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[PP-F2] Splitting Wood (EAL) (Kranzer)

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Earning a living, while initially served to grant players a profession, an additional taking of the quest seems to yield materials for the player. Using this information, Niklaus edged himself out his shop door. He'd need to collect some more materials if he was to continue crafting any time soon.

Breaking away from the confines of the settlement, he found himself surrounded by trees and waving grass. The idea place for him to look for materials. Raising a hand to the splintered wood, he traced the lines whizzing around the gnarled trunk in hoped of being able to find something worthwhile.


Rising slowly, Niklaus gazed through the thicket. "Well go on, introduce yourself!"


Edited by Niklaus
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Floor Two. It was his first time here and the instant he appeared in the teleportation Plaza with blue light swirling around his body, Kranzer noticed just how different this floor was from the floor before it. The young man looked around rather meekly as he felt more than a little uncomfortable. This was the first time he'd been on this floor, but not the first time he'd left the first floor. The other time was just to make a quick trip to the fourth floor to get his coat made. That trip had been a horror all its own, but here he planned to see if there was any difference in the materials he could gather here than that of the first floor. The city here was definitely smaller than the Town of Beginnings. It was only roughly three meters in diameter and rather than overlooking a cliff like the starting city did this city appeared to have been built into a crater amidst a mountainous area. For but a moment he seemed to forget his fear and looked around at all of the awe-inspiring sights.

His feet carried him along while his eyes drank in one sight after another. It wasn't until his boot landed on a twig with an audible snap that Kranzer regained his senses. The voice that called out suddenly also helped with that task. A man he hadn't noticed until just now stood up from nearby a tree and he'd requested that Kranzer identify himself. His hands rose as he tried to relay the fact that he didn't mean the man any harm. "Kranzer," he said as he figured it wouldn't be wise to try and conceal his name after he'd practically walked up on this man. "I just wanted to see what the second floor had to offer. If I startled you I didn't mean to." Kranzer stood just under six feet tall with an average guild. His long black hair was secured at the nape of his neck. A pair of dark grey slacks were pulled down over a pair of plain black boots. His shirt was the same color as his pants and so was the coat that was pulled on over it as well. The only difference was black leather had been sewn into the fabric along the torso and around the collar for added protection. 

The profile of a majestic lion with a crown placed upon his head was emblazoned on the shoulder of the left sleeve. The coat's tail fell down to just below the back of his knees and its sleeves extended down just beyond his wrists. The coat flared out around his left hip where his dagger was sheathed and fastened to his belt. "I can leave if you want me to."

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Crimson irises glossed over every inch of the man as he emerged from the forest. From the looks of it, he may even be of lower level than myself. Hmm, it wouldn't have been in his best interest to reveal himself if he was indeed trying to kill me. Then again, he may just be trying to lower my guard. I'll keep my eyes peeled nonetheless. 

Releasing a pent up exhale, the blonde closed his eyes and went back to tracing the trunk of the tree. "You're meanderings will get you killed if that is how you approach potential threats, Kranzer." Adjusting his frames, Niklaus focused his gaze back on the twisted root. "You are free to stay if you wish. I have no intent of causing you harm. I wish to only gather some materials before heading home. Due note, that any attempts on my life, however; will result in a death for you." 

The words rolled of the edge of his tongue as a wicked grin crept along his features. Whether he could back the claim wasn't up for debate, he just made his concern blatantly clear and anything results in that concern being broken, will require action.

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For starters once those eyes fell on him Kranzer felt a more than a little ill at ease. For starters the irises of his eyes were crimson and reminded him entirely too much of blood and his gaze lingered a bit longer than the young man would have liked. What he said next though he had no idea if it was meant as a threat or a warning... for now he'd simply take it as both and exercise caution in the future. Especially where wayward twigs were involved. The young man was just about to apologize and leave when the man made the offer that Kranzer could stay if he so wished and expressed that he wished no harm upon Kranzer. This put him a little more at ease. That is until he went on to describe what fate had in store for him should he decide to many any form of attempt on the man's life. Kranzer kept his hands held up in a non-threatening way as possible when he said, "I have no intention of causing anyone harm. In truth I was just wanting to take a look around and see what sort of material was available up here." The grin that played along the man's lips and the cut of his tone left little room for doubt. He'd back up those words if it came down to it.

He pointed over towards a tree that was a short distance away though if the man would look was anyone's guess. "I'll just go over there and not get in your way." The young man would do just that unless he was stopped. If he wasn't once he got there he'd crouch down by the tree and started examining it a bit closer. However, he positioned himself in a way that he'd be able to keep an eye on the man and his movements. If he felt too threatened then he'd simply made a mad dash towards this floor's main settlement.

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Despite the man's plea, Niklaus still felt on edge. He mused the game was beginning to get to him, instilling a form of paranoia he was all to familiar with. His hand lofted to the side for a bit, pausing the tracing it had been doing as Niklaus sighed and weighed in on the man's words. "Against my better judgement I believe. Let us start anew. My name is Niklaus Mikaelson, brother of Rebekah Mikaelson, the front-liner. My apologies for the hostilities Kranzer." Niklaus wasn't one to normally offer such an apology, or one at all for that matter. He was used to being feared and respected all the same. Here, here he was powerless and for all intents and purposes, very much the mortal man. Walking to the cloaked player, Nik extended his hand, gesturing for a shake.

ID: 520321 LD: 1

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Well the apology did go a long way towards relieving Kranzer of some of the wariness he felt over this situation. The man approached and introduced himself along with revealing that he was related to a Front-Liner of all people. Kranzer silently mused that Dynaon would probably very much like to him this man's sister to learn about the Front-line but that would be for another day. For now Kranzer reached out tentatively as he sought to grasp the man's hand and shake it. The last thing he needed was to offend someone by declining to shake their hand. "The apology is appreciated but it was my fault for walking up on you. I too want to apologize for that. I didn't see you until you spoke and if I had I would have announced my presence." His gaze didn't drift from the man especially when he was just so close. "I'm actually curious about something. Are the materials here any different from those found on the first floor?" His gaze revealed that his curiosity was in fact genuine. After all he'd come here to seek out new materials to help out his friend with his alchemy. A friend he'd actually messaged prior to his arrival on the floor telling him he'd have some new supplies for him soon.

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The grasp was as firm as the apology was sincere, thus Niklaus accepted both. Keeping his eyes on the fellow, he opted to answer his question with an observation he had made long ago. "While the materials that can be found are very much dependent on the location of where you search, floor to floor, all materials of all types can be found. The peculiar thing for me is how the game can determine what material you are looking for and allows it to drop should your RNG be lucky enough. I suppose that is a question best left unanswered but the thought amuses me none the less. That aside, for what reason do you ask?"'

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Kranzer nodded slightly at the explanation he wasn't quite expecting the man to ask for the reasoning behind his question. Well it had certainly been one possible outcome but he'd figured the man wouldn't have much interest in the matter. There wasn't much hesitation between the question being asked and Kranzer offering his answer. It'd probably be obvious that he only hesitated due to being surprised at the show of interest regardless of the intent that interest was born from. "Actually I plan on becoming a merchant so being able to have a variety of materials to offer others would be ideal in my opinion. That and I have some friends I wouldn't mind by helping out and gathering stuff for them. I just did't know if they were universally used or if the area and source determines what one can be used for is all." So far he'd had fairly good luck in finding quite a number of the items back on the first floor. His visit here on the second floor was nothing more than a whim which while it was unusual for Kranzer it wasn't unheard of.

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