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Another Day, Another Material [PP-F2][Takneil]

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Darius needed materials. That was a fact. For more than one reason too, but majorly so he could order perfect equipment from he various craftspeople that inhabited Aincrad. The better the item, the more they charged. Seeing as how only the best would be acceptable to use in live combat, Darius needed the best, which meant he needed a great deal of materials to pay for them. You could either spend hours searching for a scant amount, like he had too many times before, or you could grind monsters to get them. Considering if you had a party, that grinding went far faster than searching, Darius sent out an invite for any nearby players to join his session for the day. The would go about killing the various mobs in the small forest on floor two, as they wouldn't be that difficult, and everyone could gets materials and Col from it. It seemed like a good enough deal to draw someone in.

Having sent the invite, he sat in a clearing on a fallen log. His dragon-themed, vanity armor gleamed dully from the scant beams of sunlight making it through the canopy overhead as he waited.

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"Vain get behind him!" the boy roared through the clashing of swords, locking his orange eye through the helm of his armor with that of the enemies. The fight was almost over, one more slash of his weapon and that would be the end of it. Though this enemy hid behind his sword, parrying and meeting attacks to prevent full damage. Noticing a white blur positioning itself behind the enemy Takneil smirked, it was over. Using his weight the player pushed down the enemies weapon with ease, Lifting his foot he swiftly kicked the bandit in the chest causing the mob to trip over a familiar white wolf. not wanting to allow the enemy to get back up the boy lowered his blade and with a simple flick of the wrist ended the battle. 

Sheathing his the <<Stinger Edge>> Takneil exhaled slowly, for floor two that fight was really dragged out. Though it wasn't every day you came across a Bandit...on the lower levels at least. As if to wake the player from his thoughts Vain let out a bark. "Of course..." Chuckling he lowered down to one knee and pat the familiar on it's side. "You did great out there." Offering a treat his friend Takneil couldn't help but smile as it seemed to vanish from his hand.

'You have a new message.'

"Hmm?" raising a questioning brow Takneil swiped open his menu and accessed his inbox. "A party invite?" Looking at the player username he shook his head in confusion. he didn't know anyone by that name...Should he accept?. he had heard of high level PKers trying to lure in low level newbies on these floors to kill them for items and such. No it didn't make sense, right now even PKers would be attempting the boss fight with everyone else. Letting out a sigh the boy made sure to place his Teleportation crystal in his hot key. "Alright Vain, let's go see what this is all about."

It didn't take long to find the player he was looking for, from what the coordinates told him it was only just in the next area. Taking cover behind a tree Takneil took his time as he scanned out the surrounding brush and surveyed the high branches in the trees, from what he could tell there was nothing suspicious. No rustling, no big group, and no sketchy shadows.  "this must be him..." he muttered lowly as he saw a man sitting on a log of sorts, leaving himself in the open. he wasn't even trying to hide himself either, especially since his Dragon like armor was practically a screaming beacon. giving a glance to his own familiar the boy nodded, Vain wasn't exactly a strong animal. He actually never saw true battle, Takneil had developed a way of using him effectively despite the wolf's lack of any special ability. Using him to get behind enemies, hide away in case of an ambush, and limit an enemy's movement. 

Confirming the familiar's location Takneil stepped into the clearing, his presence immediately sending a wave of cold. Dropping the temperature a considerable amount. Maybe due to the armor's sinister appearance the player would think that Takneil was a Player Killer?, he hoped not. Letting his eye fall upon the dragon armored person the boy let out a breath. "Are you Darius?"

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Darius had continued to sit and wait. Although patience was not his strongest attribute, it was necessary in this sort of situation. He would wait for an hour if he must for a player to come, two even. The whole point of this excursion was to join a party, as Darius did not have enough power on his own to defeat monsters at a quick pace. Sure, he would be able to kill them on his own, but it would take ages of him dealing one damage to it.

It would seem that he did not have to wait an hour though. It had been pushing twenty minutes when a player suddenly stepped out from the ring of forest around him, revealing his presence. As he came into view, the temperature around the clearing seemed to drop several degrees. To say Darius was cold was a laughing matter. He loved the cold, embraced it even. It was one of the things he loved most in the world, so the goosebumps on his arms, which were invisible to the newcomer, was in delight rather than discomfort.

Darius stood, saying a few simple words: "Yes. Have you come for the invite." He was gruff and to the point. He had no time or socializing, and no time to think on whether or not the person standing in front of him was a PKer or not. Darius had never seen one and probably wouldn't.That is why he came off as cold and uncaring, as if nonchalant to the entire world and everything in it.

