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[SP-F1] Gathering and Hunting Day 2 - COMPLETED

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It didn't take them long to pass through the gates and arrive safely within the Town of Beginnings. He was just about to bid her farewell and part ways for the evening but the expression on her face made him stop. "What is it?" She seemed to hesitate as her confidence faltered but soon she asked, "Can I add you to my friend's list? It'll make it easier to meet up tomorrow." There was a certain expectation about her. Was she excited? He couldn't really get a good read on her but as she grumbled his fingers scratched through the hair on the back of his head. "Yeah I guess that would be ok." He sent her a friend request before he dissolved the party. A small window appeared to indicate that she'd been added successfully "Have a good night," she said with a slight smile before she ran off into the city. Kranzer sighed once more as he pondered over what sort of trouble he'd just stepped into. Dynaon would probably be so proud of him. That thought brought a frown to his face as he made his way towards the inn he often frequented.

Edited by Kranzer
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