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[SP - F1] <<Earning a Living>> May the odds be ever in your favour [COMPLETED]

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Hunie wasn't really going to work very hard with this profession that she had in mind. All she wanted was to finally start some actual quest in the game and this one seemed ideal. It was safe, for the most part, unless she aggravated a group of MOBs. The benefits of being an artisan, though meagre, could be decently helpful. She didn't want to do something too extravagant, her recent encounter with some stalkers who either did, or pretended to know her in real life, had made her a little weary. 

She had accepted the quest and looked down at the objectives. 


1. Find an artisan, either NPC or another player, to learn to tools of the trade. 

That shouldn't be too tough, at least for me. She thought. She roamed around the town of beginnings, having explored it before. She knew artisans were rarer than other professionals, but Hunie had come across a few shops. All she had to do was recall where exactly... 

After a couple of minutes of searching she found a quaint looking shop and entered it. A beautiful blonde sat in a chair behind the counter. Hunie's eyes widened, her sea green ones stared into the bright blue ones of the NPC. "So you want to be an Artisan, girl?" the NPC spoke, her voice laced with condescension. Hunie sensed some friction. The younger blonde wondered if she should try another shop.

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"Well, right now you have no materials for me to take and teach you. No mats, no teaching. Go acquire a few of those and return to me, lets see if a pretty girl like you, is even a small patch on a beauty like me" The NPC added. "I'm Lila. The best Artisan you will ever have the honor of speaking to." 
Hunie fought the urge to laugh. This NPC was going to compete with her. Did she really strike insecurity in this NPC? Well looked like she was in too deep already. 


Objective 2: Find materials to use for crafting and return to your NPC mentor. 

She thought it was best to let actions speak instead of words. Without saying anything she turned on her heel, accepted objective too and reluctantly made her way to the outer rims of the Town of Beginnings. The last time she had been here... She forced her mind away from the thought and started searching for these materials. So far she noticed nothing out of the ordinary. 


# 51124: Battle: 9 :: Craft: 11 :: Loot: 10 :: MOB: 7 


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Hunie had no idea what these materials looked like, or if there was an easier way to get them. She couldn't even trade real life money for Cols here, so she could buy unlimited materials... Glumly she walked around, trying to avoid the sight of the tree where the murders had occurred. Her thoughts flitted to her brother once again. What would he do if he was in the game? She assumed he would firstly stop her from playing, that's what he always did... To keep her safe. Though she resented him, Sophia never had a chance to retaliate or ask for her freedom, she just couldn't have it. Now Hunie had freedom, but it came at a heavy cost of loneliness. Why can't I have the best of both worlds? She whined in her head. She admitted to herself that she did wish Raun was around, despite their disagreements, he did always try to make the best of the situation for her. She kept a look out for any out of place looking thing. She needed these materials to prove to her NPC teacher that she was good enough. 

Still nothing. The place silent and a gust of wind swept through the blades of grass. 


# 51126: Battle: 6 :: Craft: 7 :: Loot: 11 :: MOB: 1


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Sophie wasn't the kind who would give up easy. She kept her eyes peeled for materials. Far in the distance she noticed other players too, walking around, presumably trying to find materials like her. But after what had taken place the last time she got out of Town of Beginnings, she wasn't going to risk walking up to any other players. If you're orange you're a risk, but it just takes one swipe of the blade to turn a green into orange too, She thought. Hunie wondered if, under any circumstance she would become a player killer. Once again she thought the the system needed some sort of law and order now. If she saw someone committing a simple crime, killing them should not be her only option... She wondered if there was already a system like this in place, but she didn't know about it. 


#51129 results: Battle: 1 :: Craft: 11 :: Loot: 6 :: MOB: 7


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She hoped that this earning a living thread would help out at least a little bit. She needed money to get herself better gear, so she could actually get into a combat. She looked down at the basic clothing she currently had. Thanks to this, she recalled that she hadn't even equipped her basic sword yet. Making that her priority, she opened her inventory and checked for her sword. Hunie quickly dragged it out and wore it at her hip. At least that makes me a feel a little bit more like a warrior. Despite everything, this game had a certain allure to it, a certain mystery, a certain calling. It also generated a decent degree of comfort, while you could feel everything, nothing ever assaulted your senses, not the pain, not the glare of the sun and not the bite of the cold. It was like a new reality. This didn't have to be too bad. As long as I can live through it and help people... maybe. 


