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Posts posted by Siraius

  1. Siraius returned Dhalia's hug, excited to see his old high school friend. "I can't believe you're here, Dah - I mean, Ciela. Didn't think you'd get stuck in this game too, although I can't exactly blame you for being drawn to SAO. As for you, Wulfrin, it's good to see you. Sticking true to your colors, I see?" He nudged Wulfrin, smiling at his two friends. Siraius noticed a little otter running around excitedly, so he reached down to scratch under the otter's chin. "Hello there, little fella." He stood up as Wulfrin formally introduced everyone, then explained The First Lessons quest line. 

    "Tolbana, huh? I've heard of that town from some players that came in and out of the Town of Beginnings, and I've heard mentions of something about lessons, so I guess that's what they were talking about. Sounds relatively straightforward. Lead the way, you two." Siraius fell in step behind Ciela and Wulfrin, excited to be setting out on a new journey and for a change of pace. It was strange being reunited with is two friends, both from different walks of life - one from his real life, one from his virtual one.

  2. Siraius sprinted down the streets of the Town of Beginnings, having gotten sidetracked on his way to the gate and losing track of time. "He's probably there by now... I need to hurry!" he thought to himself. He ran past NPCs and players, bumping into a few along the way. "Sorry!" he shouted, slowing down a bit to be more mindful of his surroundings. As he was running, Siraius realized Wulfrin said meet us at the gate, not meet him at the gate. Did that mean there were more people with him? If so, he wondered who Wulfrin would be bringing along, and how strong they might be. It intimidated Siraius somewhat, but he knew that whatever the case he could handle anything Wulfrin threw his way like he did before. He could learn something from them, in any event - and learning was something he enjoyed.

    Fast approaching the gate, Siraius saw two figures standing there. He immediately recognized Wulfrin in his signature red and black attire. He smiled to himself."Some things never change, it seems." Drawing closer, he waved to Wulfrin and his companion, calling out to them. "Hey, Wulfrin!" As he reached them, he slowed down to catch his breath for a moment before looking up. Recognition sparked in Siraius' eyes, as he had fond memories of the copper-haired menace in front of him. "Wait a second.. Dahlia? Is that you?"

  3. Siraius was perusing some of the shops around the Town of Beginnings, considering a few different items he might need for his trek out beyond the city. He wasn't sure where he was headed, precisely, but he wanted to be somewhat prepared. While browsing, he saw a message from Wulfrin. He smiled to himself, glad that Wulfrin still remembered him. He sent a quick reply, before stepping away from the stall he was browsing. While he was excited to hear back from Wulfrin, he wasn't exactly sure how their potential reunion would pan out. The two of them had once been close, playing several games together any time Siraius had free time. But as their lives went in different directions, they grew somewhat apart. Siraius just couldn't keep up with his incredibly active life. Now that they were both trapped in SAO, however, he was hoping that would change. He wanted to reignite the friendship that they had in the past, and hopefully learn a thing or two about this new world in the process.


    To: Wulfrin
    From: Siraius
    Subject: Help Response

    I'm still in the Town of Beginnings. I'll go into more detail later, but I've made up my mind on some things and was hoping you'd be willing to help a newbie out. You know, for old time's sake.


  4. Siraius stretched his fingers, taking a deep breath as he surveyed the bustling streets of the Town of Beginnings. A complex mix of emotions coursed through him. "This is my life now, whether I like it or not,"  he thought. On the one hand, he wasn't exactly thrilled to be trapped inside this video game, forced to fight his way forward for survival in a world he wasn't altogether familiar with. This was a world alien to him, a stark contrast to the predictable patterns of his previous life. But on the other hand, he couldn't deny a sense of liberation - he was free. The relentless grind of practice sessions, the monotonous drone of lectures and assignments, the heavy expectations resting on his shoulders - all faded away. His destiny was now his to forge, and yet he had no idea what to do with himself.

    For months, Siraius lingered in the Town of Beginnings, familiarizing himself with his new surroundings and coming to terms with his new life. But he couldn't stay here forever. His mind made up, Siraius decided it was high time for him to venture out and explore more of this new world he was part of. "A new world - a new life. Let's see what I can make of myself, shall we?" He didn't have an exact plan in mind, but he knew he had to do something. It was then he remembered his good friend Lance - or he supposed it was Wulfrin now. "I wonder what he's up to... it's been quite a while since we last talked." Siraius decided he'd send Wulfrin a message, see if he'd still be alive after all this time. "Hey there Wulfrin. It's been a while. Got a sec to help out an old friend?"

    Now, as he awaited a response, Siraius stood there on the edge of the unknown, his heart ablaze with purpose. This was the dawn of his new chapter, his very own Overture, in a world full of possibilities.



