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[PP-F1] From Zero to Hero! Now Without Montage! [Nixon]

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Seeing 2 of the boars get completely vaporized, Nikodemus let out a slight squeal of excitement. He had never seen such brute force be shown. Wanting to keep safe, Nikodemus stayed just behind Nixon and watched from over his shoulder as the boars charged head on for Nixon. Seeing an opportunity, Nikodemus linked his axe to the small length of chain he used to carry it and then brought his arm around Nixon and hurled his axe directly into the side of a boar. "Batter up Nixon!" He yelled as he drug the chain back hard and then ripped it into the air towards them, freeing his axe as the boar left the ground.


ID# 51934 results:Success.

 Battle: 9  Craft: 12  Loot: 19  MOB: 2


Niko 1/4 HP | 1/1 Energy | 3 MIT | 1DMG

Nixon 30/36 HP | 7/9 Energy | 35 MIT | 14 Thrns | 3 DMG


Boar(1) 16/18 HP | 4 MIT | 6 DMG (Loot eligible)

Boar(2) 18/18 HP | 4 MIT | 6 DMG (Loot eligible)

Boar(3) 0/18 HP DED (No Loot)

Boar(5) 0/18 HP DED (No Loot)

Edited by Nikodemus_Blackwood
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Nixon looked at The Hatter in disbelief, this kid was about to get himself killed. "Come on Mate, stay behind me. I Dont want you to end up killing yourself." He swung his whip at the weaker boar and its health dropped by a minuscule number. Though it still seemed pretty angry as it swiftly hit nixon's shield blowing nixon back slightly. It wasn't a hard hit, as nixon had felt worse from the Minotaur's he had fased.

ID# 52058 Result: Combat 7 (Success) [3-4=1DMG] V.S. Boar(1)

Mob(1) 10 (Natural Crit) [6+2-35=1DMG] V.S. Nixon | [No Thrns]

ID# 52059 Result: Combat 3 (Fail)

Niko 1/4 HP | 1/1 Energy | 3 MIT | 1DMG

Nixon 29/36 HP | 7/9 Energy | 35 MIT | 14 Thrns | 3 DMG


Boar(1) 15/18 HP | 4 MIT | 6 DMG (Loot eligible)

Boar(2) 18/18 HP | 4 MIT | 6 DMG (Loot eligible)

Boar(3) 0/18 HP DED (No Loot)

Boar(5) 0/18 HP DED (No Loot)

Edited by Nixon
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"Ok." Squeaked Nikodemus. Keeping behind Nixon, he watched as the boar hit him. Seeing the 2 boars health meters, Nikodemus cursed his weakness. 'This is why I am out here. To get stronger. But it is hard... I have basic items... Without better ones, and struggling to get more SP, I wont get better and I wont make it.' He thought.


Niko 1/4 HP | 1/1 Energy | 3 MIT | 1DMG

Nixon 29/36 HP | 7/9 Energy | 35 MIT | 14 Thrns | 3 DMG


Boar(1) 15/18 HP | 4 MIT | 6 DMG (Loot eligible)

Boar(2) 18/18 HP | 4 MIT | 6 DMG (Loot eligible)

Boar(3) 0/18 HP DED (No Loot)

Boar(5) 0/18 HP DED (No Loot)

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Nixon swung his whip down hard against the weaker Boar. It fell to the ground limp, the other boar hit him but its health dropped greatly. "It's okay Hatter, you will get there soon enough" he said seeing his friends expression. Nixon remembered what it was like being a low level player, it was never fun. You always felt like a burden to everyone. But that is why Nixon like helping others, So they didn't feel the way he had.

