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[PP-F1] Long road ahead <<Earning a Living>> (Antofer, Thedarkwolf)

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A few days have passed since the first day Tonan leave town. She's slowly running out of her starter money, and with this, she's going to be starving on the street. Tonan needed something to do for her to get some money. "Maybe I could get a job somewhere." She told herself, wandering around in the Market area. That is when she stumbled upon an NPC trinkets shop. The owner of the shop has a brightly lit green question mark on his head. Curious, Tonan approached the NPC and started the conversation "Ah! Hello, adventure. You seemed like you're a handy person. I could teach you how to make these Trinkets if you're willing to. What do you say?The NPC asked, then in front of Tonan a text box appeared with a quest. She gladly accepted.

"Ah! Wonderful, now if you bring me some material for the item, I will teach you how to do it." The quest giver sent her off to find some material. "Easy enough, all I needed to do is to go out and find some materials. The trip alone is a little dangerous.... I'm sure I can manage fine on my own." Tonan thought, as she leave the Town of Beginning and went out for a hunting trip.

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Antofer had some extra items he didn't need from his over quests and as he was walking he saw a nice looking shop. "A trinket shop huh? Well that works" As Antofer walking to the store he ran right into A girl "Oh dear i'm sorry! I didn't see you there. Antofer gathers the things he had dropped and Saw that the NPC had the Earning a living quest. "You would happen to have picked up that quest just now Antofer asked. I'm actually headed out into the fields my self in a moment. Would you like to form a party? It never hurts having someone watching your back out there."   Antofer Laughs "I would know i almost lost my life on my first quest lucky someone jumped in and saved me that day" 

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Abandon walks up beside Antofer a solemn look on his face. he stops and looks at the girl, scaning her head to toe. he looks at Antorfer(in a monotone voice) "So this is what you brought me to F1 for? Or is there another reason I'm here?" He looks at Antofer, Abandons face still stone cold. Candi (his familiar) sits quietly oh his shoulder, paying no mind to the others.  he looks back at Tonen, his expression never quivering.  "Well madam, I assume this is your quest and be it that it is lead the way." 

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On her way walking out of the town, someone bumped onto her and nearly knocked Tonan off her feet. She stumbled backward, slightly annoyed by whoever has bumped into her. "Hey! Watch where you going." Tonan scowled at the stranger. But once the stranger asked her to joined him on the trip outside, she thought for a while. "Maybe I can use some help from someone." She thought, looking at the two stranger standing in front of her now. "Yeah, sure.... if you two insist to come." She told the strangers, before all of them left town.

"The quest asked me to get some material from a forest near here, so it shouldn't took too long to collect all of them." She informed the two, as the party traveled out. However, while walking, she couldn't see anything that met the requirement for the quest, maybe she'd find something further up


ID: 47096

LD: 9

Find nothing

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"So Where are we headed off to? And what do you need? ill try to keep my eyes out for what ever it is you are looking for" Antofer calls out to Chi-Chi (Antofers Familiar) The the flying squirrel runs up the side of Antofer's and leg rest on his shoulders. "Ah there you are i was wondering where you ran off to buddy" I look over at Tonan "So miss i never got your name what is it?" its gonna be a long walk to where we are headed so we might as well get to know each other" I say out loud

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Abandon fallows suit but behind the other two. he walks in complete silence. He regularly checks his surroundings but eventually settles on playing with Candi (Volcano Rabbit) while he walks. Though he is not actively talking to them he is listening intently to their conversation and thinks to himself 'I don't understand how Antofer can be so trusting oh well, he hasn't led me astray before, I hope he doesn't start today. realizing he had fallen behind slightly he hastens to catch up with them

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"My name is Tonan." Tonan replied to the question the Antofer asked. She scanned around the grassland for any sign of monster nearby. "We were suppose to go to one of the forest nearby town, and just collect something in there. I suppose we only needed to collect whatever inside the forest and leave." She informed her two partners as the three continued heading toward the Forest. "Heads up, there's some enemy ahead. Why don't you guys took aggro of those monster and I can stay behind and provide cover." Tonan raised her hands and stopped the two behind her. She pointed at two boars ahead, drew her spear and get ready for a fight.