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As the man stood Takneil slowly shifted his hand to hover by his weapon, in case of an attack he would like to be prepared. "Yes" he answered simply with a nod. In normal situations the boy would try to be friendly and cut the tension with a joke or two, but it was obvious he needed to keep himself like his armor. Cold...

  Giving a look at Darius's armor he was honestly a bit intimidated if it wasn't for the fact it was basic, he found that most player's tended to make themselves look more scary than they really are to avoid being approached by anything that would look weaker than them. Ironically high level players sometimes did the opposite.

Waiting in silence the boy decided to finally end it. "I'm going to be blunt, I have no intentions of harming you. Nor will I accept you attempting to harm me, You will die. That will be the end of it." he stated. accepting the party invite he nodded. "I agree to help you.

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"Acceptable." Was Darius' reply to the potential threat on his life. Curt, to the point. That was what he liked in people and was glad his peer understood that, adopting the same format as Darius. When the player accepted Darius' invite, Darius' lips tugged down; his sign for a frown or grimace. Again, he was pitted with someone that was far higher than his own level; which was double his, to be exact.  And again, without his equipment, which he as working towards getting with this excursion, he would be practically useless. It made him angry to no avail that he as so useless yet again, and his core smoldered. He voiced his thought, "With no real equipment besides vanity armor, my skills are useless. The point of this is to gain materials to order real equipment. Do you object to being the brunt force of the two of us? I can heal you if so."

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 Relieved that Darius agreed to his terms the boy listened closely to his request, not so long ago he himself had been stuck in the same situation. Useless armor armor and weapon,to be honest he probably would still be on the first floor if not for his mentor. through the sinister expression the eternal melody's helm gave the players own had softened. Letting out a chilly breath Takneil gave a slight nod, "I do not, I'll use my <<Howl>> Skill so the enemies we encounter will not target you." he stated. "Though I will require even payment." Confident that he had cleared up what he desired out of the loot he let out a sharp whistle. After a few moments a panting white wolf came trotting out of the woods and into the clearing, patting the familiar on the head he turned slightly. "If that is all I would like to begin"

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Darius would simply nod his head. He had no objections. It was a given that they would each get a fair share of the loot. He did not even seem to be phased by the white wolf prowling out of the forest towards them. It was obviously a familiar, put in place in case things got sour. The fact that his peer had come up with a plan in case Darius should attack him gained a shred of Darius' respect. He turned and stalked off through the forest, his footsteps surprisingly light for wearing such heavy armor. They walked for close to ten minutes in strained silence, looking for something to fight. Their search was answered with an arrogant laugh through the undergrowth. Upon closer inspection, Darius saw that there was a small bandit camp in a clearing up ahead. Four bandits idled around an empty fire pit, chatting loudly. Darius turned to look at his companion, waiting for him to make the first move.

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Following his ally into the forest Takneil kept to the silence, listening in on the noises made he soon picked up the sounds of talking. Shifting so that his armor was shrouded in the shadows of the trees he examined the situation. 'Four bandits. Large one is especially loud, assumed to be leader.' looking to the other three he noticed small details, flaws in their person or chinks in the armor to be more precise. Tapping on the ground the boy gained Vain's attention, without needing explanation the wolf knew it's master's wishes and acted by swiftly disappearing into trees. 

Drawing <<Stinger Edge>> Takneil stepped out of the shadows. Raising the sword he activated his <<Howl>> skill, as if to match the sinister appearance of his armor an ear piercing shriek echoed through the air hitting each of the target as intended. 

Combat Results...



Takneil:52/56 (4) ENRG:14

Darius:28/28 ENRG:7

Combat Engaged!

Bandit 1:HP:17/28 Mit:7 DMG:8 [Takneil: Hate-3]

Bandit 2:HP:17/28 Mit:7 DMG:8 [Takneil: Hate-3]

Bandit 3:HP:17/28 Mit:7 DMG:8 [Takneil: Hate-3]

Bandit 4:HP:17/28 Mit:7 DMG:8 [Takneil: Hate-3]

ID# 49508 results: Battle: 5+1=6 Craft: 7 Loot: 7 MOB: 7

Bandit's 1-4 attack Takneil for 8-30=1 damage each.

Takneil's Thorns activate. 18-7=11 Damage to all.





Startled out of their conversation the group of enemies narrowed their eyes as Takneil approached them, Stabbing his sword into the ground he awaited the bandit's moves. This was his first time trying out his new ability, he was curious on how it worked. He only knew what his mentor had taught him which was enemies under it's effects were forced to attack whoever activated it. 