#51130 results: Battle: 4 :: Craft: 12 :: Loot: 13 :: MOB: 6


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Still nothing, this was beginning to feel like a drag. She wouldn't quit, but she could use a break, she spotted a tree in the distance and just for a chance to lean against is bark, she walked briskly towards it. She didn't think the shade would make much of a difference, but the cool shadow of the tree provided its own soft comfort. I could curl up here and sleep, to hell with that Lila woman, so what if I take my own sweet time to prove my worth. Hunie decided to browse her inventory. She found some bread and water in it and her eyes widened in shock. This was like an insult... It would've been better if they'd given nothing.


# 51132 results: Battle: 8 :: Craft: 10 :: Loot: 6 :: MOB: 3


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Now Hunie considered herself to not be a spoiled girl, but in reality she had been. Despite her disability, she was always showered with the best of everything. Food wasn't even something she needed to give a second thought too, there was no question that the most scrumptious food would be laid out for the Hunter family. For all their meals, the chef would prepare healthy and tasty food. I'm going to need to buy some real food... and for that I'm going to need to earn some real money. But how. Hunie felt a little helpless and craved the company of someone, someone who would help her, tell her how to go about finding these materials. She thought maybe reading the player guide would help... Once again she swiped open her inventory, eyeing the bread and water with some dislike and chose her player guide. 


#51134: Battle: 4 :: Craft: 4 :: Loot: 13 :: MOB: 2


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Materials: Often spawn randomly in open areas. Can be used to craft various items depending on skill in your Profession. 

Wow, that definitely did not give her much. She sighed and leaned against the bark, which scraped against her back far more gently than it would have, had it been a real tree. She closed her eyes and took deep breaths. At least the air didn't seem to be riddled with pollution. She practiced what one of her therapists had taught her. "When feeling upset by a circumstance you cannot control, try looking for small moments that you can be gracious for..." The woman had said, to a nine year old Sophie sitting apprehensively. To be honest. Sophie never mastered that. Things bogged her down easy unless Raun or her parents were around to help lift her up. Things got worse, especially if she dwelled on the matter for too long. Like today, with the mats, the more she wished to find them, the more evasive they seemed to be. Its almost like Lila had sent her on mission impossible. 


#51136: Battle: 1 :: Craft: 3 :: Loot: 6 :: MOB: 4


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Sophie got up once again. This wasn't working. Instead she decided to try and push away any thoughts about the mat and just try to enjoy the solitude and the wind whispering through the long blades of the bright green grass. Hell, she could run if she wanted. She chose another tree in the far distance and decided to race against time to get there. She chose to shrug off her worries, all the memories, good and bad and just try to exist in the moment. The view was repetitive though, if she didn't fear for a life just a little bit, she would have chosen to explore the higher floors, some of which had already been cleared out by the ones who people referred to as 'try harders' Hunie considered them to be brave, she was still stuck at level 1... Not if she finished the Earning a Living thread though, then she would be level three... 


# 51145: Battle: 10 :: Craft: 6 :: Loot: 9 :: MOB: 8


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She skipped around the grasslands, hoping for some good company. She just wished she didn't run into anyone malicious. With her misfortune with the mats, all she wanted was to finish this quest some how. She noticed a butterfly flutter by and the sun was high in the sky. There was almost no tinge of blue, the light from the sun was so bright, the sky was all white. Sophie squinted up at it, her pupils contracted suddenly. When she looked back at the grasslands, everything seemed much darker, once again her eyes took a second to readjust. She noticed a small girl standing there in the shade of a tree, looking rather distraught. Hunie cautiously approached the young girl. Still keeping a careful eye out for anything that might be something she could use to craft. On cue, she noticed something at the base of the tree. Sophie carefully reached for it and took it. 


# 51159: Battle: 8 :: Craft: 4 :: Loot: 15 :: MOB: 3

+1 Mat


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The girl watched Hunie carefully. The blonde in turn smiled at her. The young girl must be no older than nine. She had green eyes like Sophie, but dark hair. The small girl looked like a younger version of her mother. Sophie tried to imagine her mother at that tender age, it seemed rather bizarre. "What's your name?" Hunie kneeled and asked. "I'm Sara" the girl responded. "I lost my lucky ball of wool... Can you help me find it?" The girl said. Hunie looked at her carefully, it made the blonde happy to know that at least this youngling, wasn't an actual player. Maybe this was a quest of sorts, or maybe she'd just gain another NPC friend. "Sure, I will" Hunie responded. "What color was it?" she inquired. 

