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[SP:F2: Complete] Grandmaster Katana: Drinks and Memories

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Opal thank the bartender once more for the drinks as she stepped off her stool and put her cigarette out, "Where are you off to now, Opal?" 

The woman thought about it, "I got some grinding to do it looks like. But I think I am gonna head for an Inn for the night and get some much needed rest." The woman drew upon her Col and deposited a nice tip the man who tended to her. As woman said her farewells, she stepped outside into the brisk nightly air and drew upon its delight as she received a pop up notification. Apparently her time as a Master Katana user opened up several new techniques as the next rank was available to her as well as an increase in damage. The woman lit up, she was happy to see that she finally achieved Grandmaster status of the Katana. Turning towards the portal, she declared her destination and was off in a blink.

Thread Summary: +1 SP, +400 Col, + GrandMaster of Katana

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