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[SP-F1] Awakening (Complete)

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The sun peeked over the horizon again, and the elongating orange rays of the sun heralded the arrival of the dawn. Evander stirred, shaking the dew off of his arms and legs. He stood up, stretched a little, easing his weary back, and looked off into the distance, watching the sun rise. He felt refreshed, and renewed. He rubbed at his face for a bit, then headed off towards the forest. He noticed all of the signs of life stirring, the whistle of a kettle as it was heated on the stove, the earliest shopkeepers waking up to advertise their goods to the world, the birds beginning to chirp and titter happily as they flew amongst the dead branches of the trees. He saw the earliest wakers jubilantly rushing out of their inns, ready to face a new day, full of opportunities. Evander stepped out of the city gates, and turned toward the sun. Today was a new chance at life, likely to be full of surprises, and none knew of what joys or sorrows this day would bring. Even so, all stepped forward into the light of the new day.


Evander: 400 col + 1 SP (and a new purpose to life)


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