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[F1-PP] Working Part-Time (KazuAnaka) (Antofer) (Nixon) (CookieKat)

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The sun was shining bright this morning, another day in Aincrad and not much progress made. Kazuki was only level two, and he sought to beat the game and bring everyone back to the real world. Sadly he can't do anything, he's just another pawn in Akihiko Kayaba's game. "Curse you Kayaba!" he hissed. Sighing, he went back to looking at the sky. Hundreds of clouds could be seen in the sky sea of blue, a few of the clouds were shaped like whales but what stood out the most was the one that was shaped like a pair of boxer shorts. Kazuki smiled and shed a tear for the first time since he said those words. 'Link Start!' "I can't believe it, it reminds me of home..." Although the day was bright, it appeared to be awfully gloomy for him.

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Nixon walks over to him "You okay man? you look upset. If you want to talk about it i am willing to give my two cents" Nixon smiles warmly and sits down next to KazuAnaka. "It's such a beautiful day, If i do perceive it correctly. I hope you aren't hovering on the past, We are in this game for a reason, and regardless as to what that reason is, this game is our home now, its best not think about the past. This world, as it is a world, is our reality, so what is it that we need to focus on outside of it?" Nixon sounds genuin in his words and cheery the who time. to most it would be a comforting tone. he looks over at the man, smiles, and thinks "I hope i can help this man"

Edited by Nixon
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