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[PP-F2] Discussions in the bold light of day <<Earning a Living>> (tsubasa) {complete}

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Nixon exits his inn on floor 2 and thinks to himself "I need to get some mats! maybe tsubasa will help then we can go get him some" He sends a message to Tsubasa

To: Tsubasa

From: Nixon

Hey Tsubasa, i need to get some mats and you do as well, would you be willing to join me? if so i would really appreciate it! I will through in some food if you want it. you want pasta, right? I will get you some when you get back. If not then that's fine it was just a wild guess.

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Tsubasa receives the PM while he is on Floor 1, talking to newbies and veterans in the tavern.  The message tells him to meet the guy, Nexon, and to specifically meet on the second floor.  Tsubasa doesn't reply back knowing that he didn't know Tsubasa's real name, but begins walking towards the second floor.  He did realize that he needed more mats.  Tsubasa read "pasta" and he knew there was no way he would miss out on the rewards he could reap...Taubasa had on his snake cloak, his armor, and his light green wraps of snake strike.

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As Tsubasa comes through the gate, he sees Nixon standing there waiting "Took you long enough" he chuckles "Come on, im going to make you work for that pasta, but dont worry it will be the best damn pasta you have ever tasted!" he laughs at himself "God i need to get better at cooking!" he thinks "Oh well the better i do today the better i will be in the future... tsubasa is giving me a weird vibe, i wonder what is wrong with him... oh well" they approach the forest the breeze was whistling in the trees

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Tsubasa sees Nixon and hears Nixon say, "took you long enough" Tsubasa just keeps an expressionless face.  When he says that the pasta will be the best, Tsubasa doesn't budge but thinks to himself, *those mobs won't stand in my way, even more so if I'm reaping double or even triple the rewards.*  Tsubasa just looked around to see if he could find any mats before they actually started their adventure.  He did not find anything that could be alchemical components, and was ready to go.

 ID# 48320 results: Loot: 7 (fail)

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Nixon looks around for some mats but then thinks to himself, "I need to show tsubasa my shield" he walks back over to tsubasa "Yo, Tsubasa... or.. erm... Tobi, as you like to be called, Check out what I bought from Macradon!" he opens his menu and equips his new shield and holds it out for tsubasa to look at "What do you think? I almost cannot be destroyed by a boss, as i have like 30 armour mitigation."  he stands proudly his whip by his side then puts his shield back on his back. "So you want to find some mobs to fight?"

ID# 48422 Result: Loot 8 (No Matt)


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"Uh that's... Well a unique piece of red metal.. I guess.  Anyways, yeah, I could definitely use a good battle.  I'm getting rusty at my technique.".  Tsubasa began walking through the forest, noticing small bugs that would usually be invisible to a bystander, had he not very keen snake like eyes.  "Let's keep going this direction.  Is there any specific mobs you would like to battle in this forest?  I'm up for just about anything at the moment.".  Tsubasa goes and looks around at what's appears to be a rock.  When he looks over the rock he sees a small plant.  Tsubasa, realizing that the plant had alchemical components, decides to dig it out.  Tsubasa then grabs the plant and places it in his inventory.


ID# 48459 results:

 Loot: 15 (success)

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Nixon looks around for some mats as well but instead stumbles upon a Group of squires and one that appears to be a boss. "Well crap! Tsubasa get over here! i found the fight you wanted... My god, Why are these squirrels so big?"  as tsubasa approaches Nixon, who is making no effort to be silent, Nixon waves over toward the squirrel. "You ready, buddy?" he says smiling "Lets take them out!" he runs in the direction of the squirrels and makes some noise to draw attention to him.

ID# 48654 Result: Loot 12

Tsubasa 36/36 HP | 9/9 Energy | 5 Dmg | 9 Thrns | 18 Mit | Hate: 0

Nixon 24/24 HP | 6/6 Energy | 3 Dmg | 30 Mit | 18 Thrns | Hate: 0


Squirrel Boss 40/40 HP | 20 Dmg | 10 Mit

Squirrel Sentinel (1) 20/20 HP | 10 Dmg | 5 Mit

Squirrel Sentinel (12) 20/20 HP | 10 Dmg | 5 Mit

Squirrel Minion (1) 18/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit

Squirrel Minion (5) 18/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit

Squirrel Minion (16) 18/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit

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Tsubasa realizes that Nixon was trying to attract the squirrels attention.  Seeing this, Tsubasa immediately goes to hide beneath some of the brush.  As a squirrel moved past he struck his arm outward toward the tail.  The tail moved forward as if it had noticed him.  Tsubasa retracted his arm back beside himself.  He thought, "it might be better to count the number of enemies nearby".  So Tsubasa looked around from underneath the forest brush.  He spots three small squirrels near him, and three near Nixon.  "Well, looks like he is giving me the easier prey... OK". Tsubasa stays still to make sure the small squirrel had not spotted him, then prepared a sword art for his next strike.

