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[PP-F1] New Around Here, Eh? (Hekima)

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Nixon was having a weird day. So much had happened. He wondered if he was still himself after everything. he looked around the Tavern and then back to the NPC bartender "It seems you get less and less business by the day." he chuckled. he knew that the Bartender wasn't programmed to respond, but hey at least it gave the Illusion of listening. He shrugged and ordered a third drink. This one, much stronger than the last. His normally happy demeanor was much more somber today. He hoped no one would notice, but he knew he wasnt really keeping it concealed. He took a sip of his Whiskey and started to think

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Hekima had returned just a while ago from a game of chess and a free cup of tea. Indeed, the day had been good so far. She had gotten to known a lot of people and she was fully aware that people in that tavern had noticed her as well. Generally, if she kept this up and became stronger, she would definitely be able to involve herself in the front lines. Her small arrogance is enough to trigger her success while the rest can be towed along by her brilliance. She was the perfect combination and she will soon be the perfect tank.

Yet, one would ask why she became a tank. She is working to that build and it was evident that the tank is one of the hardest builds to form. It was hard to master, unlike the healing class yet requires teamwork which Hekima's arrogance places a barrack and prevents it from happening. Eventually, however, she would have to get to know others and fight in the front lines with her arms held strong in order to protect others. Perhaps this was her sole purpose of living. In this game, atoms and molecules do not matter... Nor does Shakespeare's plays and Holme's adventure.

"Just like the most brilliant thief in history, Lupin, I shall steal away bosses after bosses with the other front liners."

Hekima said as she walked into the tavern that she was currently living in for a super cheap price as of course, she did not have any Col. As soon as she gets a few Col, she will move to a place of higher standards as a fine lady deserves such. After pushing the door and walking in, she noticed that several people were sitting down in the room yet despite the fact that most were NPCs, one appeared not. The blonde man was drinking whiskey and seemed rather depressed as he was drinking more than one cup. Eh... I guess this game does that to people. She thought with a shrug and proceeded to the counter where the man sat.

"Waiter. Please provide me with a bottle of wine." 

Hekima's most favorite beverage? Wine. Wine intrigues her and it is the ladies/gentlemen's drink. She drinks it and she is unable to become drunk. Sure, it is expensive but this game holds no monetary value so there is no point in saving her Col. For if there is wine and she needs to think, that is what she will drink. 

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Nixon was not really focused on anything, he was more of taking in the surroundings without looking around. He shifted in his seat slightly to ensure that his shield was still on his back and his whip was on his hip. Suddenly he heard the voice of a woman. He couldn't tell if he had heard the voice before. He had met so many people it was becoming hard to tell them apart by voice. He finally opened his eyes when he noticed that she had sat next to him. He looks the woman up and down, noticing the war-hammer, she had a demeanor much like his own. She was an aspiring tank, perhaps? He listened as she said to the bartender  "Waiter. Please provide me with a bottle of wine."  He promptly said to her, raising his drink slightly "I applaud you, It is rare for me to find another person that drinks" He holds out a hand. "I am Nixon the Abandon, Who might you be?" It was clear that he wasn't drunk, he didn't even seem slightly buzzed. He smiled at the woman warmly, his face not seeming to show the same look of depression it had earlier.

Edited by Nixon
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Hekima took a sip of the wine that had been brought to her. Hardys Nottage Hill Pinot Noir was its brand. Known for being very cheap, it was often called the poor people's wine. Filled with flavors of watermelon and raspberry, the taste is enough to bring everyone half way to heaven. And only half way as it would definitely be a lot more expensive if the whole way. The taste was extraordinary. Definitely a piece of art that is worth trying if anyone was interested. However, she was not here to advertise the wine. In fact, she was only here to enjoy the wine so she could have a easier time when sleeping that night. A dreamless night the night was going to be if the wine works as effectively as she expects it to. With a sigh, she took swayed the cup around like a lady does during a business meeting, stared at it like a professional and took yet another sip. Wine... Brilliant. She thought.

