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[PP-F1] A Typical Day (Sinful) (Complete)

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Evander walked out of the restaurant into the cool breeze of the night. The stars twinkled high up in the sky. Evander took a deep breath, filling his lungs with the refreshing air of the outdoors. All in all, this wasn't a bad day. It certainly wasn't what he had expected, but he was able to help others in Aincrad today. Evander looked up at the moon, its silver beams shining down upon the earth, illuminating the street ahead of him. Evander put his hands behind his head and walked slowly, basking in the comfortable, quiet ambiance. Evander sat on a nearby wooden bench. The wood was worn by the thousands of people that had sat in this very spot. Evander reclined back. Before, back in the restaurant, he had felt lethargic, tired, but now, out here on a bench in a moonlit plaza, alone with his thoughts yet again, he felt rejuvenated again. Ah, altruism- being completely selfless in order to help others. It was a good trait to have, to be sure, but as with all things, too much could be harmful. Evander peered into the blackness between the stars, a never-ending abyss off into the endless reaches of space. Evander thought for a long while that night, on morality and ethics, before turning in to rest at his inn.


Edited by Evander
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