ID# 48655 results: Battle: 4 (fail)

Tsubasa 36/36 HP | 9/9 Energy | 5 Dmg | 9 Thrns | 18 Mit | Hate: 0

Nixon 24/24 HP | 6/6 Energy | 3 Dmg | 30 Mit | 18 Thrns | Hate: 0


Squirrel Boss 40/40 HP | 20 Dmg | 10 Mit

Squirrel Sentinel (1) 20/20 HP | 10 Dmg | 5 Mit

Squirrel Sentinel (12) 20/20 HP | 10 Dmg | 5 Mit

Squirrel Minion (1) 18/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit

Squirrel Minion (5) 18/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit

Squirrel Minion (16) 18/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit

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Nixon Cracks his whip at the boss and yells "Come at me you Code!" he laughs and they actually come at him. With a lot of intensity. but he just kind of brushes them off like 'Yeah its cool' he looks around at all the squirrels and yells "You cant kill me! You fools" he laughs some more enjoying himself immensely, especially after seeing one of the squirrels kill itself with the thorns. he felt like he was invincible, though he knew he wasn't and on wrong move and the boss would destroy him without a second thought

ID# 48661 Result: Combat 6 (Success) [3-20=1Dmg]

Mob (Boss) 3 (Miss)

ID# 48663 Result: Mob (SS1) 7 (Success) [10-30=1Dmg] [18Dmg from Thrns]

ID# 48665 Result: Mob (SS12) 10 (Crit Success) [12-30=1Dmg] [No Thrns]

ID# 48666 Result: Mob (SM1) 8 (Success) [4-30=1Dmg] [18 Thrns] Loot: 8 (No Loot)

ID# 48667 Result: Mob (SM5) 4 (Fail)

ID# 48668 Result: Mob (SM16) 10 (Crit Success) [6-30=1Dmg] [No Thrns]

Tsubasa 36/36 HP | 9/9 Energy | 5 Dmg | 9 Thrns | 18 Mit | Hate: 0

Nixon 20/24 HP | 6/6 Energy | 3 Dmg | 30 Mit | 18 Thrns | Hate: 1


Squirrel Boss 40/40 HP | 20 Dmg | 10 Mit

Squirrel Sentinel (1) 2/20 HP | 10 Dmg | 5 Mit

Squirrel Sentinel (12) 20/20 HP | 10 Dmg | 5 Mit

Squirrel Minion (1) 0/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit DED (No Loot)

Squirrel Minion (5) 18/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit

Squirrel Minion (16) 18/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit

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 Tsubasa's hand wraps build up a very dark green presence.  His white cloak begins to glow green as well.  He suddenly disappears from where he was previously located, and appears above the big boss squirrel.  He lunges downward at the boss squirrel activating his sword art, "aggressive twins" and rains down upon the boss with lightning fast snake like thrusts.  "Hello buddy, this is one of the stupidest things I've ever done.". Tsubasa the n vanished and appeared behind Nixon... "I will have muscle pain for days, going this fast".

ID# 48670 results:

 Battle: 10 (crit success +2) 14-10=4

Tsubasa 36/36 HP | 7/9 Energy | 5 Dmg | 9 Thrns | 18 Mit | Hate: 2

Nixon 20/24 HP | 6/6 Energy | 3 Dmg | 30 Mit | 18 Thrns | Hate: 1


Squirrel Boss 36/40 HP | 20 Dmg | 10 Mit

Squirrel Sentinel (1) 2/20 HP | 10 Dmg | 5 Mit

Squirrel Sentinel (12) 20/20 HP | 10 Dmg | 5 Mit

Squirrel Minion (1) 0/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit DED (No Loot)

Squirrel Minion (5) 18/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit

Squirrel Minion (16) 18/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit

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Nixon Laughs at the squirrels still trying to hit him and some of them would have done a lot, If he hadnt visited Macradon before hand "Thank You Macradon" he thinks to himself as he activates <<Crack Of Dawn>> smacking one of the minions with ease. it flies back with a loud crack. "Ha take that you heathens" He looks at tsubasa "Hey you can heal right? if so do me a favor and focus on healing me please That way i can soak up even more damage"

