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[F2-SP] A Time To Train - One More Step In The Right Direction Redux - COMPLETE!

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ID 45479


BD 4 +3 ACC LD 9 MoBD 2 -1 EVA

Brax 27/32 EN 2/8

Wolf -4/16 DEAD [5 x 2 Whirlwind - 4 MIT] = 6 DMG

     It would not make it, however, for Brax had begun to charge another Whirlwind assault, and as the wolf began to steady itself for another round, the charging dual strikes of Brax's soon-to-be obsolete Sword Art hammered into the exhausted foe, causing the animal to disperse in a final shower of pixels.  He noticed it did not drop much, just some easy loot of mats and col, but it mattered not: Brax had achieved his level up.  After a good night's rest in town, he would have the 2nd level of his axe's Arts, and may the mobs he would soon face quake in fear: he was on his way.  With a final look over the deepening darkness of night as it began to fall over Floor Two, he made his way into town, ready for his next journey.

+1 material

+1 snowflake


400 col + 1 SP + 80 col + 1 Potion of Strength + 6 materials + 5 snowflakes


Edited by Brax
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