Hekima wasn't exactly good at drinking. In fact, she'd probably get drunk very fast. However, that is what she wants... To be just a bit drunk. Drunk so that her mind is still there but she could collapse at any moment. It was a good method of easy sleep... Something that she hadn't exactly been able to find as of late. Of course, when drinking, she didn't particularily like to be bothered by others. Honestly, not only drinking but in general, she despiesed people who bothered her when she is doing something whether that be drinking, thinking, eating. 

Yet, conversation was a good way to pass time. It was a shame that Hekima had never really had some of those. How tiring. She thought and that was when she heard an applaud next to her. With an eyebrow raised, she looked to her left and saw the same blonde man sitting there as when she had come in earlier. From here, she could see more features of the man. Not only was he blonde, he was literally a male version of Hekima. Even the age of the boy looked to be very similar to hers... If not a bit younger. Hekima didn't bother smiling before speaking.

"Indeed. However, I would definitely not drink this wine if I could help it. It lacks flavor... Flavor that could send the drinker to heaven. Wine should be like poison... Something that can kill and grab away what they want."

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Nixon chuckled slightly, "Well if you don't want wine, then get something else." he turns to the bartender, "Put whatever she orders on my tab" he was happy that he had someone to talk to, it took his mind off of the stress of life. He took a sip of his whiskey. It wasnt everyday you found somewhat who looked like a carbon copy of yourself... but the opposite gender. he thought that the only noticeable difference between the two (Other then gender) was that she was 5 inches shorter than him. he smiled at the Woman and said "You never answered my question, What is your name?" He was intrigued by her, it was interesting that such a person could exist. Though he had no doubt that there personalities were completely different. She did seem a bit uncomfortable with human interaction, but he hoped that she would eventually warm up to him. He couldn't get over the similarities, she even had the same strikingly blue eyes that he possessed. What are the odds? He thought

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(Yo, my eyes are green fam.)

Hekima smirked as the man decided to pay for her. However, this does harm her self pride. As someone that had been independent as soon as she was able to walk, she did not like to rely on others. Still, there was definitely things that she needs in this game that requires teamwork. No matter how arrogant and smart she was, she must put away what she had and work with others when the time comes for her to do so. Maybe she shouldn't have taken the class of a tank, but she knew that eventually, when she gets stronger, it should be easier for her to reach the front lines due to the fact that the front lines is mostly filled with damage dealing DPS that were rather strong and are experts in dealing damage and status conditions.

Tanks, on the other hand, did not need to deal damage. Sure, thorns could deal damage for tanks but that truly isn't their job. Hekima's job as a tank would be to take damage and hold her ground. The reason that she had picked this class was so she could stand her ground and not really do much... Her job was really to stand there and attract the enemy's attacks. This leaves more time for her own private thinking... Something that she does a lot even though public thinking is often completed by her as well. 

"What a great way to make a good impression on a lady. Paying them for their drink is a brilliant method of doing so. Quite a flirt you could turn out to be. A very interesting character you are. My apologies, my name is Hekima."

Soon, Hekima, after finishing the sentence, finished the rest of the cup and looked at the menu that was laying on the right side of the counter. After a while, she picked a more expensive bottle of wine, now that she was literally getting free stuff. It was fine for her to take advantage of it.

"Well, I must thank you for the wine. If you do not mind, I might be drinking quite a bit of this fine wine that I have just ordered. If I am drunk, just leave me here, there's no point of dragging me to my room, I shall probably just sleep here if I do become drowsy with wine." 

