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[PP-F1] Down goes the King (Nixon)

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Another day in AinCrad. Waking up from his bed in the Inn room, Nobuyuki planned on deciding what to do for today. It has been busy for the last few couples of day, but with that, Nobuyuki was able to grind up some experience faster and more efficient. Order a plate of boar steak and sat down on an empty table in a restaurant nearby, Nobuyuki quickly decided on what to do for the day, eliminate the boar king, or get back up to the upper floor and do a quest, all the while enjoying his meal. After a while, he had came to the final decision. "Alright, today I'm taking down the Boar king." Nobuyuki said with determination, as he get out of his table in the restaurant and paid for the breakfast. After that, Nobuyuki started his quest for hunting down the boar king. With only one man fighting against something as big as that is going to be a hard battle, especially he had to take care of the King's guardian as well, but that wont stop him from accomplishing his first order. However, while rushing out onto the field, he wasn't notice someone coming from another street. Nobuyuki nearly ran over whoever he just ran into. Getting back up onto his feet, he turned around and look at the person, extended his hand offering some help. "Sorry about that. I was in a hurry so I didn't see you coming." He apologized the person, pulling them back up from the ground.

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Nixon was walking back to his in from the bar, when he was run into by a man. "Sorry about that. I was in a hurry so I didn't see you coming." The man says as he reaches out a hand, Nixon accepts the offer and smiles at the man warmly "You are fine my friend, as though I do believe you to be my friend, however I must ask what the rush is on such a fine day?" He looks the man up and down "Be you off to fight some beast of unknown origin? 'Cause if so, 't seems that you have no one to accompany you. Though I am, as I am, Low level. I do not beset you to ask 't of me, I do pray thee ask a man of assistance as, as I perceive 't, you do not wish to die. I pray I not need to know another who is to die as so many have thus far, as the tragedies that have become of them are too many to count. So now, I beset you, find a member for a party and not go solo as I would not like to hear of your death. Further more, should you like that I accompany you at the least, I will do my best to uphold my part in the party." He looks at the man, Nixon still smiling warmly,  and pauses as if to wait for this man to respond.

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"Oh great... Another of these nutters who's too emersive in the game." Nobuyuki rolled his eyes. Looking at the stranger that he had just ran into now asking to join him on his quest, Nobuyuki sighed. It'd be rude if he didn't let the man to come with, but then it would also be very risky if he did. Looking at the man, he sighed. "Ok, I'll let you come with me, but you will need to be careful, things can get really risky and dangerous." Nobuyuki addressed the stranger of the dangerous journey ahead. "If you're still up for it, then I won't mind you tagging along.

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"If you're still up for it, then I won't mind you tagging along." The man says to Nixon, who pauses and thinks for a second "I have no reason not to i guess.... I just hope he doesn't stab me in the back" He look at the man "Alright, i would be happy to join you. I'm Nixon, What is your name?" the two Begin their journey Nixon being cautious of this man, "This man seems not as friendly as most... Further analysis is needed to process this mans mental-emotional state." He starts to write down some things in a book as they are walking. Though it is primarily written in Old English,  Nixon starts to remember a theory on psychology "'The brilliant French psychoanalyst, Jacques Lacan, taught that aggression results as a psychological defense  Jacques Lacan against threats of fragmentation. That is, as infants, we are just a jumble of diverse biological processes over which we have no authority, and our first task in life is to develop a coherent identity which “pulls together” this fragmented confusion. This identity may give the appearance of a unified personality, but it really is just a psychological illusion that hides our essential human vulnerability and weakness. And so, when anything or anyone threatens us with the truth of our essential fragmentation, the quickest, easiest, and most common defense available—to hide the truth of our weakness and to give the illusion that we possess some sort of power—is aggression.' I wonder if this is some of what has affected this man"

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Walking in the front, Nobuyuki didn't mind much of what Nixon was doing in the back. Scanning around for the Boar King, Nobuyuki sighed, It's going to be a long day, and getting to Horunka village should be a good place to start. "Tobi. The name is Tobi." Nobuyuki replied to Nixon as the two travel. The guy didn't seem like a trustworthy person, at least not enough for Nobuyuki to give his real name, not that he ever give his real name to anyone. The two travel some more, in the search for the King boar.

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"Tobi. The name is Tobi." Nixon hears interrupting his train of thought. he looks at the man confused "Really? because i already know a guy with the user name of Tobi, and i dont believe that this game would allow two of the same username. so ether you are lying or my other friend is lying." He thinks to himself with a picture of Tsubasa in his mind (Who he knows as Tobi) and thinks to himself "I'm beginning to think that neither of them are telling the truth... but i wouldn't know for sure at this time...so many things to analyse so little time!" He realizes that the man was searching for the boar and decided to help while waiting for an answer.

