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Merikata Kisumo

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Username: Merikata117

Real name: Merikata Kisumo

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Height: 170 cm


Level 1

HP: 4/4

Energy: 1/1

About: History/personality

A loner in reality, Merikata was an orphan raised with a well-educated background. However, he often withdraws himself from other people due to his shyness. At the age of 13, he left the orphanage due to its increasing uncomfortable living conditions, and managed to make a living in his dorm school thanks to the finances he got from selling "otaku" stuff online. After getting a new house and some furnishings, he started to be seclusive in his room, becoming a hikikomori in the process. He gained interests in anime, manga, literature, video games, and medieval subjects.

During the day of SAO's launch, he learnt of the game and seeing this as a chance to retreat to a fantasy world, he ordered the game as soon as possible and started playing immediately. Little did he know that he would be leaving reality, perhaps forever. 

Merikata is known to be a quiet, but violent person due to his history of involving in public fights on several occasions. These fights often ended up being brutal, and at one point he almost killed a man by curb stomping him, after being threatened to surrender his wallet. However, despite little interactivity with the world, he has a sense of kindness to humanity, and he had helped some people in the city he lives in. He despised reality due to itself being "unfair" and "boring".


Kindness: Merikata is always willing to assist anybody that seems to be in trouble. He also cares for everybody he probably considers as friends, and this would be the point where he would sometimes talk. Additionally, he displays kindness to animals as well, although there are some which he considers as game. He does not wish to be a bandit since it is something he doesn't like to do, especially when it comes to harm the innocent. 

Bravery: Merikata is enable to face challenges, even if they will put his life in the line. He also doesn't flinch at the sight of a threat, whether it is from a human or not. Aside from getting enjoyment from slaying monsters or evil people, he doesn't mind if he wishes to offend or kill his opponents straightaway. Another notable fact about his bravery is that he will just head straight to a dungeon every time he sees one, just to get loot and slay more monsters.

Calmness: And by calmness it means that he does not care whenever something negative is happening around himself, such as being stranded in a forest. He remains this virtue active in difficult situations, always believing that there is a solution no matter how impossible these situations seem to be. Even when he is witnessing something alarming like a magic field, or maybe an emission, he will still not flinch and just head to whatever he wishes to go for his own safety. His normally stoic expression indicates this virtue, perhaps clearly.


Violence: His violent personality is what drives him to kill his opponents. At no circumstances would he ever give mercy to anyone who is begging for his or her life. He would also butcher up his enemies as well as using his bare hands to finish them off. In his philosophy, whenever his life is in danger, there is only one rule. It's killed or be killed.

Rage: Merikata is also known to be easily pissed off whenever something bad is happening to himself or his friends. The more angry he is, the more brutal he becomes regardless of what threat he faces. This flaw serves as the source of his violent personality, and even if a bystander mocks him harmlessly, he would retaliate by beating him or her up. This is the point where he would become chaotic as well. 

Loner: Merikata is an anti-social throughout his life. He never wants to mingle with his peers at most of the time. Sometimes, he would avoid seeing them if he has the desire to do so. Additionally, he is also a vagabond since he likes to wander around a lot.

Silent: Due to his shyness and his loner persona, Merikata prefers to keep his mouth shut at most of the time. He never talks much unless he thinks it is necessary to do so at one time. This would often make his peers difficult to engage with conversations with him. Sometimes he would communicate with gestures such as nodding, shaking his head, or even using his hands although he isn't completely mute.





Weapon skills:

» One Handed Straight Sword (+1 DMG)

Cloth clothing

10 Bread

15 Water





Relationships (optional)


Edited by Merikata117
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