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[PP-F9] I Ain't Afraid Of No Bandit! <<Bandit Camp>> (Ethereal)

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Nixon was walking around. It was weird not being ether, training, in the bar, or in his shop. He went over to the familiar information broker and asked about anything new. She told him about some bandit camp on Floor 9 terrorizing the city. "I wonder if i can get a friend to help me... I bet Eth would do it, It has been a while sense i have last seen him." He opened up his messenger, and started a PM to Ethereal.

To: Ethereal

From: Nixon

Message: Hey Eth, Its Nix. I have word from an Information broker about a possible bandit camp problem on floor 9. I would love it if you were to join me. Meet me at the Floor 9 teleporer if you do, I will wait there for about an hour, if you don't message me, or you dont show up i will assume you are busy.

Your Friend,


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Ethereal was doing his usual shopping routine, browsing the various material vendors that gathered nearby his store. Perusing their wares, his eye catches on a rather nice high-quality material and as it does his screen flashes up with a PM. The swordsman taps it once, reading the contents before looking back at the mat. "Save that for me, I'll be back." he requests, tossing the man a small bag of Col. Making his way to the teleporter in the center of town, he steps quickly inside and states "Floor Nine." Enveloped in dazzling light, the man steps off the platform and surveys the area before him. It was easy to spot Nixon - they'd met a few times before and the blonde stood out quite a bit. "Hey Nix, good to see you." he greets his friend as he steps over to him.

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Nixon smiled warmly at the Green Swordsman stepping out of the teleporter. "It is good to see you too my friend! I am sorry if I interrupted something important. How have you been? it has been so long sense we met up... It was on this floor actually wasn't it? I must say, you look a ton better than you did!" Nixon chuckled a the last one he started walking to the end of the city and motioned Ethereal to join him. He was glad to finally be on a quest with a friend who could hold a conversation.  He liked Tsubasa and all but he did not know how to talk. He seemed to admire Ethereal, though he would never say it out loud. Ethereal was always happy it seemed even in the face of certain death. Nixon wanted to be like that, though he was afraid that his mind would get in the way. he still wanted to try. He decided he would use this experience to learn from Ethereal on how to be a better person and how to be more mindful

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Ethereal grinned in return to the blonde, "No worries my friend, I was just out shopping. Heh, I'm much better now - not lying in a muddy puddle at least. How about you, Nix?" As they walked, the swordsman listens closely to his answer. They cleared the outskirts of town quickly, the NPCs and players thinning out until finally the pair of warriors exit the outer perimeter. To Eth, Nixon held a special standing - he had saved his life when he was dying and alone on the wastelands of this floor. If he had died those who had perished at his side would never be avenged and he would have failed his last task. If he was going to fulfill his duty to those whom he lost, nothing else mattered. After Nixon had mentioned how he was doing, Ethereal asks curiously "So.. Where about's this bandit camp then, party leader?"

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"Well, old friend, Given the current circumstance... I guess how I am doing is up in the air." he shrugged, He was happy to be adventuring with Ethereal. He saw Ethereal as a man to look up to. This one man, In Nixon's eyes, embodied everything he wanted to become. He was humble, happy and Loyal, and Nixon looked at Ethereal with a higher light then anyone else he met. "Well It is somewhere in the middle of the volcano ranges, based on my map. You ready for a long hall?" he laughed as they left the main city. it was going to take some time to get there and he was sure he would run into some trouble along the way but he knew it was nothing Eth and Nix couldn't handle 

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"Better believe I'm ready - I've been itching to get back into the action after all the crafting I've been doing." he chuckles, it was always fun to be with Nix. He knew how to talk to people, it was always an interesting conversation with him around. "I hope we're not going near where you first met me? We don't really want to do wandering that way..." the swordsman mutters on a slightly more serious note before shrugging it off. "Oh! have you met Argent yet?" Eth inquired quickly before whistling in a shrill tone. The sound of strong wingbeats and a flash of silver through the constant layer of ash clouds. Out of nowhere, a silver-white raven soars down at some speed from the sky, shrieking as with a final beat the bird perches on Ethereal's left shoulder. Smiling, the Fireheart strokes the beast's head affectionately.   

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Nixon chuckled "Yeah, I hear you. It feels good to stretch my legs." he listened intently to what Eth had to say. "No I dont believe it is the same direction. And that is a magnificent beast, I'm happy that you were able to find a friend!" he smiled and admired the raven, wondering why he didnt want to get a familiar himself. He looked back to his map to ensure they were going the correct way and looked back up at Eth "I must say Eth, you are one of the nicest players i have met in this game, if not the nicest person I know. I appreciate that!" Nixon's voice was cheerful as always, he felt better not being on floor one, it made it easier to Ignore the incident. 

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Ethereal nodded, "I got this little guy just when the quest was freshly found, he's one of the oldest familiars still around from what I know. Trust me, he's as grumpy as an old man anyway, heh." He chuckled lightly, giving the familiar another pat before it soared back up into the sky and became indistinguishable from the clouds above. As the Knight returned his gaze to the Earth, he spotted in the distance ahead a plume of smoke. "Welp, looks like we've found it." he grins, pointing it out with a wave of his hand. From this distance figures could be seen milling around the wooden motte-and-bailey type settlement.

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Nixon looked in the direction the Knight was looking. "Well, this will be easy judging on there gear." he walked to the gate of the bandit camp, pulling his shield off his back and his whip off his hip along the way. "Alright Eth, Lets get this over with!" he said with a smile. He was ready to fight with Ethereal once again, it was always cool to watch the Knight fight, it was interesting. Nixon broke down the gate and opened a path for Ethereal, It was not going to be a long battle he assumed but it would be a fun one.

Ethereal 105/105 HP | 25/25 Energy (Anything else, if you put it in your post i will edit it in this one)

Nixon 40/40 HP | 10/10 Energy | 35 MIT | 14 Thrns | 3 DMG | Hate: 0


Bandit(1) 70/70 HP | 0 MIT | 20 DMG

Bandit(2) 70/70 HP | 0 MIT | 20 DMG

Bandit(3) 70/70 HP | 0 MIT | 20 DMG

Bandit(4) 70/70 HP | 0 MIT | 20 DMG

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I will add fluff tomorrow - it's basically "Alright, let's go!" as he charges in


ID# 52113 results:

 Battle: 10 [CRIT!] (+3 = 13)

 Loot: 18 (+1 = 19)

<<Fight Blade>> Activates - 6x1 - AoE - (12 Energy)

Damage: 6*[1(Base) + 2(Crit) + 4(Skills) + 6(Enhancements) + 1(Mods)] = 84 DMG - 20MIT = 64 DMG


Ethereal [Hate 1] 105/105 HP | 13/25 Energy | 20 MIT | 12 DMG | 54 Thorns | 3 ACC

Nixon 40/40 HP | 10/10 Energy | 35 MIT | 14 Thrns | 3 DMG | Hate: 0


Bandit(1) 7/70 HP | 0 MIT | 20 DMG

Bandit(2) 7/70 HP | 0 MIT | 20 DMG

Bandit(3) 7/70 HP | 0 MIT | 20 DMG

Bandit(4) 7/70 HP | 0 MIT | 20 DMG

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