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[SP-F8] Solo Hunting expedition 6

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"Ah... Finally I'm back up here." Nobuyuki let out a long sigh, stepping out of the teleporting gate of the floor. The place is peculiar odd, compare to the other places that he had been to. A village made of hanging bridges, and house carved into the trees, it's a subject that somewhat intrigue Nobuyuki. As he walked around the village, on the hanging bridges, the young warrior wa amazed by the scenery. Never have he seen something so impressed like this place. But still, his true intention here wasn't to sight seeing. Climbing down from Florenthia village, Nobuyuki began treading on the dirt trail of the forest, looking for opportunities to grind up some experience.

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Walking around on the ground, Nobuyuki kept his eyes pealed. Just like on the third and sixth floor, danger can be lurking around any corner, and he had got to be careful. That is, until he hear a resonating growl. From afar, he saw a pack of four wolves, looking much bigger than the ones he saw on the previous floors. Withdrew his sword, Nobuyuki ran toward the four dire wolves head on. Dashed toward the wolves, he thrust his sword consecutively in a series of attack to the heart toward all the wolves. Before they could do anything, they all fell, as all of the wolves burst into million of pieces that slowly faded in the air. 


ID: 47436

BD: 7+2= 9 {Hit!}

MOB: all died before action.

CaptainUndead: 64/64 HP | Energy: 4/16 | DMG: 7 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 3 | MIT: 9


Dire Wolf: 0/38 HP | DMG: 25 | MIT: 10 ( - (((7+1) * Sharp Nail: 3x2) - 10) = 38 HP)

Dire Wolf: 0/38 HP | DMG: 25 | MIT: 10 ( - (((7+1) * Sharp Nail: 3x2) - 10) = 38 HP)

Dire Wolf: 0/38 HP | DMG: 25 | MIT: 10 ( - (((7+1) * Sharp Nail: 3x2) - 10) = 38 HP)

Dire Wolf: 0/38 HP | DMG: 25 | MIT: 10 ( - (((7+1) * Sharp Nail: 3x2) - 10) = 38 HP)


LD: 11+1=12

Looted: 760 Cols, 4 Mats

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"Alright.... that's easy enough." Nobuyuki smiled, sheathed his blade back to the sheath behind his back. Continued on searching for something useful, Nobuyuki stumbled upon some good wood material for carpenter works and probably some good black-smiting as well. However, that wasn't what Nobuyuki really needed for the time being. Leaving the place, Nobuyuki went and look for something that could be of use to him.


ID: 47453

LD: 12+1=13

Found: nothing

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Walking around for a few more minute, Nobuyuki couldn't see anything useful. Usually, he would gathered anything that he could find, since he closed his shop and had opened a Material gathering on his own, but even for this vast forest, he could still unable to find anything to gather. Then, he heard something rustling behind a bush. Drew his blade, he took stance for anything that's readied to jumped out on him.


ID: 47474

LD: 2+3=5 

Found: nothing

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Nobuyuki traveled around the empty and quiet forest for a while. He had a feeling that something was lurking, and for the whole time, he had been on his guard, readied to fight with his sword in hand. But unluckily, he couldn't find anything of good uses. Disappointed, Nobuyuki pressed onward, trying to find something more of use, that is from behind the bushes, he saw four wolves, lurking. 


ID: 47495

LD: 7+3=10

Found: nothing

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Seeing the enemies drawing near in the corner of his eyes, the young warrior activated his sword art as he ran back in. Nobuyuki thrust his sword forward, piercing through the hearts of the wolves. Jumped back, Nobuyuki watched as the wolves burst to million of pixels. Sheathed his sword back, he walked away, humming. Nobuyuki is getting bored of how easy the wolves died, but still, he didn't complain much. It's either this or he spend a gruesome amount of time battling a monster.


ID: 47496

BD: 6+2=8 {Hit!}

MOB: All died before action.

CaptainUndead: 64/64 HP | Energy: 4/16 | DMG: 7 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 3 | MIT: 9


Dire Wolf: 0/38 HP | DMG: 25 | MIT: 10 ( - (((7+1) * Sharp Nail: 3x2) - 10) = 38 HP)

Dire Wolf: 0/38 HP | DMG: 25 | MIT: 10 ( - (((7+1) * Sharp Nail: 3x2) - 10) = 38 HP)

Dire Wolf: 0/38 HP | DMG: 25 | MIT: 10 ( - (((7+1) * Sharp Nail: 3x2) - 10) = 38 HP)

Dire Wolf: 0/38 HP | DMG: 25 | MIT: 10 ( - (((7+1) * Sharp Nail: 3x2) - 10) = 38 HP)


LD: 15+1=16

Looted: 760 Col, 4 Mats

Total Mat count: 8

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Strolling under the leaves and the cool winds of the forest, Nobuyuki still was unable to find anything of use, but leaves and tree barks. Not losing hope on the journey just yet, Nobuyuki pressed onward. "I hope my luck will get better today." Nobuyuki told himself, taking a deep breath before walking onward. The day is still young, and it would be a shame if he wasted it all on roaming around and not finding anything of uses.


