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[PP-F3] <<Worn Out Welcome>> Done Holding Back (Shira) [Complete]

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As usual, Hataki was just there for moral support. His attack barely did any damage and Shira finished the wolf off in another attack. Hataki laughed when she said she believed in him; she really didn’t need to. It was he who had to rely on her in almost all fights. Not for long… He decided he will take up Shira’s offer on the heavy armour. Then, he can protect her; then it will be how it is supposed to be. “Yes… I agree! Let’s go,” he said and followed Shira into the town. She mentioned something about a reward, but Hataki didn't hear it clearly and made a mental note to ask about it later. He walked into the Griswold’s shop again and handed the Sacred Iron he had secured from the Dark Elf. “I got the iron. Could you please make me a pair of cuirass with Damage Mitigation?” he requested politely. “Yes, of course. It would be my pleasure,” Griswold said, taking the material into his workshop. After about a minute, he came back with the cuirass and handed it to Hataki. “Safe travels, my friend!”

~Thread Complete~


Thread Summary:

Shira: +2 SP | +1 Mat | 200 Col | Acquired Katana Skill
Hataki: +2 SP | + 1 Dragon Bone Cuirass | 200 Col


Name: Dragon Bone Cuirass
Item Type: Armour
Tier: Tier 1
Quality: Uncommon
Enhancements: +1 Damage Mitigation
Description: A heavy armour made of dragon bone that protects the wearer and mitigates the damage taken.


Edited by Hataki
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