Tonan: 8/8 HP | Energy: 2/2 | 2 DMG

Antofer: 20/20 HP | Energy: 5/5 | 3 DMG |18 THR | 18 MIT | 

Thedarkwolf: 20/20 HP | Energy: 5/5 | ? DMG | ? MIT |


Boar 1: 12/12 HP | 6 DMG | 4 MIT |

Boar 2: 12/12 HP | 6 DMG | 4 MIT |

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Abandon nods and draws his Buster Sword, he looks at the two boars, deciding which one to attack. he runs at Boar (1) and his blade starts to glow orange as he activates his Scooped sword skill. he first swings down, then in and upper-cut, then back down. Pixels fly everywhere and the boar stops, squeals, then shatters. (Dealt 11 Dmg) "Antofer SWITCH!" he yells back in antofer's general direction. he then swiftly jumps back to let Antofer tank the Boar (2). Though as he does this his face begins to grow pail and he gets slightly dizzy 'damn not again' he thinks to himself as he tries to fight it.

ID# 47107 result: Combat 8 (success) Loot: 5 (N/A)


Tonan: 8/8 HP | Energy: 2/2 | 2 DMG

Antofer: 20/20 HP | Energy: 5/5 | 3 DMG |18 THR | 18 MIT | 

Thedarkwolf: 20/20 HP | Energy: 2/5 | 5 DMG | 0 MIT |


Boar 1: Ded - +1 mat to Abandon

Boar 2: 12/12 HP | 6 DMG | 4 MIT |

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Antofer gets ready for the fight and pulls out his Sword. Okay guys let me tank them i got pretty good armor Antofer jumps out at the 2ed boar as the first one dissipates "whoa nice shot man. Antofer used a basic attack and hit hard but strangely he felt as if he should have done more damage. He shrugged whatever As his sword slashed the boar. the boar in anger Snorted and Charged for a attack. Antofer quickly yelled lets see what you can do Tonan and smiles Antofer stands back leaving the boar wide open for a attack  

(OOC- So How are we doing loot guys?)



ID# 47108 results:

 Battle: 8

Tonan: 8/8 HP | Energy: 2/2 | 2 DMG

Antofer: 20/20 HP | Energy: 5/5 | 5 DMG |18 THR | 18 MIT | Antofer earned a rare item +one mat (katana of Damage (2))

Thedarkwolf: 20/20 HP | Energy: 5/5 | 5 DMG | 0 MIT |


Boar 1: ded 12/12 HP | 6 DMG | 4 MIT | 

Boar 2: 11/12 HP | 6 DMG | 4 MIT |


(In the most bellow the boar attacks me and killed its self with a loot roll of 20)

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The boar let out a squeal, before charged toward Antofer. The beast thrust the sharp tusk at Antofer, but the thorns enchantment reflected the attack and ended the boar's life. "I didn't even have to do anything. Sweet." Tonan sighed, sheathed her spear and continued onward. "Good job guys." She said, patting on both of their back, as the three continued on to the forest. 

Arrived at the destination needed, Tonan saw a hoard of boar close by, with a boar in the middle of the herd that's nearly three time bigger than any of the other boars that Tonan had ever seen. "Oh lord.... that's a really boar. We gotta be careful. I don't want to fight that monster.... just get the material and get out." Tonan warned her two partner.


[Objective: For every post, you must roll a CD greater than 5. If CD roll is less than 5, you will attract the hoard of Boar.] 

ID: 47110

MOB: 8

Tonan: 8/8 HP | Energy: 2/2 | 2 DMG

Antofer: 20/20 HP | Energy: 5/5 | 3 DMG |18 THR | 18 MIT | 

Thedarkwolf: 20/20 HP | Energy: 5/5 | 5 DMG |


Boar 1: 0/12 HP | 6 DMG | 4 MIT |

Boar 2: 0/12 HP | 6 DMG | 4 MIT | ( -18 HP Thorns)

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Well If we are really quite i think we can get around them. Antofer looks at the boars and Sneaks around them. Antofer was so Silent (from Dice Roll of 12) That no one even noticed him leaving until he was Half way across the field. I wave for you guys to follow me. The boars Start to look around as if they could tell something was going to happen. Antofer thought to him self well then that fight wasn't to bad at all huh. Well I Hope they make it with out attracting the boars, but if they do i'm ready for a fight I think to my self. After Antofer makes it across the field he ducks under the bush and waits  

