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[PP-F1] Who is this kid? (Antofer, Tsubasa, Xamvius)

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Iri, Antofer, and Tsubasa walk into the tavern. as they enter, Iri sees a new face and goes and bombards him with questions "Hi! Who are you?" he looks at the warhammer with awe "I have never seen that weapon in the game before!" the blonde haired kid in the long dark read cloak said. looking up at the dark brown haired man energetically "What are you doing in the tavern? shouldn't you be out training? No Offence but you wont get anywhere unless you level up."

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"Uh... yeah. I uh... I suppose I should be." the tall, dark eyed guy said. He pulled at his scarf a little. "Name's Xamvius. This is a warhammer." He held it up to emphasize the statement. "... I'm not one to go out to train too often. I know, I know, it sounds stupid. I'll find my own way to power." He looked off to the side awkwardly. "I'm here because... I actually have no idea where to go. Kinda pathetic, ain't it?" He shook his head, and put his hands in the pockets of his deep indigo jacket. "Just figured I'd go to a tavern and wait for something to happen. Now that I've wasted your time, perhaps you'll tell me who you are?"

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"I say no, I don't think we should tell this taller deal eyed scarfed jacketed dude our names".  Tsubasa looks at him skeptically.  "You say you want power? Well join the Lucifer guild led by this guy". Tsubasa gestures to Antofer.  Tsubasa is a rather tall, (but not taller than Mr.Dark Eyes) with long tied back white hair.  He wore a tee-shirt and shorts, and had his hands in his pockets.  Tsubasa had eyes that very closely resemble that of a snake.  After looking intensely at Mr.Dark Eyes, Tsubasa gives his name.  "My name is Tobi, he is Iri, that dude in Antofer... You deserve to know us as who we are.". Tsubasa holds no weapons 

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Xamvius nods at them. "You're completely in your right to be skeptical of me, but trust me when I say, Tobi, I mean you and your bros no harm." He hefts his hammer over his right shoulder lazily, and shifted his weight to his right leg. "I'll join your guild, given permission from Antofer. My options are pretty limited here, so ill give it shot, yeah?" He pulled at his scarf a little. "Just be aware I'll have my eyes on all of you. Best to be safe than sorry, right?"

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"Same can be said back to you, acquatince.  Do you mind me asking a few questions that I find very important?"  Tsubasa then asks something that others might find confusing.  He asks with not a single expression noticeable on his face, "Are you wearing a scarf?  Are you?  If you are, please tell me that that scarf you wear is the most neon pink colored scarf that you have ever seen."  Tsubasa waits, clearly these questions are very serious.  "Now tell me... What are friends?"  

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"Yeah. I'm wearing a scarf." Xamvius said. "I don't know how you knew this, but it was neon pink when I got it. The brightest neon pink". He shrugged his shoulders. "I dyed it indigo a really long time ago though. You know, having an indigo jacket and a bright pink scarf might give people the... wrong idea. But anyways, it's really cold where I came from. So the scarf look just kinda followed me here." He looks out a window and looked back. "But, uh... sorry about the whole 'not neon pink' thing. If that's bad, there's not much I can do to change it."

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"MR.  XAMVIUS! I HAVE STUFF THAT I DONT WANT AND YOU CAN HAVE!!" Iri says excitedly "But i want something in return!" he says and glances at Tsubasa "I want to help you on a quest!" he looks genuinely excited and happy, it was an expression that was rarely seen. "What do you say, Friend?" he holds out his had as though to shake yours. "I will even buy you a drink!" he looks over at the bartender, "A light drink for me and give him a second of whatever he is having!"

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"Oh. Uh, alright then." Xamvius hesitates for a fraction of a second, and takes Iri's hand in his own. "But, uh... you wouldn't  want me to have a second one of what I was having. It'd end badly for all involved." The handshake he gives Iri is a little on the uncomfortabley strong side. "I'll go on your quest. Or, you're welcome to come on my quest. Whichever you prefer." Xamvius turns to the bartender. "Ill have water in the biggest size you're willing to sell, actually." Upon receiving the water, he promptly downs it all. Feeling refreshed, he turns back to Iri and asks, "so when do we leave?"