'Get him!' they roared as they charged the player, flailing their weapons like sticks they attacked him. Each one finding it's own unique place to strike. 'that ought a teach him to mess around.' one of stated with a confident smirk.

remaining in his spot like stone the sinister knight didn't say a word, he was in awe of his own power It had been a while since he had faced any real combat that wasn't against a large rock. "oh really?" he chuckled viciously, releasing his left hand from his blade he raised his fist into the air. The fools had activated the one thing he can count on to always work. Where the broken chain link rested suddenly four chains expanded outwards, snaking towards each opponent. Just as quickly as they were summoned the chains lashed at the bandits and wrapped around them inhibiting their ability to move...at least for the moment. "Alright, Darius!" he called his ally letting him know it was time to step forward.

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Darius stepped out from the bushes silently. He actually wanted to sigh, but didn't want to give a bad impression of himself. As impressive as he looked, with no real equipment and no stats, the most he could do is 1 damage to each of them with a sword art, or heal his peer by 2 with first aid. Considering it mathematically, no matter what he did it would be rather useless. Seeing as his peer had to take damage in order to dish it out though, it would be best if he stayed in tip top shape considering they would be doing this for who knows how long. "I will keep you healed the best I can. The first rank is useless, really," Darius said, more than a little angry at how useless he and the skill itself was. The edges of his mouth tugged down into a dark grimace as he set his one-handed hammer down, raising his hand towards his peer and activated first aid.

[After Roll Reaction:] And nothing happened. The ability failed to do anything. Darius shook his head to himself, more than a little displeased. It really was useless. It really was pathetic. No wonder so many early level players died. You were so useless so early on. Pathetic. Pathetic. Pathetic. Even if he chose to attack, he had a feeling he would've messed up regardless.

Dice Roll:

ID: 49517

BD: 5
CD: 6
LD: 18
MB: 1
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Looking back to his ally Takneil nodded in understanding, he was more of a supportive role than an attacking one. "it's fine!, they only deal minimal amounts of damage to me anyway. So you're essentially doubling the time we can do this, you just got to work with what you got!" he yelled as he turned to face the Bandit's. A while back he had that same exact feeling about himself, he could hardly deal anything and do next to nothing. Maybe he should try and talking to Darius after they were finished farming?. 

Combat Results...


Takneil:52/56 ENRG:14

Darius:28/28 ENRG:7

Combat Engaged!

Bandit 1:HP:17/28 Mit:7 DMG:8 [Takneil: Hate-3]

Bandit 2:HP:17/28 Mit:7 DMG:8 [Takneil: Hate-3]

Bandit 3:HP:17/28 Mit:7 DMG:8 [Takneil: Hate-3]

Bandit 4:HP:17/28 Mit:7 DMG:8 [Takneil: Hate-3]

ID# 49584 results: Battle: 6+1=7 Craft: 11 Loot: 9 MOB: 2

Takneil makes no move.

Bandits 1-4 are unable to attack.

The sinister knight could see the enemies struggling to escape the chains of his <<Helion Thorn>>, yelling filthy insults and jabs at his ally. Though somehow their language couldn't match up to the filth they called their appearance. Not finding it remotely worth it to argue back he quickly lowered his arm causing the chains to fade away. It was a shame really, most mobs would have found their way out of his chain but these guys were just...dumb. 

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What was even more pathetic was the enemies. The fact that he could do so little damage to something that was such a lackwit astonished him. They couldn't even get the chains off themselves, as it was his peer who deactivate them, once again giving them free movement. As Darius was incapable of doing any damage that would change the outcome, he would again try to heal his peer, raising his hand and activating First Aid.

[After Roll Reaction:] And yet again the ability failed. His mouth tugged downward even more. What was the point of having abilities if they failed the majority of the time you tried to use them. This wasn't the first time it has happened either. He had tried before and failed 4/5 times using the ability, which gave it roughly a 20% activation rate. It was the most useless thing he had ever heard of.

Dice Roll:


CD: 5
LD: 9
MD: 8
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Deciding it best to focus on the battle at hand the boy turned just in time to get caught in the face with a left hook from one of the Bandit's.'you think you're so tough punk?, I'll show you to treat us like we're nothing.' the enemy stated with way too much confidence for his current situation. Letting out an annoyed sigh Takneil took the other attacks without even moving a single inch, yeah it hurt...as much as a pinch would. One thing he found with NPC's or MOBs with an A.I. tended to understand the concept of a Hit Point gauge, which he guessed was suppossed to make it more realistic though to him it had become apart of him. 