    Siraius | Lv. 1 | HP: 20/20| EN: 20/20| DMG: 5 | ACC: 1

    Equipped Items:

    • Rare Rapier | Tier 1 One-Handed Rapier | DAMAGE I, ACCURACY I

    Battle-Ready Inventory:

    • Healing Potion (3) | Tier 1 Perfect Potion | HP RECOVERY III [+60 HP]

    Consumed Items:

    • N/A


    • One-Handed Sabre | RANK 1/5

    Misc. Buffs:

    • N/A






    Username: Siraius
    Real name: Khyrion Vayne
    Age: 24
    Gender: Male
    Height: 5’10”

    Origin: America
    Birthday: July 24th


    Born to Alaric and Selene Vayne, Khyrion was the embodiment of their high expectations and aspirations. Alaric, a renowned surgeon, and Selene, a celebrated concert violinist, envisioned a life of excellence and distinction for their youngest son. They believed in the adage, "To be the best, you must do everything," and Khyrion's life became a testament to that philosophy. From an early age, Khyrion was enrolled in a myriad of activities. From morning rigorous swim practice before the sun even peaked over the horizon, to school hours blurring by with advanced classes and pulling weight as the calculus team captain. Afternoons were reserved for orchestra practice, where he swiftly mastered the violin, his fingers deftly moving across the strings. Evenings were a whirlwind of theater rehearsals, Khyrion transforming onstage into characters from distant lands and bygone eras, his performance a bridge to worlds unknown. Weekends were no less hectic, with Khyrion participating in community service, additional tutorials, and a host of other extracurricular activities that would make any resume glow. His parents watched with pride as their son excelled in every field, his life a carefully curated exhibition of achievements and accolades. Yet, in the quiet solitude of his room, hidden from the careful scrutiny of his parents, Khyrion harbored a secret sanctuary - gaming.

    In the virtual realms of MMOs and RPGs, Khyrion found the freedom he so desperately craved. Here, he wasn't Khyrion Vayne, but Siraius - fearless warrior, exploring vast worlds unbounded by the expectations that shackled him in reality. Gaming became his solace, a haven where he could cast off the mantle of perfection and just be. It was in these games that Khyrion discovered the essence of who he truly wanted a be - a hero not because of his achievements or expectations placed upon him, but for his courage to embark on quests, to help others, and to forge his own path. As Khyrion grew, so did the tension between the world his parents had crafted for him and the one he yearned to explore. 

    As Khyrion's journey of self-discovery unfolded, he found himself increasingly drawn to the virtual world of Sword Art Online, a game that promised an escape far beyond anything he had experienced before. It wasn't just the thrill of adventure that captivated him, but the complexity of relationships and the depth of character development within the game. SAO offered a sanctuary where he could explore facets of his identity free from the pressures and expectations of his real-life persona. In SAO, he could truly become Siraius. One evening, as the sun set behind the horizon, Khyrion logged into SAO after a long day of classes and rehearsals for what he believed to be another escape into the digital realm. However, this session was different. An unexpected twist in the game's plot trapped its players within the virtual world, their consciousness tethered to their avatars. Panic spread across the SAO community as the reality of their situation sank in: to escape SAO, they most complete the game, and any attempt to remove the NerveGear prematurely, or failure within the game, would mean death in the real world.

    In this high-stakes environment, Khyrion's wit and problem-solving skills, honed through years of balancing numerous responsibilities, came to the forefront. Khyrion's journey became not just a fight for survival, but for a life where he could be true to himself. The world of SAO, once an escape, became the arena in which Khyrion would fight and challenge himself more than ever before, challenging him to emerge not just as a survivor, but a warrior defined by his own actions and the quest for authenticity in a reality of his own making.



    1. Selfless: Never one to leave a friend behind, Siraius always steps up to the plate when it comes to helping others. Regardless of the situation, even if it puts him in danger, Siraius will put others before himself.  His own wants and desires are important to him, but he's more than willing to put them aside if it means assisting those he cares about or a fellow Player in need.
    2. Creative: Siraius is quick on his feet and inventive, allowing him to think outside of the box when necessary. His ideas might not always be the most practical or foolproof, but he isn't afraid to get out there with ideas if it means solving a potential problem. Siraius is quite the dreamer, constantly thinking of new ideas and problems to solve.
    3. Levelheaded: Siraius is known to be calm and collected, especially under stressful situations. He works great under pressure, steeling his nerves and collecting his thoughts before diving into any situation. Though he can be an emotional person at times, he knows how to reign in his emotions and prevent them from getting the better of him.


    1. Inattentive: Siraius has a tendency to lose track of what's going on around him if it's not his focal point. Ideas flit in and out of focus, sometimes before they fully form. If he's not fixated on something he often gets distracted, causing him to lose focus and not pay attention to what's going on around him.
    2. People Pleaser: Other people's wants and desires come above Siraius' own, even if it's to his own detriment. He has a hard time saying no to just about anyone, even if he knows it might not be the wisest course of action. Partially due to his kindness but also due to his own self-perception, he believes that everyone else matters more than he does.
    3. Hyperfixation: If Siraius is focused on something, hardly anything else in the world matters at that moment. Siraius will often focus on something until it's completed regardless of how long it takes. Even if he keeps failing, even if he needs to work a hundred times, until he loses interest or completes the task he will see it through.



    Skills [4/5 RP]:
    - <<Saber R1>>

    - New Character Bundle: Set B: DPS Package

             - Rare Weapon of Choice - Rapier, Damage I and Accuracy I Enhancements
             - 3 Starter Healing Potions
             - 2,500 Col
             - 10 Materials

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