ID# 47113 results:

 Craft: 12


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Abandon quiets his steps and swiftly walks around the large group of boars, making not a sound as he does so. his face unchanging as he walked around save a slight smirk as a thought crossed his mind 'hey I'm better at this than i thought i would be, especially for someone with absolutely no practice or skills in it what so ever.' Abandon does fumble a few times bu still manages to catch himself without attracting the boars. Once he makes it across he joins antofer under the bush waiting for their final party member to join them

ID# 47115 Result: Craft Die 10 (Success)

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Tonan quickly followed the two, as all of them snuck pass the boar hoard unnoticed. They made it to the forest, but the place is even closer to the pack now, it's more dangerous to do it. "If we caught the attention of the boars, just grab onto me, I have a teleportation crystal. This should bring us back to town with safety." She told her companions, as the three started searching for material for her quest. "I hope this doesn't go sour." Tonan sighed, hoping for the best. Searching around, she couldn't find any material that would fit for her profession.


ID: 47116

CD: 11 {Success}

LD: 6

Found: Nothing

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"oh you have one? I have been trying to save up mu col for one." Antofer nods when she lets him know the plan. Antofer rather confidently walked around the forest looking for mats for his new friend. Antofer had grown to love this forest he for whatever reason Always ended up here. Hmm well I think I see something over there. As I got closer sure enough it was a small crystals deposit. Oh score Antofer though and quickly collected it. This should help Tonan "Antofer got her attention and pointed at the crystals he got. He started walking closer to her when he stepped on a twig. It snapped louder then it should have and the boars looked right in Antofer's direction Damn this is gonna hurt Antofer thought He didn't dare move. This is gonna be close, please don't see me please don't see me Antofer thought 

D# 47125 results:

Craft: 4

Loot: 13 (+4) success 1 mat to Tonan 

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Abandon looks around and thinks to himself  'welp i dont see anything, i wonder...' *CRACK* a twig breaks in Antofers direction and the boars turn toward him 'what the hell was that?' he looks down under Antofer and sees a broken stick, "God Danmit!" he says as the boars advance on antofer 'well i wont find anything right now its time to help my friends' he thinks he sees one of the boar coming at Antofer and yells "Antofer look out, its coming right for you!"

ID# 47149 results: Carft 5 Loot: 8 (+1)

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"Urgh. Such a trouble maker." Tonan sighed in annoyance. She pulled out the blue teleportation crystal from her inventory. While doing so, she told her companions. "I'm going to need you guys to hold them off for a while. I need to activate the crystal before we can teleport back to town." With that, she began try and activate the crystal. Meanwhile, as she do so, the noise created by Antofer was more than enough to lure in the hoard of boars. Leading by the King of boars, followed by it minions, these monsters started to go in for the attack, surrounded the three and pinned them to a corner. 


Tonan: 8/8 HP | Energy: 2/2 | 2 DMG

Antofer: 20/20 HP | Energy: 5/5 | 3 DMG |18 THR | 18 MIT | 

Thedarkwolf: 20/20 HP | Energy: 5/5 | 5 DMG |


King Boar: 50/50 HP | 25 DMG | 10 MIT |

Guardian Boar 1: 16/16 HP | 8 DMG | 4 MIT |

Guardian Boar 2: 16/16 HP | 8 DMG | 4 MIT |

Guardian Boar 3: 16/16 HP | 8 DMG | 4 MIT |

Guardian Boar 4: 16/16 HP | 8 DMG | 4 MIT |

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Abandon Swings at the King boar but was slightly off on his swing after hearing her talk about the crystal he yells "Tonan you know you cant teleport all of us right?" he jumps back so Antofer can jump in, "Antofer Switch!" he leans over to Tonan, his voice lower than normal and his eyes becoming bloodshot "If you teleport away while this battle is going on and leave us here, i swear to you on The Great and Powerful Void, I Will kill you" his expression unyielding, intensity seeming to seep out of him "And trust me, i wont go back on my word!"

ID# 47163 Results: Combat 2 (Fail)

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