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SP-F1 Different place, different situation, same attitude

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People look at each other, the look of disbelief clearly showed on their face. Running from the harsh truth, they question people next to them. “You’re actually a man?! You lie to me! Give me back my item!” Some even wailing or crying for help. Whoever they were asking help from, no one will hear them. Amatsu just look at them with disgust, his mood become sour with each passing time.


“This is what you get for trusting people too easily.” Softly muttering that to himself, he moved away from the square and headed for the tavern. Along the road NPCs are selling their wares, not disturbed by the chaos ensuing not far from the place they are right now. Amatsu enjoys the walk for the first time since there’s no player in sight, his relaxing walk end when he reaches the tavern.


The place is deserted. No one in sight save the bartender which is a NPC too. He sits on the stool near the counter, placing his order for a mug of ale. While waiting, he checks his menu for anything worthwhile, but nothing seems to catch his attention. Bored, he closes his menu and plans his next action. The bartender put his order on the counter while Amatsu sink into is thoughts.


“Either explore this town for cheap inns or go outside this town. I need to level myself if I want to become independent. That being said, leveling near the gate should be easy for a beginner for me. I might as well do that, and if I can get a few cols that would be a bonus too.”


He gulps down the ale, finishing it with just a drink. Satisfied, he leaves the tavern before it gets crowded by depressing looking players, a sight he doesn’t want to see.


Edited by Amatsu
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Outside the tavern, he opens up his menu and equips his sword. Feeling the weight of the sword behind his back, he sighs. This sword is the basic of basics, he doubt its usefulness due to the low damage it deals. In this death game, this weapon should go into garbage or recycled into something even better, but having no cols to even buy a potion puts him in the position to not complain.

Sighing once more, he buttons his coat and begins walking towards his destination. Once again he watches the sides of the road; there are few players here and there but some didn’t even try to lift their face. Sounds of argument can be heard from the back alley once in a while, tone of irritation could be heard in their voices.

However, some take the initiatives to go outside the safe zone, albeit in groups. He stops in his track and watch them silently as they slowly disappear down the road. His lips form a smirk, dark thoughts filled his mind. “You guys really think that forming groups would further improve your survivability? With the recent event just no, a crack is more than enough to shatter you all.”

Yes, the event just now should have shaken almost everyone. The creator of the game sure knows how to drop bombshells, and a deadly one on top of it. Trapping players in here without no way out and permanent death is no good way to start a game even if it is for the sake of realism. Not only is that, revealing the true gender and the looks of players pretty much cruel, especially for those pretending to be couple.

Well, Amatsu enjoy the face when knowing their partner is not what they expected to be so he can let that one slide away. Trapping him inside this game is unforgivable, especially when he still have to finish his work and other games.

Upon hearing that announcement, Amatsu just shrug accepting the truth of his words. He took a glance around the square to look at people’s reaction, but even that bored him and so he walked away.

Which bring him to his current situation, hunting for monsters and cols outside the safe zone.

Confirming the group of player is out sight, Amatsu continue towards his destination.

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The wind blowing from the direction of grass plane cools his face. Behind him, sounds of chatter begin to fill the streets. Ignoring it, Amatsu examine the area ahead of him as he stand near the entrance of the town.

A huge gate with arch shaped entrance separates the area inside the town and the dangerous area outside. A step outside the town, or safe area would mean no one will be there to save you from the danger that lurks outside. If this game is a normal one, such scenario would have not been believable. 

Thanks to a certain person, now they have to struggle for their dear life as he create the scenario. It was as if he create this game as a play stage with the players as actors. How the drama will goes, only they can decide.

Amatsu search for any player outside the gate from where he stands. Not a single soul in sight, not even a monster. He should be safe and free from any player for the next 5 minute outside the town, and even after that maybe there won’t be any encounters. The group that went out earlier have a better start and perhaps more prepared for the battle outside.

The probability for him to survive outside could be less than 1%. Calling it a probability is just assurance to him for he knows that it is the truth. With poor equipment and no potions he might as well charge ahead naked and lie down on the grass just so he could be done with his pathetic life forever.

