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[PP-F1] First Impressions (Coddexx and evac) Complete

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Trying to make some friends I looked through the character list and came across a name that stood out to me 'evac'. After some PMing with him I decided to ask him to meet up with me at the Inn that I've been staying in. "Bijorn's Bar and Inn" was an interesting Inn that I had been glad that I stumbled upon. It was a small Inn in the town of beginnings that is a smaller little tavern with a few rooms upstairs that were rented out for 20 col a night. Not a bad deal if I did say so myself. The downstairs tavern was a small open room with a fireplace, six tables, a bar, and at the bar was an NPC named Bijorn. He had a large beard and spoke in a deep hearty voice. I went downstairs and sat at one of the tables and waited for evac to show up. Choosing the table closest to the fire I gazed into the flames waiting and tapping my fingers on the table.

Edited by Coddexx
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"Aaawwww Nix, you know we have to go!" I said to my familliar as I started walking to the Bijorn's bar and inn. Nix gave me a look that said I dont know about this bro. I looked back at him and picked him up and on my shoulders. He felt best there. I was close enough to see the place I was headed. "Nixx why are you getting so restless bro?!!" I asked giving him a quizzical smile. "Hrrrrr!" He said. "Oh well, we are here now." I said while rubbing his ears. Looking for Coddexx, I got tired and finally said, "Alright, whos Coddexx?" I said with a grin.

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I raised my hand laughing a bit from the display of this guy and his panda who obviously didn't want to be here. "I'm Coddexx.  Come sit here with me" I looked at the two of them and realized that there was a obvious bond between them. "I knew that you had tamed a panda but I'm surprised how close you two are already." Looking over toward Bijorn I called out to him asking him to bring me a drink.  He came over happily giving me a tankard filled with a bubbly liquid. "Just put it on my tab. Thank you Bijorn" he left leaving me my drink.  Looking back at evac I said " how are you?   You thirsty?"

Edited by Coddexx
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MNix made a sound that said why do we have to be HERE?!! As Coddexx smiled and raised his hand and introduced himself, I grabbed Nix and put him in my arms. I was looking forwards to this conversation, and as I started I said "Yeah, he attaches to anyone I know. He is a scardy cat though. He will warm up to you, I promise!" I said with a smile. When I sat down I thought about what I wanted to drink and decided to not drink seeing as though I would like to remember this conversation and not forget about it. "Im okay, thank you though." I put Nix on the table and he backed up into me while staring at Coddexx. "Sorry about this little punk," I said while pointing at Nix, "He gets kinda onry in public places. But thats beside the point, what do you wanna talk about?" I asked with a smile.

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Laughing at Nix and his restlessness I answered Evac " Not one hundred percent sure. I just thought you might want to figure out some more things about Aincrad and just get to know each other. I'd like to go adventuring some time. I've been attempting to build up my friends list." Taking a deep drink from my tankard I surveyed the man and pet in front of me. " Was there anything that you were wanting in particular from this meeting?" Thinking for a moment I raised another question. " Besides taming Nix what other things have you done so far?"

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"Same stuff as you it seems, but other than my pal here, Ive done little. And Id consider us friends." I said while smiling. Nix had been inching closer and closer to Coddexx as we were talking. He was about three inches from his hands before I said we were friends, but as if moved by some instinct Nix jumped onto Coddexx's arm and looked at him like he had just given him a peice of bamboo. Waiting for Coddexx to reply I added "Weird isnt that? Its as if there is a mechanic in play." I laughed at Coddexx's suprised yet happy face. "Mind if I call you Cody? Or do you want me to stay traditional? Im fine with either, its just that Cody is easier to remember."

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Never having heard that nickname before I was a little taken off guard. " Well I've never been called Cody before but I guess if it works for you I'm fine with it. It may just take a little getting used to" I said smiling. " Honestly though I prefer Coddexx I like it. It is kinda weird I'm not super sure how I came up with it. I like how it is seven letters but only two sylables. It is seemingly simple when you first here it but then when you look at it further its a little more complex. I think it suits me. " I said trailing off realizing I was overthinking things. "So what skills do you plan on using? " 

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"Coddexx it is then. And in answer to your question, a DPS build. Acrobatics, athletics, katana, and the usuall." I said as I sent him a friend request. Nix had settled down in his arms and went to sleep. I looked at Coddexx. "You might not know me enough to press that accept button, but you will soon enough. You said earlier you wanted to go on some adventures, Im always ready for one. Nix is too." I looked at Bijorn "Another round for my friend here and I."

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As Bijorn brought us a round of drinks I shook my head and tapped the accept button.  "Why not" I said "I could use friends who are always ready for adventure." As the screen popped up saying that evac was added to my friends list I returned my attention to my previous question.  "Okay so a DPS build.  That's what I'm going for as well however I'm sticking with my curved sword. I know the majority of people go straight for the katana but it just doesn't feel right for me.  I like the one handed blade." Changing the topic slightly I said "So have you looked at any professions.  I'm an alchemist so I can make potions and stuff like that."

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"Not really, although I wouldnt mind being a black smith. But I dont have someone to tutor me yet.... I would much rather have someone to teach me than apprentice under an NpC. Too bad there isnt a need for biomedical engineers here. What made you choose Alchemy? Sorry if I am being grandiliquent..." I asked/said with a frowny face. I hate it when I get all relaxed and use big words. Although I would only change for one thing. Nix woke up and shuffled back to me. It intrigued me as to why he was going to keep his sword. "Question. Why keep the curved sword?" I said with a quizzical glance.