ID# 48674 Result: Combat 10 (Crit Success) [5*2-4=6Dmg] v.s SM5

Mob (Boss) 10 (Crit Success) [22-30=1Dmg] [No Thrns]

ID# 48675 Result: Mob (SS1) 7 (Success) [10-30=1Dmg] [18 Thrns] Loot 14 (+100Col)

ID# 48676 Result: Mob (SS12) 10 (Crit Success) [12-30=1] [No Thrns]

ID# 48678 Result: Mob (SM5) 3 (Fail) 

ID# 48679 Result: Mob (SM16) 5 (Fail)

Tsubasa 36/36 HP | 7/9 Energy | 5 Dmg | 9 Thrns | 18 Mit | Hate: 2

Nixon 18/24 HP | 4/6 Energy | 3 Dmg | 30 Mit | 18 Thrns | Hate: 3


Squirrel Boss 36/40 HP | 20 Dmg | 10 Mit

Squirrel Sentinel (1) 0/20 HP | 10 Dmg | 5 Mit DED 

Squirrel Sentinel (12) 20/20 HP | 10 Dmg | 5 Mit

Squirrel Minion (1) 0/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit DED (No Loot)

Squirrel Minion (5) 12/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit

Squirrel Minion (16) 18/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit

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Tsubasa nods his head in understanding and reaches up with his light green wraps connecting to his snake cloak, and grabs Nixon's shoulder.  Tsubasa's cloak begins to shine with a bright white light which temporarily blinds mobs that look at it.  Nixon's health recovers by a small amount.  Tsubasa's cloak then stops shining and he looks around with his snake like eyes to spot/notice any mobs that were not blinded by the light.  "Go for another strike, and I will follow you".  

ID# 48683 results:

 Craft: 12 (success heal)

Tsubasa 36/36 HP | 7/9 Energy | 5 Dmg | 9 Thrns | 18 Mit | Hate: 2

Nixon 20/24 HP | 4/6 Energy | 3 Dmg | 30 Mit | 18 Thrns | Hate: 3


Squirrel Boss 36/40 HP | 20 Dmg | 10 Mit

Squirrel Sentinel (1) 0/20 HP | 10 Dmg | 5 Mit DED 

Squirrel Sentinel (12) 20/20 HP | 10 Dmg | 5 Mit

Squirrel Minion (1) 0/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit DED (No Loot)

Squirrel Minion (5) 8/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit

Squirrel Minion (16) 18/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit

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Nixon laughs at the squirrels attacking his shield. some of the attacks actually started to hurt. he realized that his thorns weren't affecting any of them other then the boss and became very confused. "Just how lucky are these things?" He swings his whip and activates <<Crack Of Dawn>> once again, slamming it down on the same squirrel as last time. "Tsubasa please keep healing me if you can, I would greatly appreciate it"

ID# 48848 Result: Combat 7 (Success) [3*2-4=2Dmg] V.S. SM5

Mob (boss) 8 (Success) [20-30=1Dmg] [18 Thrns]

ID# 48849 Mob(SS12) 9 (Crit Success) [12-30=1Dmg] [No Thrns]

ID# 48850  Mob(SM2) 9 (Crit Success) [6-30=1Dmg] [No Thrns]

ID# 48851 Mob(SM16) 9 (Crit Success) *WTH!?!* [6-30=1] [No Thrns]

Tsubasa 36/36 HP | 7/9 Energy | 5 Dmg | 9 Thrns | 18 Mit | Hate: 2

Nixon 16/24 HP | 2/6 Energy | 3 Dmg | 30 Mit | 18 Thrns | Hate: 4


Squirrel Boss 18/40 HP | 20 Dmg | 10 Mit

Squirrel Sentinel (1) 0/20 HP | 10 Dmg | 5 Mit DED 

Squirrel Sentinel (12) 20/20 HP | 10 Dmg | 5 Mit

Squirrel Minion (1) 0/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit DED (No Loot)

Squirrel Minion (5) 11/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit

Squirrel Minion (16) 18/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit


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Tsubasa keeps up perfectly in time with Nixon his glowing cloak illuminating white.  Tsubasa grabbed Nixon's shoulder and Nixon's health bar grew back up a bit.  Taubasa responded, "focus your damage on the small squirrels, so the boss will die from your thorns.  Only a couple attacks against you should do the trick". Tsubasa kept behind Nixon completely focused on keeping Nixon's health bar up.

