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[PP-F1] Two Outcomes (yukisuzuki & I)

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Mitsu walked alone, or so she thought, down an alleyway. Since the beginning of the game, she'd never actually left a safe zone. Not because she was afraid, but because she didn't care much anymore. Live or die, kill or be killed, she didn't care anymore. Life was a circle and, unluckily, it wasn't close to breaking.

Mitsu felt nothing, not even the feeling of her feet as they hit the ground. It was like everything, even her emotions were numb. Numb from nothing. Not many people seemed to notice the pain that was caused from the emptiness that really lied in someone. She saw it everywhere. In people eyes she saw emptiness. Somewhere down, everyone knew that they were wrong about things. That some of the things they hoped were impossible. It showed, but they still went on believing. Because they would be able to shove those feelings aside. Unlike Mitsu, who learned the hard way that curiosity could kill more than just cats.

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Yuki jumped from building to building, faster than anyone could ever run. Yuki wasn't happy, she knew that something might happen today. Yuki has emotions but she hides them with anger, she can't have anyone knowing her weakness. Yuki feels alone, but she gets used to it. Yuki stops jumping from building to building, she sits down on a roof and stares at the virtual sky. 

Yuki wonders if she would be better off dead than being in this game, she sighs. Honestly, Yuki hates herself, she hates herself because of what she has done in the past. Yes, people do say that when you sty in the past it effects your future, but Yuki doesn't believe that. Yuki gets up and smashes her feet into the ground making a huge thud. Yuki quickly glares at all the people who are staring at her in fear. She walks down the road, hands in her pockets, and her stomping feet, and with her scary glare followed by her spooky smirk plastered on her beautiful face. Her light pink hair shines in the sunlight, and her eyes reflect with the sunlight which only makes her eyes even more red. 

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The roads turned and ended in dead ends, but Mitsu just turned around and continued walking. She saw no point in stopping. No point i continuing. No point in anything. Mitsu. Didn't. Care. She didn't care about anything. Specifically herself.

Well, she did care. She cared about the people who reminded her of herself. She never, ever, wanted them to become like her. Those were the only people she cared about. But she didn't care about herself. She wouldn't care if she died. As long as she didn't commit suicide obviously. Because that would hurt anyone close to her. Like her parents. She did care about them, and she knew they were trying their hardest to care about her, but Mitsu didn't want care. She wanted to be alone. She hated the love they gave her. But she cared about them, as people. 

SAO was like a miny exit. If she really wanted to, there were plenty of mobs outside the city that would be happy to take a bite out of her. Sometimes, though, she wondered if death was the answer. She told herself it was too much effort to drag herself out the city to die. But sometimes she wondered if that was only an excuse for the scared parts of her mind who truly didn't want to die. Either way, she'd still hate herself. Either for being a coward, or for just being there.

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Yuki stomps her feet on the floor creating the sound of small thuds hitting the ground. Players walked out of her way, and practically stared at the young woman who had a face of anger and pleaser at the same time. The boy players went crazy for her since she is a really pretty girl. Yuki smirked, but not a scary one. She smirked at the boys who literally were crazy for her. She ignored there howls and yelling, she kept walking. Yuki doesn't care about those boys, she cared only for one boy, but she's been keeping it a secret for a while now. 

Yuki kept walking, she gets tired so she sits down in the middle of the road. She watches everyone walk around her or past her, she notices how everyone is so different. She notices how people all have something different, but there eyes all captured color and have a shine. Yuki's eyes are filled with guilt and loneliness. She has never been happy in her life since she met a few people.

Yuki noticed a girl who had no shine or color in her eyes (yes she does have color but, if you watched Your lie in April you would understand). Yuki wondered what might have caused her to have no feelings in her eyes. Yuki was a bit confused, why doesn't that girl have feelings deep in her eyes that make her eyes shine. 

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Mitsu didn't care at all. She kept walking, in silence, all noise outside just ambient background noise to the silence that encompassed reality. Or, her reality at least. She saw emptiness in others' eyes. And yet she also saw colors. The colors were dull, though. They knew it wasn't true, but they still didn't believe.

In the middle of the road sat a girl. A girl with bright, cotton candy pink hair. But in her eyes Mitsu saw her own.

Mitsu stopped walking, in the middle of the road. Players and NPCs passed around her like she wasn't even there. The girl was in full color. The shades of gray silloetes that were people. But she was different.

Like Mitsu, she had something about her that Mitsu noticed. An air of "I don't care". But it wasn't true. She cared about her reputation. Mitsu knew this because at one point in her life, she had those girl's eyes. She way like her.

Slowly Mitsu started walking again, never taking her eyes off of the girl in the road. As she passed her, Mitsu locked her eyes on the girl's, hoping they would notice. 

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Yuki jumped up and stared at the girl who stared at her and walked past her. "That girl... she's like my ... mother" Yuki whispers to her self remembering her mother. Yuki remembers how her mother taught her how to play every instrument. But she became weird once Yuki turned 13 and her mother became to loose hope, and she didn't care if she died or not. Yuki remembers the way how her mother died, she wiped the tears off her face and became pissed at the girl who noticed her but didn't say anything. 