ID: 47509

LD: 6+1=7 

Found: Nothing

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"At least the breeze was nice." Nobuyuki sigh. His bad luck of gathering material is getting worse by the minute. Unable to find anything for quite a while, Nobuyuki decided to sat down and take a break before continued on doing anything else. He sat down under a tree after scouting out the perimeter. He rested his head against the tree trunk, and slowed his breathing. Like the book said, if he meditated and relax his body, he could relief some stress and frustration, therefore having a better time finding things

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"Alright, that break should probably enough. Maybe I can start on finding material again." Nobuyuki said to himself, standing up from the seat. He stretched his body up straight, before continuing his hunting trip. Walking under the treelines, he was hoping that he could find something of use, but alas he found nothing, just like the previous time.


ID: 47644

LD: 11+1=12

Found: nothing

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Walking around the Forrest, Nobuyuki had a feeling like he was being watched. Looking around for any sign of something suspicious, he found that a few tree branches were moving in a different direction compare to the the wind. Keeping his guard up, Nobuyuki pressed onward, withdrew his sword and readied to fight anything.

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Nobuyuki couldn't see in which direction the attack was coming from, since all tree branches look the same. The split moment he didn't pay enough attention, Nobuyuki was immediately struck accross the face with a large branch. Before he could recover from the attack, Nobuyuki was then struck by a mother branch, knocked him off his feet. He rubbed his jaw, feeling the effect of the blast. The young warrior opened his eyes. He immediately saw another two branches coming down onto him. As quick as he could, Nobuyuki rolled away from the attack. He got himself some distance away from the monsters. Looking back, he saw four Ents, each looked old, and grim. His Baransu gripping tightly in his hand, his eyes looked toward the Ents with a fierce and fiery look. Charging toward the four monsters, his sword flying brightly the limelight color, Nobuyuki leaped into the fair and deliver heavy and fierce strikes, all aiming toward the Ents body. Landed on the floor, he turned around, as all four Ents were destroyed. All bursted to millions of pixels. Sheathed his sword, Nobuyuki gradually walked away.


ID: 47747 - 47750

MOB: 9 {Critcal Hit!} ; 1 {Critical Failure} ; 3 {Failed} ; 10 {Total Critical Hit!}

BD: 10 {Total Critical Hit!}

CaptainUndead: 35/64 HP | Energy: 4/16 | DMG: 7 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 3 | MIT: 11 |

  • ( - (( 25 - 11) + ( 26 - 11)) = -29 DMG)


Ancient Ent 1: 0/48 HP | DMG: 24 | MIT: 12 | ( - ((( 9 + 1) * Sharp Nail: 3x2) - 12) = -48 DMG)

Ancient Ent 2: 0/48 HP | DMG: 24 | MIT: 12 | ( - ((( 9 + 1) * Sharp Nail: 3x2) - 12) = -48 DMG)

Ancient Ent 3: 0/48 HP | DMG: 24 | MIT: 12 | ( - ((( 9 + 1) * Sharp Nail: 3x2) - 12) = -48 DMG)

Ancient Ent 4: 0/48 HP | DMG: 24 | MIT: 12 | ( - ((( 9 + 1) * Sharp Nail: 3x2) - 12) = -48 DMG)


LD: 12+1=13 

Looted: 960 Cols ; 4 Mats

Total Mat count: 12

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Continued on walking under the treeline of the forest, Nobuyuki continued to look for the materials. His unfortunate streak continued on, as Nobuyuki still unable to find anything valuable for him to use. "Blast. Rotten luck." Nobuyuki cursed, looking at the empty treeline. Shooking away the unlucky thoughts, he continued onward. 


ID: 47919 

LD: 13+1=14

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Finally, the unluckiness streak come to an end. He finally found something of use. A patch of wild edible mushroom grown under a tree branch up high, Nobuyuki tried his luck in attempted to get the mushrooms. He use the trees to slowly climbed up toward the branches. Using two trees at the continuous leverage, he slowly climbed up toward the highest branch. Quickly grabbed the mushrooms, he slipped his footing and fell down onto the ground. However, Nobuyuki was able to landed onto his feet. Get up and put the mushrooms back to his inventory, Nobuyuki pressed onward.


