two, and by block I mean book. Illi's best friends are books, especially the old dusty kind that claim weird things that about 90% of people think are cockamamie. You want to know what flavor of salt is good one a particular omelet? Get bent. But if you want to know what flavor of salt will disperse a banshee she has you covered.
    Athletic - Illi has a particular set of skills, one that would save your daughter if she was kidnapped. Backflips, cartwheels and all manner of things she could snap her neck doing she does regularly. Exorcists in training for some reason have to dodge ghosts I guess, chick is nuts.
    Confident - Illisandra doesn't back down or out, the girl is confident and this overconfidence will definitely probably get her killed. Dont think it or say it though, or she'll be whining about it for a few hours. Illi thinks she fine, and she wont let anyone tell her otherwise.


    Sharp Tongued - Illi does not hold a verbal punch so to speak. The girl has little to no issue stating the obvious in the most verbally abrasive way possible. This flaw can quickly unravel a party unless the others are willing to roll with the punches she throws, because she will get under some peoples skin.
    Short Tempered - The girl hates beating around the bush, waiting, bullshitting or what have you. Illi quick to the point, and she wants an answer or some progress. If absent she'll end up complaining, yelling and typically just being a major pain the ass.
    Short Sighted - Illi only cares about what Illi cares about, everything else can go die on a hill. Heavily focused on whatever matter she is currently enraptured in, everything else falls into the bushes. If it isn't todays hot study session, leave it at home or face the buttfaces wrath.

  21. 859172659_Illisandrafull.thumb.jpg.48d116df996404b059c4bcbc6f7f784e.jpgProfile
    Username: Illi
    Real name: Illisandra Serentithe
    Age: 24
    Gender: Female
    Height: 5'3


    A studious child born to a pair of exorcists: Vicorai and Lalita. Living out of a shrine, growing up to learn how to thwart ghosts and demons was the practice. Despite the obtuse upbringing, a normal school life and decent grades to boot. The girl never took any interest in side hobbies, other then excessive reading. It was in her lineage to follow in her parents footsteps.

    The girl believes herself a witch, incanting all manner of sorcery and curse to the unsuspecting. Half of her studies are locked solely on the occult. To a million people shes crazy, spouting off nonsense that does absolutely nothing. To her shes curing the world of a supernatural illness. So which is it? Is her and her family a bunch of snake oil salesmen or is there some truth to it.

    Probably not

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