"It was the same color as the grass, that's why I can't see it, I think it rolled away somewhere..." Sara said, with tears welling up in her eyes. It was astonishing how these NPCs could reveal such real looking emotions. "Don't worry, we'll find it, I'm looking for something too, we can hunt together." Hunie assured the little girl. 


# 51160: Battle: 6 :: Craft: 7 :: Loot: 13 :: MOB: 3


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"Can I ask you what your name is?" Sara asked sweetly. 
"I'm Hunie." The blonde responded. 
"Oh, honey is tasty." Sara spoke absentmindedly, crouching occasionally in the tall grass to hunt for her lucky ball of wool. 
"Yes, just like honey, but it is spelled H-U-N-I-E" The green eyed girl confirmed. 

Now apart from these rare mats, she also had a small responsibility of looking for a green ball of wool. Maybe Sara could help her with the materials as well... But Hunie didn't know how to describe the materials well enough for Sara to really have something to look for. Sara and Hunie went about their way trying to look for what they needed. 

"Oh look, a little bunny." Sara said, pointing to a fluffy white rabbit. Hunie stealthily walked towards the creature, hoping not to scare it. But the creature was much braver than it would have been in real life. It stood there and even let Sara and Hunie pet it. 


# 51162 results: Battle: 7 :: Craft: 6 :: Loot: 11 :: MOB: 8


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The bunny jumped into Hunie's hands. She heard Sara squeal in joy. "Can we please please take him with us while we look for things?" Sara said. Hunie considered this. She would be a little distracted looking after a rabbit, she did have things to collect... But she couldn't say no to such a small girl, after all, very rarely did anyone say no to her when she was that age... "Ok, but only if you hold onto him." Hunie said to the girl. Gently she handed it over to the younger one. Sara however squealed again and dropped the rabbit with a gentle thud, back in the grass. The rabbit was quick to hop away at lightening speed. Sara whined. "But his whiskers tickled my cheek, can you please find me another rabbit." Hunie didn't think she'd ever be annoyed. But she almost instantly realised how difficult it could be to raise a child. She sighed. "Ok, ok I will...

Just moments ago, where the rabbit had been, something else seemed to have spawned. Something that looked very similar to what she had found under the tree. She reached out and took it quickly. 


# 51166: Battle: 9 :: Craft: 1 :: Loot: 18 :: MOB: 7

+1 Mat


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Lucky for Sara, they had reached some sort of a rabbit spawn location. There were a lot of rabbits hopping about here. Unfortunately, no sign of the green wool ball, or any more mats. Sara carefully picked up a bunny herself this time. Hunie kept a close eye on the child NPC, while keeping a look out for what she needed. It looked like Sara had forgotten about the green ball thanks to all the rabbits. "Why Hunie no play with bunny?" Sara asked, thrusting the rabbit she had just picked up into Sophie's hands. Hunie, laughed nervously, she really didn't know what else to do, except pet the thing to amuse the girl. "So Sara, where is your mommy?" Hunie asked, wondering if the actual quest was to return the NPC to her family. 


# 51171: Battle: 9 Craft: 6 :: Loot: 5 :: MOB: 1


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"She's in the village nearby." Sara said simply. Hunie wondered if she was from a different floor, because the blonde didn't know about any other settlements except the Town of Beginnings, which most definitely was not a village. The duo had moved on from rabbit land and was in fact looping around and heading back to the tree under which Hunie had found Sara. Upon nearing the tree, Hunie noticed something green behind it. At first sight it just looked like a patch of grass, but upon closer inspection she noticed it was a ball of wool. She rushed to it, picked it up and gave it to Sara. "Here you go! It was here all along." Hunie said. "I see something there for you too, look again" Sara prompted. Hunie noticed, in the very same place that she had found her first mat, there now sat another. Hunie was quick to harvest it, hoping three mats would be enough to finish her Earning a Living quest. "Thank you for helping me Hunie, I'll be on my way now." With that Sara ran away, so fast it was unreal... and reminded Hunie, they were in fact in a virtual game. 


# 51172: Battle: 5 :: Craft: 3 :: Loot: 18 :: MOB: 9

+1 Mat


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Still amused by the meeting with this NPC she slowly ambled her way back to the Town. Right at the edge she noticed another lump in the ground, similar to what she had collected before. Swiftly she touched it to have it added to her inventory. Hunie was not in any hurry to meet with the woman who she had chosen to be her guide for this quest. She nodded and smiled at the various town dwellers, some NPCs other players, who had made this place their home. Finally the players seemed to be recovering from the shock of being stuck in the game. Humans always found a way to adjust, slowly as it may be... 