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Tsubasa just stands watching as "Mr.Dark Eyes" drank the entire thing of water.  "So, what quest are you planning on doing?".   I'm up for doing any quest with anyone as long as Abandon and Phillia are not tagging along.  She accepted to duel me but she refused to duel someone a level below herself.  She's all talk and that would only danger the party.  OK, Whenever you guys want to begin, I'll be ready.  Tsubasa sat on a stool waiting for Iri to make a decision.

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"No, just me and him. You can take a break Tobi. and we can get you a profession Xamvius" Iri opens up a trade with Xamvius and puts the



Name: Sadist Right arm MK1

Your Profession:Tailor

Your Rank: 4

ID: ID# 47816 results:

Roll: 9+1

Item Type: [Clothing, Leather Armor, Plushies,]

Tier: [1, 2 or 3 ]

Quality: (Uncommon)


Name: Damage Mitigation

Effect: Removes (9 * Tier Level) points of damage from every hit to you for every slot used. No matter how much damage mitigation you have, however, you will always take at least 1 point of damage.

Description: [A description of the item]


Name: Sadistic Passage (Locked)

Your Profession:Tailor

Your Rank: 4

ID: ID# 47814 results

Roll: 6 + 1

Item Type: [Clothing, Leather Armor, Plushies,]

Tier: [1]

Quality: [Good]

Enhancements: [Use enhancement guide in tutorial for a list of enhancements]

Description: [A description of the item]


In the box. "This is yours if you will let me join you" he says smiling "Come on buddy" Iri grabs his drink "We are going to make great friends, dont you worry!" he spins in the bar stool and chuckles "Lets do it man!" he waits for Xamvius to accept or not. And smiles excitedly, he seems like he is bouncing in his chair, he really needs to stop going to bars.

Edited by Iri
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Xamvius takes the box, looking at it slightly skeptically before putting on the armor that had been inside it. The 'right arm' appears to be made of leather, with various spikes of unknown origin jutting out from different angles. The 'Sadistic Passage' also appears to be made of leather... Although, it doesn't really appear to cover much. Suppose I shouldn't complain though, it IS free armor. "Aight.  I guess we'll go wherever you were... wanting to go, then." 

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Tsubasa was confused seeing Mr.Dark Eyes wear the spikey leather arm plate with jutting spikes.  His very open appearance to the sadistic paassage was rather displeasing to look at.  "Well I say we treat you to the finest fighting. Do y'all want to try to take on some Bison?  I believe there should be a few in the floor 1 plains if my information is not corrupted".   Tsubasa begins to walk out of the tavern with Antofer.  Tsubasa is still wearing his beginners clothes.

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"Yeah man. I  guess dat'll do perfectly." Xamvius stretches his arms, and yawns. "Maybe something weird will happen out there. Who knows, right?" He tightens his scarf a little, and rebuttons his coat, and begins to follow Tsubasa and Antofer out the door. "Hey, kid... Iri, whacha gonna do, you gonna come with us, right?" Xamvius subtly looks out a window in boredom, not knowing quite what to do while waiting for a response from Iri. Actually, it's kinda awkward.

Edited by Xamvius
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Tsubasa notices that Mr.Dark Eyes is waiting for Iri to decide whether he will join our bison journey or not.  As Mr.Dark Eyes asked Iri stuff, Tsubasa equipped his battle gear.  First he eqquiped his armor platings, then his hand wraps of snake like strike, which glow a light green illumination.  Finally he equipped his white snake cloak, which had a white snake isignia imprinted on the back.  Tsubasa had just stopped himself and Antofer at the enterance of the tavern and blocked people from enetering just to hear Iri's response.  

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Iri runs to catch up. "What are we doing?" he asks as he notices that tsubasa is equipping his armor, and he decides it would be smart to do it as well, he then equips <<The Rose>>, <<Rampant Lion Bracers>>, and <<Lion Fang>>. He looks around kind of confused as of what to do, and trying to keep up with the other two who towered over him. 'my legs are so short, it kinda sucks... oh well.'

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"Tsubasa said something about buffalo.... or was it bison?" He scratched he back of his head, clearly deep in thought about the intricacies of the differences between bison and buffalo. I mean, they are different. Bison have smaller horns, and are more fuzzy. And buffalo live near the water. And... Suddenly, it occurred to Xamvius that this really didn't matter at all, and he continued walking and thinking about nothing. As he had been before.

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