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[SP-F2] <<EaL>> Cookin' with Cap'n Cook

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ID# 50232: -- BD: 6 -- CD: 8 -- LD: 9 -- MD: 4 --

Regen Phase:
Lycan: HP: +0 -- EN: +1


Combat Phase:
Feral Imp
: 10/10 HP -- DMG: 6 -- MIT: 2
Basic Attack: ((4-2EVA)) Miss!

Lycan: 20/20 HP -- EN: 5/5 -- HATE: 0 --
Snake Bite [2x1]: ((6)) HIT! -- ((2*1*4-2 MIT)) 6 DAMAGE!


Feral Imp: 4/10 HP (Attacking Lycan)
Lycan: 16/16 HP -- EN: 3/5 -- HATE: 1 --


Lycan roared at the top of his lungs, voice carrying down the length of the dimly lit cavern. His blade, Harbrigner crashed down on a single imp with the ferocity of a wild animal. The damp thud of steel on flesh echoed off the the cave walls accompanied by a high pitched screech. The <<Feral Imp>> reeled back from Lye's blow, a pair of red marks across its chest. Lycan kept his amber eyes focused on his target, face stern, and teeth clenched. The teen readied his stance for a second blow.

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 ID# 50241: -- BD: 5 -- CD: 10 -- LD: 20 -- MD: 4 -- 
Regen Phase:
Lycan: HP: +0 -- EN: +1


Combat Phase:
Feral Imp
: 4/10 HP -- DMG: 6 -- MIT: 2
Basic Attack: ((4-2EVA)) Miss!

Lycan: 20/20 HP -- EN: 4/5 -- HATE: 0 --
Snake Bite [2x1]: ((5)) MISS!


Feral Imp: 4/10 HP (Attacking Lycan)
Lycan: 16/16 HP -- EN: 2/5 -- HATE: 1 --


Lycan closed the gap between him and his prey, blade at the ready. Its length illuminated with a fiery light, reflecting off the damp edges of nearby rocky crags. His fury unleashed into another <<Snake Bite>>. The imp, keen to his movements from the prior assault, flapped its tiny wings to give it lift, barely skirting an otherwise devastating blow. Lycan's momentum carried him forward into a stagger, but he managed to catch is balance just in time to avoid the tiny cretin's spear.

He leapt to the side, and braced his arm against the cave wall for support. Harbinger clacked its edge against the rock with an uncomfortable twag which repeated like a waning bell's toll. Lycan snarled, his beast mark burning, and pulling the more primal essence of his personality to the surface. His grip tightened on a nearby rock, turning his knuckles to a shade of white. With a roar, and a bullheaded charge, Lycan rushed the imp.

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ID# 50243: -- BD: 7 -- CD: 11 -- LD: 17 -- MD: 5 --
Regen Phase:
Lycan: HP: +0 -- EN: +1


Combat Phase:
Feral Imp
: 6/10 HP -- DMG: 6 -- MIT: 2
Basic Attack: ((5-2EVA)) Miss!

Lycan: 20/20 HP -- EN: 3/5 -- HATE: 0 --
Snake Bite [2x1]: ((7)) HIT! -- ((2*1*4-2)) 6 DAMAGE! 


Lycan: 16/16 HP -- EN: 1/5 -- HATE: 2 --



+ (1) Material
+ (100 Col)


Harbinger hummed with power and lashed out once more. Two deep gashed landed on the imp with incredible might. It lacked the ability to verbally register the blow before rupturing into a shower of crystallized data. As the glimmer settled, a small wing and popup window remained where the enemy once did. Lycan sheathed his still humming blade and knelt down to the remains. He clicked accept on the sub window to retrieve his rewards and stood.

The mark's influence began to wane, and the light of optimism and youth returned to his otherwise feral eyes. Lycan took a deep breath ans exhaled, his gaze looking further down the crystal lit caves.

"Galli needs the <<Deep Spring Lichen>> for Leccah. If I don't get it for him, his daugher will die," Lycan verbally reminded himself.

With a tug on his harness that held Harbinger's furred sheath, Lycan carried into the depth of the Floor Two cave deep within the Whispering Woods.


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Rollbot! Set scanners to crafting materials! Activate!

 ID# 50424: -- BD: 3 -- CD: 3 -- LD: 17 -- MD: 3 --
Regen Phase:
Lycan: HP: +3 -- EN: +1 (1/3 Full)


Lycan: 16/16 HP -- EN: 2/5 -- HATE: 2 --



+ (1) Material


Were it not for the crystals that radiated a faint glow, Lycan's pure white hair would be consumed by pitch black. Combined with the dampness of the walls, the minimal light managed to refract off puddles, wet stalactites and stalagmites, and moist cave walls. Each drop of water that splashed somewhere unseen echoed in a soft symphony with each of his own steps. The boy kept his eyes peeled for anything that could be considered a <<Deep Spring Lichen>>. Last he recalled, a Lichen was a type of mushroom, so he kept a look out for any type of fungus.

As he continued deeper, his eyes fell on something with a familiar silohette. As he approached, the frame of a skeleton in tattered rags came to view. For a moment, his fight or flight fired on all cylinders, but they receded. Lycan saw people die here. They left nothing behind, not even a skeleton.

"Sheesh," Lycan comented as he stood beside the skeleton. "Gave me a scare there, bud."

The teen gave the system generated object a kick to which it flashed the typical <<Immortal Object>> notice. However, the skeleton tilted to its side and from a bony clasp, rolled a small glass vial. Lycan's brows furrowed and he knelt down to examine the object. When he inspected it, the description listed it as a mysterious, unknown fluid. Under classification, it listed <<Crafting Material>>. Lycan shrugged and accepted the item into his inventory.

"Whelp, its not a Lichen, but its somethin--"

The boy's eyes grew wide, mouth gaping at the end of his sentence.

"LICHEN!!!" he shouted as an echo through the caveren. "HA! Lycan is hunting a Lichen! Pfft! How did I only connect the dots now?!"

He burst into a short chuckle before tapering off into a sarcastic laugh.

"God, I'm an idiot..."

Then, with another tug of his holster's strap, he continued deeper into the cavern.

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 ID# 50550: -- BD: 1 -- CD: 2 -- LD: 11 -- MD: 6 --
No Mats
No Mobs

As Lycan journeyed deeper into the belly of the beast, the illuminescent crystals that lit his way became fewer and farther between. If at all, he definitely was trying to see his way through <<low light>> conditions. He tried to squint as if that would help, but to no avail. His only method of moving deeper were the few glowing beacons in the distance. Now, these crystals had become more of a safe haven for him.

"Hope there are more of these things deeper down," the teen thought. "If not, I'm going to have to huff it back to town for a torch."

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