ID: 47929

LD: 16+1=17

Found: 1 Mat

Total Mat Count: 13

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Walking not far from where he originally found the first patch of mushroom, Nobuyuki found yet another patch, this time lying on the ground. Gladly pluck it all up from the ground and placed it in his inventory, Nobuyuki continued on his journey. He find it weird that from the point he joined the game, mushroom is the only thing he found mostly. He blamed the writer and moved on.


ID: 47946

LD: 16+1=17 

Found: 1 Mat

Total Mat count: 14

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Nobuyuki continued on walking, that's when he met with a strange feeling of being followed by something. Unsheathed his sword and stand readied, he look forward. His <Search and Detect> skill allowed him to spotted another pack of five dire wolf. With no hesitation, the young warrior lunged at the wolves full speed? Leap into the air with his sword art readied, Nobuyuki unleashed a series of thrusts aimed towards the Wolves' hearts. All of them instantly bursted with not much of a chance to fight back.


ID: 47948

BD: 7

MOB: died before action.

CaptainUndead: 64/64 HP | Energy: 4/16 | DMG: 7 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 3 | MIT: 9


Dire Wolf: 0/35 HP | DMG: 25 | MIT: 10 ( - (((7+1) * Sharp Nail: 3x2) - 10) = 38 HP)

Dire Wolf: 0/35 HP | DMG: 25 | MIT: 10 ( - (((7+1) * Sharp Nail: 3x2) - 10) = 38 HP)

Dire Wolf: 0/35 HP | DMG: 25 | MIT: 10 ( - (((7+1) * Sharp Nail: 3x2) - 10) = 38 HP)

Dire Wolf: 0/35 HP | DMG: 25 | MIT: 10 ( - (((7+1) * Sharp Nail: 3x2) - 10) = 38 HP)

Dire Wolf: 35/35 HP | DMG: 25 | MIT: 10


LD: 17+1=18

Looted: 700 Cols, 8 Mats

Total Mat count: 22

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While Nobuyuki put his attention into the first four wolves, the fifth one was able to snuck behind him. found the chance of it attacking, the wolf lunged forward and aiming for Nobuyuki's neck. However, his body jerked backward, making the wolf missed the attack. Nobuyuki raised his sword, with the sword art ready, lunge forward and thrust his sword, pierce the wolf's body. It shone then bursted to million of small pixel, sharing the fate of its friends. Sheathed the sword to his back, Nobuyuki continued on his grind-fest.


ID: 47989

MOB: 5 {Missed}

ID: 10 {Total Critical Hit!}

CaptainUndead: 64/64 HP | Energy: 0/16 | DMG: 7 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 3 | MIT: 11 |


DIre Wolf: 0/35 HP | DMG: 25 | MIT: 10 | ( - (( 9 * Vorpal Strike: 1x5) - 10) = -35 HP)


LD: 17+1=18

Looted: 175 Col, 2 Mats

Total Mat count: 24.

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"I suppose I can go back to gathering some more material. The sun hasn't set yet." Nobuyuki pushed himself onward, in the search for more materials. Looking around, He saw a patch of herbal plants. Gladly harvested the plants, Nobuyuki let out a sigh with content, moving onward to search for more material. 


ID: 48154

LD: 14+1=15

Found: 1 Mat

Total Mat count: 25

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"It's been a long day. Can't wait to take a break from all the fighting and go back to town." Nobuyuki sighed. On his trail home, he planned out on what is his objective for tomorrow. "Maybe I should go back to floor one. That's where I do my business really. I could go and see if I have any new order." Nobuyuki thought, as he arrived at the base of the hanging village.

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just as Nobuyuki was preparing to climb back up to the village hanging upon the tree lines, he heard a faint whisper, the sun is already setting, and the forest has darkened. However, his curiosity was too great for him not to try and find out what the whispering was. Got back into the tree lines, he tried to search through the trees and bushes, looking for the source of this faint whispers. But then, the whisper faded, leaving Nobuyuki completely confuse of what that is about.


ID: 48264

LD: 1+1=2 

Found: nothing.

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Intrigued and determine to get to the tail of this mysterious whispered, Nobuyuki continued scouting out the area surrounding him, but all came to no avail. The place was completely silent. Sighed in disappointed, Nobuyuki packed up and turn around, went back to the village before it was too late. The place wasn't far away and thanks to the map it was easier to locate the town. Climbed back up into town, Nobuyuki took a long break from the exploration of Florenthia inside the inn built into the tree. Laid down onto his comfortable bed, he slowly drifting off to sleep. 


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