ID# 52084 Result: Combat 9 (Crit Success) [(3+1)*2-4=4DMG] V.S. Boar(1) | (+ Paralyzed, +Bleed)

Mob(1) Paralyzed

ID# 52085 Mob(2) 8 (Success) [6-35=1DMG] V.S. Nixon | [14 Thrns]

Niko 1/4 HP | 1/1 Energy | 3 MIT | 1DMG

Nixon 29/36 HP | 7/9 Energy | 35 MIT | 14 Thrns | 3 DMG


Boar(1) 3/18 HP | 4 MIT | 6 DMG (Loot eligible) (Paralyzed, Bleeding)

Boar(2) 4/18 HP | 4 MIT | 6 DMG (Loot eligible)

Boar(3) 0/18 HP DED (No Loot)

Boar(5) 0/18 HP DED (No Loot)

Edited by Nixon
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Taking a deep breath to steady the voices tearing through his mind, Nikodemus smiled at Nixon and nodded. He had to keep the voices at bay and not do anything to foolish. Keeping behind Nixon with his shield up and axe at the ready, he kept an eye on the boars and saw their health bars in the red. They were almost clear of this fight. "I will get there. I will get stronger and better. Thank you for helping Nixon."

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Nixon smiled at the Hatter to show that helping the new player was more fun for him then anything else. He then smacked the stronger boar, realizing that there was no longer a point in going for the other one. his judgement was correct as the bleed effect drained the boar's health to 0. while attacking the other boar Nixon activated his <<Crack of Dawn>> sword art, his whip glowed the same striking blue color of his eyes and the boar squealed with pain. "After this, lets go get some ice cream, what do ya say?" he asked the Hatter

ID# 52103 Result: Combat 7 (Success) [3*2-4=2DMG] V.S. Boar(2)

Mob(1) 1 (Natural Fail)

Loot 14 (90Col)

ID# 52105 Mob(2) 5 (Fail)

Niko 1/4 HP | 1/1 Energy | 3 MIT | 1DMG

Nixon 29/36 HP | 5/9 Energy | 35 MIT | 14 Thrns | 3 DMG


Boar(1) 0/18 HP (90Col) (Bleed)

Boar(2) 2/18 HP | 4 MIT | 6 DMG (Loot eligible)

Boar(3) 0/18 HP DED (No Loot)

Boar(5) 0/18 HP DED (No Loot)

Edited by Nixon
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Seeing the weaker of the 2 boars die suddenly, Nikodemus tilted his head and wondered what had caused that. He didn't see Nixon move his whip towards it, in fact it was the stronger boar that Nixon had targeted. He then heard the words "Ice Cream" he perked up and nodded furiously. "Yes! I do so love Ice cream."


Watching Nixon strike at the other boar, he studied the moves he made intently trying to discern them.

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Nixon smiled as The Hatter seemed to perk up at the mention of Ice Cream. Nixon thought he knew a spot to get some afterwords. He swung his whip at the last remaining boar, apparently the boar was faster than he anticipated as not only did the boar dodge his attack but it hit him harder than he was prepared for. He coughed and Pixelated blood splattered from his mouth. "Damn that boar" he thought "I will be your end"

ID# 52136 Result: Combat 4 (Fail)

Mob(2) 9 (Crit Success) [6+1-35=1DMG] V.S. Nixon | [No Thrns]

Niko 1/4 HP | 1/1 Energy | 3 MIT | 1DMG

Nixon 28/36 HP | 5/9 Energy | 35 MIT | 14 Thrns | 3 DMG


Boar(1) 0/18 HP DED (90Col)

Boar(2) 2/18 HP | 4 MIT | 6 DMG (Loot eligible)

Boar(3) 0/18 HP DED (No Loot)

Boar(5) 0/18 HP DED (No Loot)

Edited by Nixon
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Nixon fell to the ground blood dripped down his chin. He slowly got up and wiped off his chin. he wasn't coughing up blood due to low health, but instead due to the severity of the hit. He stood there getting his energy back and watched the boar do the same. It was weird, watching the boar being as out of energy as he was, though it made sense. The energy needed to get him coughing blood would take it out of anyone.

ID# 52139 Result: Combat 4 (Fail)

Mob(2) 2 (Fail)

Niko 1/4 HP | 1/1 Energy | 3 MIT | 1DMG

Nixon 28/36 HP | 5/9 Energy | 35 MIT | 14 Thrns | 3 DMG


Boar(1) 0/18 HP DED (90Col)

Boar(2) 2/18 HP | 4 MIT | 6 DMG (Loot eligible)

Boar(3) 0/18 HP DED (No Loot)

Boar(5) 0/18 HP DED (No Loot)

Edited by Nixon
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Trying to keep his voice neutral, Nikodemus leaned to the side slightly and checked on the boars health compared to Nixons before speaking. "Are you ok?" He gripped his axe hard and took a deep breath to relax himself. He wanted to lash out at the boar, but knew it would do little to it. His anger rose greatly and it was hard for him not to break down into the madness that rage through his mind. He wanted to be stronger so he could help his friend, but he wasn't and had to struggle up hill to get stronger.