“What an exaggeration.” Amatsu smile and step outside the gate, preparing himself for any encounter.

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“Suu… what a calm and quiet place we have here. I can live here forever.” He takes a deep breath of the air outside, enjoying the refreshing feeling with each breath. He would choose this place over the real world when it comes to livability. Sadly enough, no one wants to live inside world where death lurks everywhere and that includes him.

“I still have my parents to take care of; they are the only one who cares enough for a fool like me.” He looks down at his feet, the soft grass sway left to right slowly as the gentle breeze blow them. The grass here is greener than any grass in real world. As he looks around, the area stretches out endlessly, inviting anyone curious enough to explore it at the risk of your own life.

“Need to remind myself of the danger around here. I need to think carefully of the risk and reward for each of my action if I want to stay alive.” He choose the path of loneliness, therefore he needs to take of himself, by himself, without anyone help.

“Well, looking at the bright side, there’s zero chance of me getting betrayed or stab behind.” Replaying the scene of him being framed inside his head, his hated grows strong for a moment. He spit to the ground, throwing that bitter feeling away.

“Enough reminiscing, I better get moving.” His steps become heavy at first but eventually after clearing his head his steps become lighter once more. With the help of the calming atmosphere, even his moods improve over time.

“Call me crazy but this place can become a place for counseling.”

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Following the dirt road, he look back once in a while; the town still in sight and there’s no one following him. The wooden fence alongside the road serves as guide for players to look for their way back to the town in case of hem getting lost.

Of course, what kind of a fool gets lost when they have map in the menu.

For now Amatsu don’t want to wander far from the town. As he is weak in his current state he does not want to risk himself to danger far from what he can handle. The town behind becomes the landmark, should he walk far and lost sight of the town he would retrace his steps until he can see the town again.

The most difficult task he is facing right now would be to become aware of his surroundings. A monster might just ambush him from his blind spot. With just a pair of eyes, all he can do is look around while his hand on is sword.

Strangely enough, he could not see the group of player that head out just now. With a group of five players, there would be no way they could be taken down easily. A casualty of one or two person is to be expected, but to not see them within the vicinity would be plain weird. Well, even if they die it would be none of his business.

The fact that worries him would be if they die, that means either a large group of monster is around or a single, powerful monster manage to kill them all. This is assuming the fact that they die in that situation. Another would be death by betrayal in group, which he would not want to miss.

In the end, he discarded those thoughts as he has more pressing issues on hand. For now all he can do would be to face the enemy and fight them.

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 Walking for 10 minutes without anything in sight, Amatsu retrace his step. He turns back and begins his way back towards the city. Just as he is about to call it a day, a furry animal enter his sight, not far from where he stand.

Slowly he moves closer to where the animal is. Slowly he could make details of what he can see; a burly animal with brown furs covering his whole body. Its small legs hide the fact that it could moves faster than human being. The two ivory tusks could pierce through almost anything, literally. Amatsu sigh, his encounter with this thing would spell nothing but trouble.

As he walks towards it, the beast turns to face him as it notices his presence. Amatasu calmly draws his longsword and point toward the beast. Finally he will have first combat in this game with the beast as his opponent. If he falls here then there’s nothing left to say, not even any regrets. He inhale slowly as the beast gets closer.

“Well then, here goes nothing….”

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<Let The Battle Begin>



Frenzy Boar 

HP: 4/4   Dmg: 2   D. Mitigation: 1


Left foot forward, shifts your weight to your sword as you bring it down on your opponent and…swing with everything you got.” Amatsu begins the motion for his Sword Arts <Slant>. His sword glows yellow, his hand being guided by some invisible force. He lets the system do its biddings as he triggers the activation for his sword arts successfully. 

The boar charge towards Amatsu, but as it enter his reachable zone and with sword art in motion the boar just jump into its death head first. The sword cleaves through its tusk and leaves a huge gash on the boar’s head easily. The tusk fall to the ground and shatter into million pieces of fragments while the boar fall to the ground, its momentum fully stop with a strike on its head with full force.