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"Think what you wish. There are more than one person with the name Tobi around in this planet. Beside, it's not my username." Nobuyuki replied to Nixon, as the two pressed onward. Finally, they found the King Boar. The boar that's nearly thrice the size of the normal boar that roams around. "Alright... That's the ones we needed to go after." Nobuyuki looking at the giant boar, surrounded by a the crowd of guardian boars. 


CaptainUndead: 64/64 HP | Energy: 16/16 | DMG: 7 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 3 | MIT: 11 |

Nixon: 16/16 HP | Energy: 4/4 | DMG: 3 | 


King Boar: 50/50 HP | DMG: 25 | MIT: 12

Guardian Boar 1: 16/16 HP | Dmg: 12 | MIT: 4

Guardian Boar 2: 16/16 HP | Dmg: 12 | MIT: 4

Guardian Boar 3: 16/16 HP | Dmg: 12 | MIT: 4

Guardian Boar 4: 16/16 HP | Dmg: 12 | MIT: 4

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Nixon nods spotting the beast as well "Alright, whats the attack strategy? lure them out and fight them one on one or go in guns blazing?" Nixon, seems to have lost his cheerful facade, and readies his whip "well this will be a trip i can tell what is so important about this boar that would lead a man to go after it, especially one of such a high level? i digress, that is food for thought, how does he want to go about this?" He looks over at the man, waiting for instructions. Though he is not sure how well he will do, Nixon resolves that he wont die, not here, he has too much to do, so much to analyse, this would just be anti-climactic.

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Brandished his sword from behind his back, Nobuyuki slowly made his way toward the King Boar and it's minions. "Take everything down on sight, that's my plan of action." Nobuyuki told his plan of action, and charged toward the crowd of boars. Aiming for the four Guardian Boars first, he swung his blade in a horizontal arc, then another strike as he spun around, slashing toward the side of the boars. Then the third one and the fourth. all the Boar Guardians fell, left only the king. Confused by the attack, the King Boar charged forward, but missed the attack. Nobuyuki easily rolled out of the way. Readied his weapon, he has taken the boar's attention, and now waiting for his next attack.


ID: 47657, 47658

BD: 5+2=7 {Hit!}

MOB: died before action; 1 {Critical Failure}

CaptainUndead: 64/64 HP | Energy: 8/16 | DMG: 7 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 3 | MIT: 11 | (Hate: 1)

Nixon: 16/16 HP | Energy: 4/4 | DMG: 3 | (Hate: 0)


King Boar: 50/50 HP | DMG: 25 | MIT: 12 

Guardian Boar 1: 0/16 HP | Dmg: 12 | MIT: 4 ( - (((7+1) * Vertical Square: 4x1) - 4) = -28 HP)

Guardian Boar 2: 0/16 HP | Dmg: 12 | MIT: 4 ( - (((7+1) * Vertical Square: 4x1) - 4) = -28 HP)

Guardian Boar 3: 0/16 HP | Dmg: 12 | MIT: 4 ( - (((7+1) * Vertical Square: 4x1) - 4) = -28 HP)

Guardian Boar 4: 0/16 HP | Dmg: 12 | MIT: 4 ( - (((7+1) * Vertical Square: 4x1) - 4) = -28 HP)

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Nixon Swings his whip at the King boar with a loud crack. The Bleed damage leaving gaping holes on the boar. then the boar falls to the ground stunned. "You think you can kill it in your next hit? Because if you can... That would be great" He jumps back  "If I die from this, God... I don't even know lets just hope this works" Nixon readies himself for a second strike, praying that he will hit it with the same force he did last time, though he knew it was unlikely, even though he was flanking it. "This was probably a mistake... Oh well we will just have to see wont we?well... at least the darn thing is paralyzed, thank you anise,... when this is over I need to really treat myself!" He thinks, 

ID# 47660 Result: Combat 10 (Critical Success) [5 dmg - 12 mit = 1 total dmg + bleed + paralyze]


CaptainUndead: 64/64 HP | Energy: 16/16 | DMG: 7 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 3 | MIT: 11 | (Hate: 1)

Nixon: 16/16 HP | Energy: 4/4 | DMG: 3 | (Hate: 2)


King Boar: 49/50 HP | DMG: 25 | MIT: 12 (Paralyzed, Bleeding)

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Nobuyuki once again dashed forward, his sword glowing and his sword art charged forward. Since King Boar has already been paralyzed by Nixon attack, it was an easy hit. The young warrior thrust his sword forward, the attack pierced through the boar's body, dealing heavy damage toward the boar. Seeing the boar slowly stirred, Nobuyuki fall back before he took anymore damage. The King Boar slowly risen to its feet, squealing loudly as it looked at Nobuyuki's direction and readied to attack.


