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[PP-F2] Beginning of a Friendship (Vayrin and Coddexx)

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I made my way up to floor two and found myself right outside the town. I had wanted to go adventuring with someone but I wasn't sure who. Deciding that I'll just find someone along the way I sat down against a wall and waited for a possible player to join me to pass by. Once I found someone to explore with today will get very interesting. Looking forward to that I ran my plans through my head. I was probably just wanting to go hunting and gathering whoever joins me. I heard that there was a good spawning point of some packs of wolves. I hadn't fought any before and was wanting a bit of excitement. Hunting was a good pass time here in Aincrad I fund it the easiest way to gather materials as well as a decent way to get col. I knew that most of my time would be used looking for mobs but I didn't mind I've grown a sort of attachment to fighting and was enjoying strengthening my skills. Looking off into the sky I waited for anyone to come by.

Edited by Coddexx
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"HAAAAH!" With a furious yell, the violet haired girl sprinted towards her target. Her purple glowing blade sung through the air as it whipped at the giant rock creature's body. The monster quickly lifted it's giant foot, barley missing her blow. Vayrin rolled forwards, and spun around, waiting for the monster's next move. Sure enought the angry creature brought up it's giant fist and threw it at the girl. Seeing it just in time, Vayrin rolled sideways, missing it as the rocks and dust flew everywhere when the creature made impact on the surface.


ID# 41690

BD: 4+1(Accuracy)=5 [Miss!]

MD: 3-1(Evasion)=2 [Miss!]

Vayrin's HP: 40/40

Stone Golem's HP: 20/20

Vayrin's Energy: 9/10


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Sitting there I began to hear the sound of a battle. I got up from where I was and made my way to the source of the battle. I saw A girl fighting a stone golem in the distance. Her purple hair blew in the wind as she was running around the golem and tried to hit it. Missing she wraped around it and I drew my blade Silverlight and made my way to the golem. As the distance between the two of us closed I raised Silverlight and charged up my sword art 'Bear Knock' my blade pulsates a deep purple glow and I brought down Silverlight striking four hard blows at the torso and neck of the golem. Four red cuts formed on the golem and then it burst into thousands of pixels and faded away in the wind. I picked up the loot that it had dropped and looked at the girl. I soon recognized her as a tailor that owned the violet phantom. "Sorry about that I only meant to help not kill the thing." I stuck out my hand after I sheathed my blade. "Name's Coddexx I think we've met beforehand?"

ID#41750 BD:7 LD:16

Vayrin 40/40 [Energy 9/10]

Coddexx 40/40[Energy 7/10]

Stone Golem 20/20 dmg 6

+100col +1 material 

Edited by Coddexx
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  • 4 weeks later...

Vayrin stood silent as the Golem exploded into an aray of blue shards. She had been confused seeing as she had done nothing to it. She stood there breathing heavily when she saw the figure of a boy after the shards had faded away. Slightly annoyed, Vayrin slowly sheathed her blade on her back. She raised an eye brow as the boy inquired that they had met before. She observed him for a moment, and he had seemed familiar. That's right. He was a customer at her shop. "Yeah... I think we have. You came to my shop." She replied. She slowly rolled her shoulder of her sword arm back. "Just mat hunting." She said again as she turned and continued to walk down the mountain path.

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