Amatsu return his form to its initial state, readying for his second attack. He watches the boar struggle itself to get right back up with cold eyes, no emotion on his face. He kills not for fun, he kill not for the sake of goodness or justice. This is all for the sake of his survival.


Perma Roller: ID# 47214  BD: 10  MD: 3


Amatsu deals 3 damage (1 base + 1 Weapon mastery + 2 Critical - 1 D. Mitigation)

Frenzy Boar try to land a hit but miss.


Amatsu: 5/5  Energy: 0/1

Boar: 1/4


Edited by Amatsu
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He draws his breath and releases it slowly. He lift his face up; the blue sky looks beautiful, the white clouds slowly passed over his head, carried away by the wind. The peacefulness in that area betrays the situation his facing right now.

The boar release short but deep snort, displaying its aggressiveness and discontent against someone who is weaker than it. Amatsu stare at the boar, trying to understand it but to no avail. Try as it might, the boar can no longer fight in its current condition.

“Huh, whatever.” He land down his final blow at the boar, its HP slowly decrease and change color from red until there’s nothing left in its health bar. Successfully defeating it, the boar shatters as he put the sword back to its sheath. Surviving his first battle, Amatsu walk away from the area and continue his journey back towards the capital.


Perma Roller: ID# 47215  BD: 6   MD: 10


Amatsu deal 2 damage (1 base + 1 weapon mastery)

Frenzy Boar defeated.


Amatsu: 5/5 HP  Energy: 1/1

Frenzy Boar: 0/4


Enemy Defeated

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“-Sigh- How many times have I sigh today. My life must have been cut short by several days now with all this sighing.” Amatsu kick the pebbles by the road as he walk slowly along the road with relaxed attitude. Feeling unmotivated, he prefers the company of his bed back at home right now.

As he looks around, he noticed a large tree that covers the area surrounding it. Approaching it, the shades provide a place for him to rest for a while.  The cool breeze lulls him to sleep; it takes him some willpower to resist the invitation to dreamland.

With a swipe of finger, he opens the menu and scroll to his inventory. Taking out a piece of bread provided early in the game, he places it on his hand and feels its texture. You call this as bread? If you call this a bread-shaped rock then I would believe that person. This thing is even harder than the boar.” He hit the ground several time with the bread; immediately it shatters to million pieces as it touch the ground.

“Tch, there goes my food. Thank you so much for giving us this bread.” Sarcastically saying it out loud in hopes that the creator of the game hears him, he takes out the water from his inventory and drinks it. His parched throat refreshed, he sit under the tree for a little longer as he close his eyes and focus on the sound in his surrounding.

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The sound of the wind gently blowing the leaves creates soothing tones. The rustling of leaves further improves the calm melody of nature. Once in a while the wind would die down and leave the whole area in quiet stillness. He’s used to this kind of quietness back when he is still in school.

As the other student talk with their friends over television shows and their favorite artist during recess, Amatsu would leave the classroom and go to the rooftop where he would spend his recess time there. He would either sleep or sometimes think about what could have happened if things would have gone his way.

His friend betrayal just hurt him so much. He was framed by them as a thief and had to spend the rest of his school life with that accusation. It would be a ridiculous and tough situation for a child to handle. He kills his emotion, and from that on he didn’t care much of what people said. Although he loses something in the process, his choices allows him to move forward without being pulled down by the others.

Once he returned home, he play game as it served as his way to escape reality. His parents offer advices and encouragement to him once in a while in hopes of him changing. Amatsu was grateful for the support his parent gave him, but to change himself would mean he have to trust people once more. Unless it was his parent, the chances of him believing others would be the same as waiting for the hell to freeze over.

Gritting his teeth, he punches the trunk of the tree as irritation filled his head. <Immortal Object> appear on the place he punched before. He slowly relaxes his grip and stand up, dusting his pants as he stand straight. He open the map and resume his walk, continuing from the road he stopped before.

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