 ID# 48852 results:

 Craft: 12 (heal success) +2hp

Tsubasa 36/36 HP | 7/9 Energy | 5 Dmg | 9 Thrns | 18 Mit | Hate: 2

Nixon 18/24 HP | 2/6 Energy | 3 Dmg | 30 Mit | 18 Thrns | Hate: 4


Squirrel Boss 18/40 HP | 20 Dmg | 10 Mit

Squirrel Sentinel (1) 0/20 HP | 10 Dmg | 5 Mit DED 

Squirrel Sentinel (12) 20/20 HP | 10 Dmg | 5 Mit

Squirrel Minion (1) 0/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit DED (No Loot)

Squirrel Minion (5) 11/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit

Squirrel Minion (16) 18/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit

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Nixon is getting confused as to why the squirrels are not getting hurt by the thorns, i mean surely they cant be that luckey. Oh wait, they are. Luckily on died. He activates his <<Crack Of Dawn>> for the last time this battle. and misses. "Dammit!" He yells at the squirrels. but he shrugs, hopefully their luck will run out. and he will be able to regain his energy. He adjusts his stance to better apply the thorns hoping that it will trick them into getting hurt

ID# 48855 Result: Combat 4 (Fail)

Mob(Boss) 9 (Crit Success) *WWWHHHHHHTTTT?* [22-30=1Dmg] [No Thrns]

ID# 48856 Mob(SS12) 2 (Fail)

ID# 48858 Mob(SM5) 6 (Success) [4-30=1DMG] [18 Thrns] Loot 19 (180Col +1 Mat)

 ID# 48860 Mob(SM16) 4 (Fail)

Tsubasa 36/36 HP | 7/9 Energy | 5 Dmg | 9 Thrns | 18 Mit | Hate: 2

Nixon 16/24 HP | 0/6 Energy | 3 Dmg | 30 Mit | 18 Thrns | Hate: 4


Squirrel Boss 18/40 HP | 20 Dmg | 10 Mit

Squirrel Sentinel (1) 0/20 HP | 10 Dmg | 5 Mit DED 

Squirrel Sentinel (12) 20/20 HP | 10 Dmg | 5 Mit

Squirrel Minion (1) 0/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit DED (No Loot)

Squirrel Minion (5) 0/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit DED (180Col +1Mat)

Squirrel Minion (16) 18/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit

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Tsubasa followed behind Nixon, keeping a small distance between them so not to get in Nixon's way.  Tsubasa did notice this rare situation where the squirrels appeared almost intelligent.  However, Tsubasa knew that the plan should stay the same in case the boss Squirrel made a wrong move.  "Keep you attacks aimed at the small ones.  The have less natural armor, and are therefore easier to damage.  The Boss will likely mess up soon and that will end the major part of the battle."  Tsubasa kept glowing a white Illumination  which seemed to really stress his mind.  He didn't know how much more he could take before he would need a break.

ID# 48863 results:

 Craft: 7 (healing success) +2hp to Nixon

Tsubasa 36/36 HP | 7/9 Energy | 5 Dmg | 9 Thrns | 18 Mit | Hate: 2

Nixon 18/24 HP | 0/6 Energy | 3 Dmg | 30 Mit | 18 Thrns | Hate: 4


Squirrel Boss 18/40 HP | 20 Dmg | 10 Mit

Squirrel Sentinel (1) 0/20 HP | 10 Dmg | 5 Mit DED 

Squirrel Sentinel (12) 20/20 HP | 10 Dmg | 5 Mit

Squirrel Minion (1) 0/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit DED (No Loot)

Squirrel Minion (5) 0/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit DED (180Col +1Mat)

Squirrel Minion (16) 18/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit

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Nixon swung his whip once more, unfortunately he missed, which put him off balance. This off balanced movement was perfect because it got him away from the boss but he ran into the last reaming Squirrel Sentinel which hit him dead on, but finally took some damage in return. "Ha take that you Giant Squirrel!"  he laughed as the squirrel jumped back, not dead but health in the red

ID# 48864 Result: Combat 2 (Fail)

Mob(Boss) 5 (Fail) 

ID# 48867 Mob(SS12) 8 (Success) [10-30=1DMG] [18Thrns]

ID# 48869 Mob(SM16) 3 (Fail)

Tsubasa 36/36 HP | 7/9 Energy | 5 Dmg | 9 Thrns | 18 Mit | Hate: 2

Nixon 17/24 HP | 0/6 Energy | 3 Dmg | 30 Mit | 18 Thrns | Hate: 4


Squirrel Boss 18/40 HP | 20 Dmg | 10 Mit

Squirrel Sentinel (1) 0/20 HP | 10 Dmg | 5 Mit DED 

Squirrel Sentinel (12) 2/20 HP | 10 Dmg | 5 Mit

Squirrel Minion (1) 0/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit DED (No Loot)