# 51175 results: Battle: 3 :: Craft: 7 :: Loot: 17 :: MOB: 5

+1 Mat


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No longer were their wailing children anymore, the town had auto-organized itself and it functioned as well as any real life town would have. She replayed the moments she had had with Sara, they felt so real and she found herself wishing for a younger sister. Eventually she started missing her brother again... But she was almost at the shop now. With great reluctance she entered, staring straight into the smug face of Lila. 

"So, you've managed to collect something I presume?" 

Hunie showed Lila  some muddy looking things she had salvaged from the grass lands. 

"That my dear girl, is some clay. You can make the cheap clay trinkets out of it, that's all you're worth anyway." she said, not even attempting to keep the acid out of her voice. "So what you do is, you have to really work hard on imagining what you want and then you have to allow your fingers to mold the clay in a way that it works... Till you have successfully created what your brain envisioned, go on give it a try.

Hunie really didn't want to engage in any dialogue with this woman, so she just picked up the materials that she had strewn on Lila's work table and put her hands to work, envisioning a simple cube. That should be simple, just a cube... 


# 51176: Battle: 1 :: Craft: 4 :: Loot: 18 :: MOB: 2

(No actual mats used this time ;) ) 


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"What is this wad of crap?" Lila barked over Hunie's head. She also snatched the imperfect looking cube from Hunie's hands and flung it into the bin. 
"Imagine something more aethetic, what is this? Who wants to carry around a lumpy cube like that? Can you come up with nothing better girl?" Lila stared down at Hunie with, a superior sneer etched on her face. Pity, she is rather beautiful, but her jealousy mars her face. Hunie thought. It had become rather apparent what this was about. For some reason, Lila had marked Hunie as her rival... The younger blonde could guess it was because of the same hair color and similar eye tone... Most people liked to think of themselves as unique, even NPCs apparently. 

Hunie wasn't going to let this woman bring her down. She picked up another one of her materials this time she didn't think of anything, she just played with the clay slowly, hoping it would morph itself into something on its own. She noticed Lila's eyes widen and look down at her hands. She had created a rather perfect looking bracelet... 


ID# 51177 results: Battle: 9 Craft: 11 Loot: 1 MOB: 8

(No real materials used, just RP fluff clay) 


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Lila looked like she wanted to grab it and break it, but she didn't. Instead she just sighed. "Well looks like you're not as bad as I thought..." Lila said. Softening a little. Hunie didn't know how to respond. "Umm..." she said. 
"Now don't stand here and stutter about. Go on collect your materials from my table." Lila barked again. 
Now that Hunie had succeeded in her venture, it was time to stand up for herself. "Hey Lila, why are you being so rude?" 
Lila looked taken aback, she clearly wasn't used to people talking back to her. She took a moment to collect herself. "Just because you got lucky once, don't you go around thinking you're better than me. I am the one you need to complete your quest, trust me you want me on your good side." 
Hunie frowned and shook her head in disbelief. "I did what you asked. What more do you want me to do?
Lila stood their clearly weighing her options for some random menial tasks for Hunie to perform.

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Lila stood there for what seemed like eons. Tapping her feet and making Hunie wait. Till finally the younger blond couldn't take it anymore. "Fine, you don't have to let me complete my quest, I'll go ask some other artisan. It was a mistake coming here.
Lila started something about how it was an honor to be in her presence and Hunie cut her off sharply. "Oh please, save it." The blonde said, tired of the day already. It had been such a drag completing this one quest. She just sincerely didn't want this anymore. Hunie wasn't the kind of girl who ever got into such arguments. Her cheeks were heated and she didn't like being mad this way. "Look, I'm sure you're a really great Artisan, but could you please cut me some slack? I just want to finish this. You are still better than me, despite everything you're a master and I'll just be a beginner." Hunie added, trying to go about this in a smarter way. 

It worked. Lila was easy to manipulate. "Oh all right, we'll meet again, only not, because you'll never be a true competitor." Lila laughed manically and then announced that Hunie was a beginner level Artisan. She quickly accepted the quest completion prompt, worried that Lila might change her mind. 



Thread Summary 

{+4 Mats}{400 col}{2 SP}{extra mats to be rolled by GM} 


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