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(My bad, the picture made it seem like they were blue)

Nixon laughed to himself after what she said, "Hey, you gotta start somewhere. and it is a pleasure to meet you Hekima" he watched as the woman ordered the most expensive wine, He was surprised that she still wanted the wine, but hey, he didn't have to drink it. Then he heard her say something about getting drunk he looked at her confused "What is it like being drunk?" he was genuinely curious. He hadn't been drunk in so long that he couldn't remember what it was like. "I drink so much but i can never get drunk, no matter how hard I try." He looks down at his whiskey, when he thought about it, he couldn't even remember what a different alcohol tasted like. Whiskey was all he drank, it was smooth but strong. He felt that he was not someone most people would accept in the society outside of this game, and that even in this game he was only accepted because of his ability to tank and help low level players. this woman sitting beside him seemed so confident, it was interesting as most people he knew were anything but, especially at low level.

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"Interesting. You say that you do not get drunk? That is the first time that I have heard of such a condition. Perhaps it has to do with your genetic heredity? I have heard that that is a very rare condition yet here someone has such a condition that I have rarely ever even seen. How about we test out this new found ability that I have set my eyes upon. Let us see if you are truly as amazing of a drinker as you say." 

Hekima said and with a confident smirk looked at the waiter, immediately grabbing his attention with the fierce yet casual look of her eyes. Her yellow eyes darted towards the menu as she looked to see if the specific item that she wanted was there. Of course, the item was there, standing proudly upon the high of the highest on the shelve which held perhaps thirty expensive, precious wines. Indeed, the wine was there. The world's strongest liquor was there. Its name was Everclear and it was known to be one of the world's strongest liquors with 95% alcohol. It has the ability to make even the strongest drunk and not only that, the strength of twenty full grown men were probably not as strong as the bottle of liquor.

"I Guess this is on you as well." Hekima whispered and signaled for the waiter to bring down the wine from the shelve. "Let's see how you bid against such a strong bottle of liquor. Will you be drunk after this? The strongest wine of all times? Or shall you fall down to its wrath? Let's see you try it." Hekima said, interested at the boy's abilities to remain awake and not drunk and wondering in suspense if he was truly honest of this ability. That wine holds 95% alcohol. One sip would get anyone drunk... There is no way that he can remain sane and awake after that drink.

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Nixon watched as the waiter grabbed the liquor off the shelf and pour him a glass. It smelled strong of Alcohol, Though he was sure he had smelled stronger stuff back when he made moonshine. He looked at the glass and without a second thought he shot the glass back. It burned, hotter than anything he had in a long time, though his eyes didn't tear up like they used to. He smiled as he felt the familiar warmth hit his stomach. After a second of him not moving, he picked back up his mostly empty whiskey glass and took another sip. "Well, that was an.. experience." he said with a smile, His words weren't slurred his eyes not bloodshot. He chuckled slightly, before looking at the woman "I bet I could make something even stronger in my shop. I have made moonshine in the past, it couldn't be that much different in game right?." He was slightly sad inside however, he kind of wanted this to work and get him drunk, but it didn't seem to do anything to him. He looked back over at the woman curiously. "I think you should give this 'Everclear' Stuff a try, I am curious what effect it would have on you" He hands the bartender 500 col for what had already been drunk that night and for whatever was to come. "I like this one" he thinks to himself as he glances at Hekima

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Hekima sighed and watched as the man seemed to have frozen after drinking the glass of liquor. However, the man seemed perfectly fine. Amazing. She thought, looking back at the label before looking back at the shelf. As far as she could see, the liquor was probably the strongest on that shelf which held many well-known alcohol products. It was a brilliant collection, yet even the strongest liquor was unable to faze the man. 

"Say, waiter. Do you possess anything stronger than the Everclear?" She asked, looking at the waiter only to be responded with a shake of head.

With a sigh, Hekima looked back at Nixon to check if he was ok once more. He was still, of course, perfectly fine despite drinking the 95% alcoholic drink. This is astonishing. Hekima thought, clearing the hair from her face after blowing it out. It was then that she was offered to have a drink of the liquor as well. Of course, Hekima smiled and closed her eyes before responding.