Hearing the arrogant laughter of the enemies Takneil shook his head, guess he should be thankful they weren't cunning. not even bothering to grab them this time the boy activated his chains, mercilessly lashing out at the foes as he stood in the same place as he started the battle. 'jeez, their scout earlier was much harder than this..' he thought over the bandit's pained screams.



ID# 49750 results: Battle: 7+1=8 Craft: 8 Loot: 20 MOB: 8

Takneil:48/56 (4) ENRG:14

Darius:28/28 ENRG:7

Combat Engaged!

Bandit 1:HP:6/28 Mit:7 DMG:8 [Takneil: Hate-3]

Bandit 2:HP:6/28 Mit:7 DMG:8 [Takneil: Hate-3]

Bandit 3:HP:6/28 Mit:7 DMG:8 [Takneil: Hate-3]

Bandit 4:HP:6/28 Mit:7 DMG:8 [Takneil: Hate-3]

Takneil makes no action.

Bandit's 1-4 attack Takneil for 8-30=1 damage each.

Takneil's Thorns activate. 18-7=11 Damage to all.


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{13}<- Post number to keep track

Darius could do barely anything as he stood back and watched the bandits throw all sorts of insults towards his peer. It aggravated him more than anything that he could do barely anything. That was the single thought coursing through his mind, and it would for as long as he remained like this. Good thing he planned to order equipment with the materials they gained from this trek in order to get some really good equipment. After that he would be far from useless. While practically seething with anger, Darius again tried to heal his peer, activating First Aid.

[AFTER ROLL REACTION:] And may his excellency, the creator of this world, Akihiko, be praised. The bastard decided to make the stupid skill he created work for once. His peer's HP went up two points, a dull green light flashing around him for a brief moment.

+2 to Takniel's HP

Dice Roll:
ID: 49868
CD: 7

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ID# 50042 results: Battle: 6+1=7 Craft: 12 Loot: 4 MOB: 10

Giving a glance to his Health bar the boy gave a hidden frown as he noticed how much it had been lowered by such incompetent foes, it was a bit of a disgrace but he would have to deal with it to get stronger. Pulling the chains away from the bandit's he sighed, well at least he was helping out someone who needed it. "Darius if you want to get in a strike before I finish them off now would be the tim-" halting in his words Takneil was stunned to find a glowing green aura veil him, is this what healing was like?. Noticing that he felt more invigorated he chuckled, it seemed his ally had already made his choice.


ID# 50042 results: Battle: 6+1=7 Craft: 12 Loot: 4 MOB: 10

Takneil:46/56 (+2,-4) ENRG:14

Darius:28/28 ENRG:7

Combat Engaged!

Bandit 1:HP:-5/28 Mit:7 DMG:8+2=10 [Takneil: Hate-3]

Bandit 2:HP:-5/28 Mit:7 DMG:8+2=10 [Takneil: Hate-3]

Bandit 3:HP:-5/28 Mit:7 DMG:8+2=10 [Takneil: Hate-3]

Bandit 4:HP:-5/28 Mit:7 DMG:8+2=10 [Takneil: Hate-3]

Takneil makes no action. Darius heals Takneil for 2.

Bandit's 1-4 attack Takneil for 10-30=1 damage each.

Takneil's Thorns activate. 18-7=11 Damage to all.

"Much Appreciat-" he attempted to call back to his friend, though was rudely cut off as a resonating sound bounced around his helm. Followed by another three strikes that furthered his annoyance. Giving a swift flick of his wrist Takneil shot one chain forward tearing holes through each of the bandit's instantly causing them to shatter into shard one after another. 

"Douches..." he mumbled under his breath as the crimson chain faded from existence. Going over the Loot results the boy frowned, they only received the basic amount of Materials from the enemies. he had hoped for some Col, but it seemed he would have to wait for later. Motioning for his ally to come forward Takneil quickly split the rewards. "We only obtained four mats from this run." he stated as he unsheathed his weapon from the ground. "I'm more than capable to move on to the next area, but how's your status?" he asked wanting to know their next plan.

+4 materials to rewards.

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"We can continue on until you are uncomfortable to continue fighting, or we can always search for materials as you recover" Darius would say to his peer, again trying to cast heal on him for a last minute heal. Yet the heal again failed and Darius' mouth twitch downward under his helmet. That was the third time it had failed in four attempts. Quite useless, if you ask him. Regardless, Darius would start walking away from the clearing. Whether they looked for resources and wait for his peer to recover, or jumped straight into the next battle was entirely up to his ally. He was the one that was taking the damage afterall, not Darius. It was his decision and his alone.