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Nixon gave an Insane grin at Niko before activating <<Crack Of Dawn>> The sound caused by this attack reverberated throughout the surrounding forest. it was loud enough to make your ears Ring. The boar's health dropped to 0 and it shattered. Nixon stood there panting and out of breath. for a second but soon turned to the Hatter and said "How 'bout that ice cream?" He gave a slight chuckle and started to head back to town.

ID# 52540 Result: Combat 10 (Natural Crit) [(3+2)*2-4=4 DMG] V.S. Boar 2

Mob(2) 1 (Natural Fail)

Loot 10 (No Loot)

Niko 1/4 HP | 1/1 Energy | 3 MIT | 1DMG

Nixon 28/36 HP | 3/9 Energy | 35 MIT | 14 Thrns | 3 DMG


Boar(1) 0/18 HP DED (90Col)

Boar(2) 0/18 HP DED (No Loot)

Boar(3) 0/18 HP DED (No Loot)

Boar(5) 0/18 HP DED (No Loot)

Edited by Nixon
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Seeing the final boar become pixelated data before his eyes, Nikodemus sighed a breath of relief. Seeing Nixon's smile before he activated his ability, Nikodemus was sure the boar was done for, but it wasn't until now that he was truly sure. Hearing Nixon mention the ice cream again, Nikodemus mind returned to the thought and he began to grin and nodded. "Oh yes. Ice cream would be wonderful." Nikodemus then fell in step behind Nixon and followed him back to the Safezone of the Town of Beginnings once more.

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As they approached the safezone Nixon lead them to the ice cream shop. "Get whatever you want friend, its on me" Nixon smiled warmly, he was composed and formal now that they were back in the safezone. He was amazed at how that battle had gone, one more hit and the Hatter would have been done for. Nixon needed to be more careful in training players in the future. These players were not as strong as they seemed and the last thing that needed to happen is for him to watch another one die.

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After hearing the words "Get what you want" from Nixon, Nikodemus became a flurry or motion, darting back and forth and rambling off ice cream flavors. In the end, the flavors chosen were all a form of chocolate and peanut butter. he had 4 fairly good sized scoops on the cone. Grinning from ear to ear, he licked the ice cream once and tasted it. Finding it to his satisfaction, he then devoured the whole cone in one quick motion.


Patting his stomach in delight, Nikodemus smiled and plopped himself on a chair and stretched himself out, working the few kricks and kinks from his muscles. "That was fun. And the Ice Cream was delicious!"

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Nixon chuckled, "We will have to do it again sometime" Nixon grabbed a bowl of cookie-dough Ice cream and ate it slowly, letting the taste saturate his tongue. He was enjoying himself. as he finished he looked outside to the ever darkening sky. "Well Hatter, I believe adding you to my friends list is in order." Nixon said as he did just that "I am going to head to my inn on floor 7, feel free to contact me if you ever need more training or if you just want to talk" He walked to the warp gate and bowed to the Hatter before saying "Teleport Nimbus" and vanishing into the blue effect of the gate

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Accepting the request, Nikodemus nodded happily. "Okay! Have fun!" Watching the young man teleport away, Nikodemus sat there in his chair, staring out at the golden saturated landscapes of Aincraid. His blue and grey flecked eyes shining in the sunlight. Lost in thought once more, Nikodemus began to meditate once more to calm the multitude of voices raging about within his mind.


'If I am stuck here for now, then I am glad to know I have atleast one friend here. One person would know i was here. No longer will I live and die in obscurity, to never be thought of and marked as just one more tally on the wall of dead. This has been a fortuitous day for me indeed.'  Thought Nikodemus. A small smile curved the corners of his mouth as he drifted off into thought.

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