ID: 47662

BD: 5+2=7 {Hit!}

MOB: Paralyzed

CaptainUndead: 64/64 HP | Energy: 4/16 | DMG: 7 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 3 | MIT: 11 | (Hate: 2)

Nixon: 16/16 HP | Energy: 4/4 | DMG: 3 | (Hate: 1)


King Boar: 37/50 HP | DMG: 25 | MIT: 12 ( - (( 7 * Vorpal Strike: 1x5) - 12) = -23 DMG)

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Nixon centers himself for another strike, CRACK. the whip hits the boar dead on "Take that!" he yells "I may have a chance after all!" he jumps back but realizes that once again the boar has fallen to paralysis! "Anise really knew what she was doing my God" Nixon adjusts his stance and readies another attack "Maybe this will be easier than i thought! plus it is bleeding out, this is amazing!" Nixon looks over to 'Tobi' and nods to single that he should attack. and backs off to give him space.

ID# 47663 Result: Combat 9 (Critical Success) [4 dmg - 12 mit=1 total Dmg + bleed +Paralyze]


CaptainUndead: 64/64 HP | Energy: 4/16 | DMG: 7 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 3 | MIT: 11 | (Hate: 2)

Nixon: 16/16 HP | Energy: 4/4 | DMG: 3 | (Hate: 3)


King Boar: 32/50 HP | DMG: 25 | MIT: 12 (1+4(Bleed)=5) (Paralyzed)

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"There!" Nobuyuki saw King Boar's weak point the moment it slump back down from the paralysis once more. Ran up toward the boar, Nobuyuki used the same sword art he just used previously. This time, the thrust from the sword pierced through the weak point of the boar. It let out a loud squeal, before bursting to million of pieces that slowly fade in the air. Sheathed his sword back to his sheath behind his back, Nobuyuki let out a sigh, readied to head back home, after his quest is completed. "Alright, this should be it for today. We should head back now. There are things in town I still need to work on." Nobuyuki told his companion, facing toward the direction of Town of Beginning. 


ID: 47675

BD: 10 {Total Critical Hit!}

MOB: died before action.

CaptainUndead: 64/64 HP | Energy: 0/16 | DMG: 7 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 3 | MIT: 11 | (Hate: 3)

Nixon: 16/16 HP | Energy: 4/4 | DMG: 3 | (Hate: 1)


King Boar: 0/50 HP | DMG: 25 | MIT: 12 ( - (( 9 * Vorpal Strike: 1x5) - 12) = -33 DMG)


LD: 11+1=12

Looted: 250 Cols, 1 Mat

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Nixon turns to 'Tobi' "Good job, you really are a fantastic swordsman, i must say" he says as he sheaths his weapon "I'm glad that boar wasn't able to be hit, or i may have been destroyed" Nixon looks around for loot but finds noting. "That was faster than i expected, hopefully now he has a bit more trust and respect for me, however i know i shouldn't expect much... Oh well at least this is dead" Nixon thinks, "I should look for some mats while i have the chance, the more i have the more i can cook" he then proceeds to look for a mat but returns empty handed. "Yeah i am ready to return as well"

ID# 47682 Result: Loot 5 (No mat)


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Walking for a while with nothing to say, the silence atmosphere slowly spread all around the grassfield. No one to be seen, nor did they find any monster to kill nearby. Nobuyuki didn't mind the silence, but his companion might said otherwise. They could see Horunka village up ahead, and the place is as quiet as always. Not much people go to this village anymore. Not like when it use to be. "What should I do with the rest of the day once I made this delivery?" Nobuyuki asked himself, seeing the day is still young.

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Nixon walks along side 'Tobi' In complete silence. "well this is eerie," Nixon thinks to himself "I wonder what he wanted to go through all this trouble for... Oh well, it reminds me of tsubasa, this man does, He seems to be hiding something from his past... or maybe something of the future." Nixon looks around surprised that there are no mobs to be seen, no a single person or NPC for miles "This man could kill me in an instant if he so chose to.... then again i see no purpose for this man to choose the life of a read player, though i may just be naive"  

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"Well, isn't this quiet." Nobuyuki thought, as the two continued walking back to Town of Beginning. With Nixon behind him being skeptical about things, Nobuyuki felt a little uneasy. Turning around, he spoke up. "Ease up a little. You're being a little tense there. It's only walking, you're not worried about anything, are you?" He asked Nixon, walking backward. Nobuyuki paid extra detail onto the boy, seeing if he's onto something or not. "I don't suppose he's onto something at the moment. But better be careful." Nobuyuki told himself, warning himself not to put too much trust in strange people

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Nixon takes a second to respond as he was deep in though "Oh..." he says as his brain registers that he was being talked to "No, I'm fine just trying to call back my psychology lessons." Though he doesn't smile he does seem to relax a bit. "I was a student of psychology and English, as you probably have denounced, and this game is a prime place to explore sides of psychology that i have never seen before, it is a beautiful thing. The human mind...." he trails off and looks around. the scenery was magnificent though he did not understand how someone could have the patience to program it. 

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