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[PP-F2] A dark room, A dark Presence (Antofer)

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Making it to his room, he opens the door and lets Candi run in. (Soliloquy) "What is it i think to accomplish by this? to get my friend to stay away? For i know not the outcome of my next action nor do i know the stance of the void. For should he fall to the Void by my hands, i will never forgive myself, how know i, that i am not leading this poor soul into a trap? how know i, that what i do is the goodly thing to do? Oh woe is this deed i have granted upon myself. Nay, i hear him now at the door. It is not time i think but time i act" he begins toward the door which Antofer is waiting behind.

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"Hey Buddy Abandon are you in there? You said to come later." Antofer looks around the gloomy inn "Well this isn't the most happy place in the world now is it?" well i got pizza So yay right?" Oh and i got Chi-Chi with me. Antofer wait a moment. hey are you here? Antofer Thinks about what Tsubasa said was Abandon sick or what was wrong this time. And what is this void he talks about i thought it was a joke but maybe there is something wrong in his head. well i must help my friend so lets see what happens.    

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Abandon opens the door and waves Antofer in. "Sorry, i have been finding it hard to move quickly outside of combat recently" his eyes just as bloodshot as before. Abandon leads Antofer to the kitchen, and gestures for him to sit at the table "I'll try and make something what would you like, it has to be a snack" as he looks around the room Antofer sees the disaster of the kitchen, and even while he walked in the hallways were a mess. there was broken glass everywhere, every mirror in the quarters was shattered. It was creepy, it didnt seem like somewhere anyone could live. 

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"Mmm I think I want muffins is that okay?" After saying that Antofer noticed all the broken glass and the messes. Oh my Antofer thought to him self as he looked around. "Did you break all of of this stuff Abandon? A little worried he offered to pick up someone of this glass. That's not very safe what if yo cut your self? Oh right Antofer remembered this isn't real life any more. Seeing Abandon cook made Antofer think about his craft as well maybe i should work on that soon too. "Hey man did you sleep okay? Your eyes are a little bloodshot. Chi-Chi then runs down my leg and Finds Candi and the run around the house chasing each other. "awe cute"

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Abandon quickly makes the muffins and a small salad (see Cooking). he brings them over to the table and sits down. "Yes i did break them, and no i haven't been sleeping. At all" he looks down and take a bite of the salad, waiting a little before he says anything else. "You aren't safe, Antofer. know that now more than you ever have. there is an entity out their that is tracking you down, and to keep you safe from it i have to leave your party. For if i don't you will have to endure all of the trouble, hardship and Madness that i have been going through. and trust me that is the last thing i want to see you go through. as i respect you highly and you are someone i care about."

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Antofer looks confused for a moment be fore getting up and extending his hand to Abandon. "Hey we all have problems but you cant let them control you i'm not sure what you mean or anything by that but ill stop what ever is coming for me" "What are friends for after all? If you do care about me as much as you say then you will let me help you out. Lolk why don't you come over to my place tonight i thin a change or scenery would benefit you greatly" Antofer looked around and much safer." "But hey don't thing your getting it free you are totally making me breakfast in the morning Antofer laughs I expect bacon."

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Abandon stands up "If you insist then fine but when we get there i want you to hear the truth, all of it." He seems off, harsher than before, Cold, but at the same time it is evident that he honestly cares for Antofer. He starts to walk to the door. "Candi, lets go!" he says bending over to help her on his shoulder, he motions for Antofer to follow him holding his bowl of salad as he stands. he takes another bite as Antofer approaches and follows him out.

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"Okay you have been to my place once before I believe. Antofer Almost closed the door behind him before he noticed he had left the muffins so he hurried back in and grabbed them Whoa almost forgot....yum yum" Antofer rips bits off and tossed them on the ground for Chi-Chi to eat. "See i knew you would want to come to my place! wooo sleep over!" So what else do you want to tell me? I value honestly" Antofer smiles Welp here we are. Antofer and Abandon reach the inn Antofer stays at. Come on in Antofer opens the door and walks in. 

Edited by Antofer
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As Abandon enters he begins to speak "You know how i worship The Void, Right?" He looks down hesitantly and pauses "I dont worship it by choice. And at times the Void will take control of me and use me for its own purpose, i never know when it is going to happen but i hear it in my head frequently, it Tells me things, it wants me to kill you, to kill Tsubasa as well, it torments me day and night, makes it so i cant sleep. and also......." He starts to shake violently and begins to fall over, his eyes beginning to shut. 

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