Yuki ran as fast as a lightning bolt and stood right in front of the girl. Yuki was mad, but this girl reminded her of her mother. Yuki was so close to punching her right in the face, something stopped her from hitting her tho. Yuki's fist was touching the girls nose. Yuki most her fist back to her side and looked at the girl. Yuki's eyes locked with the girls, and something hit Yuki like a car inside her. The girl 'didn't care' just like her mother. 

Yuki's eyes softened but she quickly glared at the girl. "Why did you walk past me like the others, but stare at me!" Yuki yells, she was so close to bursting into tears, everyone has done that. Yuki thought the girl who was almost like her, and just like her mother would actually say something to her. Yuki knows theres no point in yelling but she still does. "Why couldn't you say hello, or how do you do?! No one cares, might as well become them." Yuki still staring into the girls eyes. She cools down, and remembers her mother, and the way she acted. "Im sorry" Yuki says as she turns away and starts walking down the road, looking down at the floor. 


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It was shocking how much emotion one could give, and how little they could get in return. A fist came in contact with her nose, but it didn't hurt. They didn't actually punch her. Mitsu just stared at her, with no emotion and a blank face. When the girl started walking away, Mitsu saw other players staring at her. She didn't care, though.

Slowly, without making it obvious, Mitsu began to walk again. Nobody knew, but she was following the other girl. The one who'd yelled at her and reminded her of someone she used to be. Someone who she could never be again. Someone like Opal.

She sighed, remembering her best friend from 7th grade. The one who left. Was she even her friend? Who knew. No one. Did she care? Not really. It wouldn't matter anymore. The time was up. Now all she had to do was live. Now all she could do was live. Nothing else.

At this point, the people had gone back to their own business. Mitsu sped up a little bit, but nothing too noticeable. She could still see the cotton candy hair in the sea of people. Well, who couldn't. She was like a beacon with that hair.

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Yuki walked down the road into a vast alley full of grass and flowers. Yuki sits down under a tree and looks down at the ground. Yuki starts to sing, a song that reminded her of her mother. "Mama everything is gone, what must i do to get what i had, back? I had everything, until it c-c-came cra-shing do-ow-own. Mama what must i do--o? oh how i missed yo-ou. Mama everything is gone, what must i do to get what i had, back? I had everything, until it c-c-came cra-shing do-ow-own." She pauses for a minute to take breath, this song was ment for the piano but Yuki didn't have one with her. "Now i know what i have to do, to-oo get everything back. I must lea-ea-ve, go away for a while, just a while. Oh how i will miss yo-ou. but you never know what ill find." She starts to cry knowing the next line of the song. "Daddy everything is gone, what must i do to get yo-ou back. I had everything, until it c-c-came cra-shing do-ow-own. Daddy what i do--o? Oh how i missed yo-ou. Daddy everything is gone, everything c-c-came cra-shing do-ow-own" She started to cry quietly but deadly. Yuki was all alone in this game as always, but she never felt like this before. Yuki was slipping away into the world filled with nothing and nothing and even more nothing. She began to not care, as always. Yuki has felt this way many times, her body would become numb and she wouldn't care what happened to her nor anyone. She wouldn't care about anyone, not even the people who were like her. 

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Mitsu slowed down as she saw the girl enter into an alleyway. Quietly, she looked around the edge but didn't follow. She heard the girl singing a song. For the first time in a long time, a surge of complete fear ran up her. Her pupils dilated, and she backed away from the alleyway.

She fell to the ground for a minute, before regaining her posture. Randomly, she'd get surges of feelings. They only lasted around 10 seconds, though. Then she'd realize she was just pretending to be fearful. Afraid for the sake of feeling anything. So used to pretending to feel that she actually felt sometimes. But it didn't last wrong. Any feeling was just a play she put on to the world. She stood back up, her stance just like it had been before she had pretended to be scared.

Suddenly, the singing stopped. Mitsu looked again over to see the girl sitting calmly. If she looked closely though, Mitsu could make out the tears falling.

Too late.

Those were the only two words she thought, when she saw them cry. It was only a matter of time before they became exactly like Mitsu. At first it's only once in a while. And then one day, they wake up and there's nothing. Complete emptiness. No feelings at all.

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Yuki sat there as her world became nothing, it became a world that drowned out everything, and anything. Yuki's eyes lost there shine and for the millionth time she went back to the world of nothing. Yuki's least tears fell down her cheek screaming for hope, but there was nothing to do. Yuki sat there staring forward, she didn't care wether someone were to kill her or if she killed herself. 

Yuki's body was numb, and she couldn't think at all. Yuki was like a machine, no feelings, no senses, nothing. Yuki got up from the ground and walked back into town, Yuki for sure would be like this for a few day and then she will wake up one day and she will be able to think again. Yuki keeping walking, where ever. Into people, into walls, she just kept walking. 

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