"I am afraid that that is not a possibility. With this strong liquor, I would be out and on the ground after just one small glass. Ninety five percent is an extraordinary amount of liquor. I wouldn't advise drinking this too much and you would definitely not want to see me drunk either... Unless you desire for me to get drunk. It is not wise for a lady to be drunk with a gentleman. Plus, we have just met, who knows your personality, history, and other important factors. Once drunk, the body's function does not operate as it does beforehand. Liquor can be both a relief and a weapon, who knows what you will do to me if I become drunk. No offense intended but I'd rather stick with my Noir and turn down your offer." 

With that, Hekima took a sip of the red wine that she had originally bought. Let's have the taste flood my mouth once more. She thought, graciously taking the sip with her eyes closed. When she reopened them, she looked around the tavern. It was late at night now, and not too much people were around. Indeed, empty tables were apparent and only a few tables were occupied by other players.

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Nixon thought about what she said, he was silent for quite some time. His deep thought was no more that him trying to determine his personality himself. and much more, his history. He realized something that truly sent a shiver down his spine. he couldn't remember his life before the game. He wasn't one to focus on the past but that seemed to have created a tare in his memory. He couldn't remember his mothers face or his fathers voice. He could barely remember putting on the nerve-gear. What had happened to him. "Hekima," he said, his voice had changed from happy and playful to somewhat serious and yet his voice was distant. "What do you do when you cant remember your past?" He looked down at his drink, it was the familiar brown color, the familiar taste.  It was the only thing he could hold as a memento for his past. There truly was nothing else he could think. then a familiar quote came to his mind. he spoke it outloud, unknowing that he was speaking "Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player, That struts and frets his hour upon the stage, And then is heard no more. It is a tale, Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing." (Macbeth) Oh how that thought rang true for life, both in and out of the game. It dawned on him that he was no more than a player, whose life was no more than a show for others, on that was of no real meaning.

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Hekima frowned. The man had gone silent all of a sudden and she had definitely not expected the blonde man to be the type to suddenly act all strangely. Perhaps something within his personality was still undiscovered or maybe stress and depression was causing this silence. The man was strange, there really isn't anything that stood out about him in particular... Perhaps this made him so unique at the same time. To be normal means to be unique because there are no normal people in this world... Only unique people exists within this world. Some, strange to an incredible level, others even stranger. Yet, most people were considered normal as long as they exist within this world.

Hekima thought of the man as an unusual wanderer of this world. Although, the word normal and unusual techniqually means the same thing in terms of people. People are strange. They act different and even someone as intelligent as Hekima could be unable to calculate their motives and actions. After staring at Nixon for a while, she then heard the man speak once more after sitting there silently for an unusual period of time. The question was a weird one... And an unusual one. After a blow of air to clear the hair from her face, she began to speak in response to the man's question,

"What I do if I am unable to reach into the past? I am afraid that is not a question that I can answer. Nothing in my past is of value to me... Nothing is important to me. Life is the present, not the past. Even if I wanted to forget my past, my mind just simply won't let me. Consider it photographic memory, except the pictures are unerasable... And can be overwhelming at times." Hekima replied after the man pulled out a quote. And in response, Hekima thought she might as well pull out a quote from Buddha, someone that her parents worshipped due to Japanese tradition... Yet she only knew but didn't believe nor respect. "Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." Hekima whispered. "Let go of the past."

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"A photographic memory" Nixon said to himself quietly as she talked it had been a long time sense he had heard of such miraculous ability. This was something that most people were unable to do but here he was sitting with someone who could do just that. though it seemed that she found it more of a curse than a blessing. Then he heard her quote something of Buddha. The quote made him think but soon he nodded. "You are right, the past and future are not to be dwelled on. I appreciate your wisdom." He took a sip of his Whiskey and his happy persona began to creep back into his tone. Psychology was a weird thing and all but easy to understand. "Madam you are wise, but i feel like a test may be in order. How would you feel about a game of chess?"

(OOC: This would be easier than most would think as we can say what we do in post, such as bishop to C6. and we can just keep track of the board)

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