ID: 50094
CD: 5

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((OOC: Turns out that Thorns Damage is Unaffected by Mitigation, so yeah...also it got lowered to 7 per slot so it's now lowered to 14 Damage))

Taking a moment to roll his shoulders the knight gave a glance to his partner who laid within the thick brush of the forest, it would have been nice to have him out. Though he was still concerned with any surprise attacks, after what he had displayed for combat he was sure Darius had no thoughts of treachery but that said nothing about any nearby mobs. He had Nearly died once when he had taken on a group of bandits on floor five, he had gotten the first four down to single digits in hit points but another four showed. Unable to swallow his pride he took all of them on, wasn't exactly the smartest idea. 


ID# 50176 results: Battle: 9+1=10 Craft: 4 Loot: 1 MOB: 8+1=9

Takneil:42/56 (4) ENRG:14

Darius:28/28 ENRG:7

Combat Engaged!

Enraged Bandit 1:HP:14/28 Mit:7 DMG:8 Acc: +1[Takneil: Hate-3]

Enraged Bandit 2:HP:14/28 Mit:7 DMG:8 Acc: +1[Takneil: Hate-3]

Enraged Bandit 3:HP:14/28 Mit:7 DMG:8 Acc: +1[Takneil: Hate-3]

Enraged Bandit 4:HP:14/28 Mit:7 DMG:8 Acc: +1[Takneil: Hate-3]

Bandit's 1-4 attack Takneil for 8-30=1 damage each.

Takneil's Thorns activate. 14 Damage to all.

Takneil Activates <<Howl>>

"Alright, their should be more bandits near by." Just as the words came out Takneil held no reaction to a few blades harmlessly bouncing off of his armor. Not wanting to hear any words of vengeance or justice he swiftly turned and lashed at his enemies with the chain. "seems they have already arrived"

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  • 1 month later...

letting out an annoyed sigh the boy grabbed one of the blades over his shoulder and turned towards it's wielder, why must these bandit's be so determined to hate on him?. Other than the fact he <<Howled>> at them, but that's hardly an excuse. Flashing a sly grin unseen through his helm he took a step forward. "Wanna try that again?, seems you missed."


ID# 55276 results: Battle: 10 Craft: 2 Loot: 17 MOB: 4+1=5

Takneil:42/56 ENRG:14-6+1=9.

Darius:28/28 ENRG:7 (Inactive)

Enraged Bandit 1:HP:14/28 Mit:7 DMG:8 Acc: +1[Takneil: Hate-3]

Enraged Bandit 2:HP:14/28 Mit:7 DMG:8 Acc: +1[Takneil: Hate-3]

Enraged Bandit 3:HP:14/28 Mit:7 DMG:8 Acc: +1[Takneil: Hate-3]

Enraged Bandit 4:HP:14/28 Mit:7 DMG:8 Acc: +1[Takneil: Hate-3]

Takneil attacks bandits 1-4 with farrant full moon, 4+2=6*3*1 SA. 18+8Bleed.

Bandit's 1-4 die.

+4 Materials.

+460 Col.

Col Count: 460

Mat count:8

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Quickly slashing through his foes Takneil sheathed his sword and let out a sigh. "Well that was boring..." turning to face his comrade he raised an arched brow as the player was no where in sight, lame. Adding the dropped materials to his inventory he turned around, whistling for his true ally to come to him. Spotting out in the distance four small, weak mobs the monochrome haired boy shrugged and activated his weaker sword art.


ID# 55292 results: Battle: 10 Craft: 4 Loot: 16 MOB: 4


X4Piglet: HP:1 DMG:1.

Takneil activates Fell Crescent-2 Energy. (on 8)

Piglet 1-4 are dead.

+4 Materials.

Material Count: 12

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Annihilating the feeble opponents with a single blow against each he picked up the materials they dropped, adding them to his inventory he smiled as a familiar white wolf brushed his side. informing it's master of it's presence. reaching out his hand Takneil pat Vain's head, scratching behind his ear. "At least you wouldn't abandon me, right bud?.

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Gently nuzzling into the boy's hand Vain let out a snort of disapproval, as if scolding his master for asking such a question. Smiling he slowly began walking towards the city of floor two, he had some crafting to do with these materials. Swiping open his menu Takneil reviewed his overall stats, he needed to get stronger. yes he was powerful for a level fourteen, but if he reached level twenty five he would be able to wield stronger weapons. Something that he absolutely wanted.

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