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(PP-F4) Heyo (Erin)

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Ebony exited her shop on the fourth floor, smiling as she thought about the unique skill that she was supposed to be acquiring in a few days. She had been in contact with a player who apparently didn't want it for themselves because it cramped their style. From what she had heard, pretty much everything about the unique sucked, except for the dagger that came with it. Anyways, she was happy with it. The skill was supposed to make it difficult to garner hate, which was exactly what Ebony wanted as a support. She didn't actually think of the skill as a unique, as it didn't really seem to do anything all that useful, but she was getting it anyway. Maybe the game would update sometime and the skill would get better. She walked away from her store, and towards the center of town, looking to do some shopping.

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Erin wandered about the fourth floor still feeling rather cold now as she was wrapped in her cloak to remain warm wondering how good of a plan this was. She hadn't normally wandered off on her own any more least of all without Manta. She was still such an innocent little sheep that needed the shepherding and wisdom of her girlfriend. Her idea on the world was quite open and gentle as life was to short when you weren't with the strong. Erin wandered over till she looked over toward a lady who was walking out from their school. "Oh hell there miss?" She spoke up, "Pleasant day right?" She giggled and wandered off toward the tavern now.

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Ebony heard someone speak next to her and she turned with a smile. But by the time she had turned around the young woman was already past her, heading towards one of the rougher taverns. She turned and ran after her, wanting to make  sure that that was really where the girl wanted to go. The woman just had an incredibly innocent look, and Ebony couldn't believe that she was planning on entering that tavern of all places. She placed a hand on the girls shoulder. "You dont really want to go in there, right?" She asked with disbelief.

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As she felt the hand touch down upon her shoulder she let out a startled squeak before now turning around and collapsing upon the ground into the snow. She groaned in her cloak as she was awkwardly dressed beneath this as if in fluffy bikini as she now pulled the cloak tighter to conceal it. "S-so sorry, I-I guess I'ma bit jumpy and I don't know what to do as of this moment to be honest. I-I just thought that people were quite pleasant in taverns most of the time or at least from the books I read. Don't people normally sit about and sing along to songs as they drink?"

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Ebony raised an eyebrow, seeing the outfit that the girl was wearing, just before she pulled the cloak further around herself. With an outfit like that, maybe the girl worked in that tavern. "Thats most taverns, not this one." She explained to the girl before reaching down and grasping the young girls hand, pulling her in the opposite direction towards a different, more friendly looking tavern. She had been planning to celebrate her soon to be acquirement of that unique anyway. "Here, I'll show you a better tavern than that."

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