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" Bio medical Engineer huh?" I said laughing a bit. " Blacksmithing can be real good since you can make your own weapons and armor. There isn't much of a learning curve for any of the crafts. All you need to do to get started is to do the quest 'Earning a Living' You'll find an NPC that will show you the basics. then if you read about your craft in the guidebook it is all downhill from there. all the crafts are fairly simple. If you want, even though I'm an alchemist I could help you through the earning a living quest."  Returning to his question about my curved blade. " Oh and about the curved blade. I don't know why all the way but I like the way it feels and looks personally. Also I don't care much for two handed weapons. I know the rank five sword arts for a katana can do more damage in the long run but all in all the curved blade goes better with my playsyle. Also with being an alchemist I can make potions that buff my damage." 

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"Cool." Nix sighed. "Wanna do something fun?" I asked. Today had been boring except for this talk we were having. I felt Bleh. Whatever Bleh means. It started raining outside. "Nix hates the rain.. looks like that plan got killed by weather. What do you want to do now?" Nix curled into a ball on the table. "I dare you to pull his tail." I said with a smile. Knowing what would happen, I scooted back a little in my chair. I hoped he did. "Wait dont do that. He will bite you. In. The. Ear. It hurts, although its a good way to peirce your ear though." I said while laughing.

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ID#40637  MD:1
1 -1 evasion= 0 Critic Failure
Looking outside and seeing the rain I was glad I was inside. Being the adventuring type I decided to pull the Little Pandas tail. " Okay I will give it a try." I said as I crept up near the little guy. I pulled his tail and he woke with a shock trying to bite my ear. I pulled back out of the way just in time that Nix missed and fell off the table I quickly caught him and set him up on the table making sure he is okay. " I guess I am too fast for the little guy." I handed Nix Back to evac " He is quite onry though. He has some fighting spirit." 

Edited by Coddexx
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"Yeah, that he is. He likes women alot more than men. I have noticed that. He bites mine to wake me up when he wants me to. Its worth it though. Having a companion is truly nice, eventhough it is just codes they sometimes feel real. Makes me miss reality." I said with a frowny smile. Nix grumbled and got on my shoulder. Wow, I need to train this guy better. "When it stops raining would you help me train him not to do that? We will do it in town so we dont lose hp. Neither will he." I said pointing to Nix, who was staring out the window at the rain.

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"I mean I could try to help but I am not quite sure how to train an animal. Let alone a Panda." finishing my drink I added " Aren't you a Panda Tamer?  Maybe you can tap into that skill to teach him not to bite? " I smiled and then my face sobered. " I know what you mean though. I really do miss reality. I mean I love adventure and am super happy to be here it truly is a beautiful world. However I do miss the real world. I guess the memory of my real home can help drive me to level up and grow to be strong enough to fight on the front lines. It is a long ways away though."

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"I am my parents only child now. I have to look at it like that. It is my only choice, because my mom and dad will be destroyedx already because my.... Never mind that. Your right thats something that I have to do." The rain was coming down even harder now. Nix jumped down and went underneath the table. "Coddexx, do you think- why do you think we are here? In this game. This, MEANINGLESS game?!! I mean why do we have to be seperated from our parents. How could one person start all of this mess just for fun? Why. Thats all I want to know. Why did he create this death game that took away so soooo many people away from their fammilies?!"

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"I honestly don't know evac.  I was thinking about it myself. It doesn't even make sense.  All that he has accomplished is as you said, take thousands of people away from their homes and force them to jump through hoops. I don't know if he is wanting revenge for something that had happened to him or if it's just some sort of experiment.  Maybe he wants to play God and feel powerful over people." I looked out the window. " But while I'm here the best thing I can do is try not to think about the outside world. The only way to get out of here is to stay focussed on beating this death game. I'm sorry for your family though.  I feel sad for the people I left back there too...." I said trailing off obviously uncomfortable. 

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Thinking deeply about this, I said "I almost dont want to leave. I dont know what will happen to Nix. God knows I dont want him to be deleted or something. I. I wish that this could be the real world. That our parents could come, and every one that died would come back. Otherwise we...." Nix had jumped into my lap and was now looking at me with a concerned face."Hrrrr? Hrrrrrrr?" I looked at him, tears coming down my face and said "Im okay buddy. Im okay." I punched the table and said "WhYyYYY!?? Why ArE We VeXED thIs wAY? Why??" I put my head down.

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I stood up and put a hand on evac's back " Look evac it's gonna be okay. We will get out of here and we will find a way that you can keep nix. Just worry about the here and now the first thing we have to do is find our way out of here don't think about the bad things. Just focus on the good things and let the other things fade away." I  reached down and pet Nix's head " And enjoy Nix's company Maybe he is just a bunch of ones and zeros but he is one of the few things that are good right now. hold on to that I will help you through this. We aren't going to die here. I won't let us. "

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Still crying I looked at Coddexx and said through grited teeth because I was trying to stop crying, "why do i have to have such good friends? You-Your right," I said, calming down a bit. "we should focus on now. Your a great guy Coddexx." I smiled and said "Too bad were not gay!" I snorted then aww crap-" But if you are gay its okay... I hope that I didnt offend you if you are. Wow. I can screw anything up." I was still laughing, even though I was getting nasty looks from about three people in there. Some of them must be gay I thought. Well thats one way you can forget about making friends with a crowd. Even though I was sniffling I was laughing. I stood up while putting Nix on the table and gave him a bro hug. "Thanks man!"

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