Squirrel Minion (5) 0/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit DED (180Col +1Mat)

Squirrel Minion (16) 18/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit

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Tsubasa did not find this act amusing in the slightest.  Instead he tried to predict where Nixon would be and where to speed up in order to precisely put his arm so not to inflict harm on himself and still heal Nixon.  Tsubasa lunged forward after fast calculations and some acquired instincts, placing his arm in the exact location to activate his healing ability.  Tsubasa kept his glowing white illumination, but he was obviously getting tired and really quickly.  Tsubasa blurred away from Nixon as they made contact and landed several feet behind them.  A giant tree was planted directly behind him with small bushes to his left and right.  Tsubasa, in order to keep all the squirrels from noticing his presence, hid beneath the brush, waiting for the perfect moment to heal Nixon again.

ID# 48872 results:

 Craft: 8 (heal success) +2 hp to Nixon

Tsubasa 36/36 HP | 7/9 Energy | 5 Dmg | 9 Thrns | 18 Mit | Hate: 2

Nixon 19/24 HP | 0/6 Energy | 3 Dmg | 30 Mit | 18 Thrns | Hate: 4


Squirrel Boss 18/40 HP | 20 Dmg | 10 Mit

Squirrel Sentinel (1) 0/20 HP | 10 Dmg | 5 Mit DED 

Squirrel Sentinel (12) 2/20 HP | 10 Dmg | 5 Mit

Squirrel Minion (1) 0/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit DED (No Loot)

Squirrel Minion (5) 0/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit DED (180Col +1Mat)

Squirrel Minion (16) 18/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit


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Nixon swings his whip at the lesser squirrel once again trying to hit only this time he hit is dead on. and it hit back just as hard. The boss squirrel seemed to be playing in the mud and the other seemed to want to join him. Nixon banged on his shield to try to get them back focused on him. He did not want to let them keep living all he wanted to do was end it and end it as soon as possible.

ID# 48876 Result: Combat 8 (Success) [3-4=1Dmg] V.S. SM16

Mob(Boss) 3 (Fail)

ID# 48877 Mob(SS12) 2 (Fail)

 ID# 48879 Mob(SM16) 9 (Crit Success) [5-30=1DMG] [No Thrns]

Tsubasa 36/36 HP | 7/9 Energy | 5 Dmg | 9 Thrns | 18 Mit | Hate: 2

Nixon 18/24 HP | 0/6 Energy | 3 Dmg | 30 Mit | 18 Thrns | Hate: 5


Squirrel Boss 18/40 HP | 20 Dmg | 10 Mit

Squirrel Sentinel (1) 0/20 HP | 10 Dmg | 5 Mit DED 

Squirrel Sentinel (12) 2/20 HP | 10 Dmg | 5 Mit

Squirrel Minion (1) 0/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit DED (No Loot)

Squirrel Minion (5) 0/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit DED (180Col +1Mat)

Squirrel Minion (16) 17/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit

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Tsubasa began to move out of the brush, but his keen senses became disrupted by the loud noise banging of Nixon's shield.  Tsubasa fell forward from his exhaustion and disorientation.  Tsubasa hit the ground and his white glow slowly dissipated.  Tsubasa was completely drained of mental thinking, leaving behind his wits and instincts.  He began to crawl towards the boss squirrel, hoping to give it a good pinch in the foot with his sword art.  Tsubasa was getting closer to the giant squirrel by the second, as thought he were a slithering professional.  

 ID# 48885 results:

 Craft: 1 (crit fail for healing)

Tsubasa 36/36 HP | 7/9 Energy | 5 Dmg | 9 Thrns | 18 Mit | Hate: 2

Nixon 18/24 HP | 0/6 Energy | 3 Dmg | 30 Mit | 18 Thrns | Hate: 5


Squirrel Boss 18/40 HP | 20 Dmg | 10 Mit

Squirrel Sentinel (1) 0/20 HP | 10 Dmg | 5 Mit DED 

Squirrel Sentinel (12) 2/20 HP | 10 Dmg | 5 Mit

Squirrel Minion (1) 0/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit DED (No Loot)

Squirrel Minion (5) 0/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit DED (180Col +1Mat)

Squirrel Minion (16) 17/18 HP | 4 Dmg | 4 Mit

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