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[SP-F3] Earning A Living

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Cinder looked down at the sleeping dog that was lying in the middle of the empty street. It's fur was short, and heavy dark brown color; almost seeming black from a distance. He had tried to move it earlier, but the thing just wouldn't budge. He nudged it with his foot, the fur ruffling as he shoved it gently, but merely rolled slightly then fell exactly back into place. Maybe its a glitch, he thought to himself as he took a step back. Just as he was about to turn away and continue with his day, an crusty voice spoke in front of him, nearly startling him as he jumped back slightly. "Are you the owner of this dog?" a bald old man asked as he peered at him through eyes that appeared to be closed, just five meters from the dog.

"Who are you?" Cinder asked, his hand instinctively reaching to the hilt of his dagger that was strapped to the front of his chest, underneath the dark brown cloak he wore.

The old man merely repeated the same question.

Cinder looked at him for a moment, and then let out a sigh, succumbing to what he assumed was a quest giver, seeing as how this would have to have been the oldest gamer he'd ever have met otherwise. "No, he was lying here when I arrived in town." Cinder had literally just arrived, the dog being his first interaction with anything in this small village.

"Then you wouldn't mind helping search for the owner then would you? He lives somewhere in this town?" The old man continued, lifting a shaking arm as he pointed towards the village behind Cinder.

A prompt appeared in front of Cinder, the words labeled 'Do you accept the quest <>?' with two interactable options listed below: a blue circular button with a white ring in it, and a red circular button of equal size, with a white 'x' inside. The words "Yes" and "No" were labeled next to each one. Moving his finger to the blue circle, he tapped it, the panel flashing slightly before collapsing horizontally in front him, disappearing in thin air.

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The old man let out a smile as he walked over to the dog, picking it up, he tossed the unconscious creature over his shoulder and then placed it on the ground next to a building, then sat down next to it. Cinder watched as he moved off the road as well. "How will I find the owner?" he asked, taking out a thin white item from the pouch on his hip. The item was labelled <>, and looked just like a modern day cigarette. He hadn't expected this death game to accommodate for smokers, but it seems if you look hard enough, even this game gives a little mercy. Taking out a match box, a small holographic counter displayed next to the box, informing him that he only had an additional twenty seven matches left within his box before it would shatter into a bunch of flashy pixels from within his hands. Tapping the end of the box with one hand, he caught a falling matchstick that appeared out of thin air from the other side. Taking the match, he lit it, then carefully moved the end of the <>, inhaling as the tip flared up in a small flame, smoke flowing from his mouth and the item at once, floating into the air before thinning out and disappearing.

The old man watched as he did so, responding to his question quickly, "All you have to do is ask." With that, he began mumbling sweet innocents to the dog, petting its fur as it laid there ever so still.

Cinder smirked, letting out a small chuckle as he turned to face the town. Finding an information broker would be the best case scenario, but at this point, finding anyone would be spectacular. This town was a ghost town.

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As Cinder walked the town, he took a good look at the empty houses. There was literally not a soul around, he thought silently as he inhaled on the <> that was between his lips right now, smoke flowing from his mouth and nose as he exhaled, the white plume disappearing once again in thin air.

The whole time he'd been walking, the only sound he could hear was the wind rustling the leaves on the surrounding forest around him, at least, until now. What seemed like music began to travel down the street, it wasn't a song he's ever heard before, but it was graceful. Cinder figured his best bet was the music anyway, he began to follow it, eventually being guided into the main square of the town. A lowly man sat in a chair next to a large water fountain, a lute in his hand as he plucked the strings with excellent rhythm and tone. Resting in front of him was a black top hat with coins surrounding it, the inside of the hat filled over the brim as they overflowed onto the outlying brick.

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The man continued to play, either unaware or uncaring of Cinder's appearance to the scene. A smile was lying across the mans face as he hummed away in unison to the tune he was playing on the lute. Cinder looked around at the empty audience the performer had, I hope his audience doesn't mind if I borrow some of his time... he thought to himself as he approached him, tossing him a friendly wave with his right hand to try and get his attention. The man failed to budge, and only continued to play. Cinder's friendly expression disappeared as he waved his hand a little faster, using his voice this time, "Hey sir, I was wondering if you were the owner for that dog to the south of town?" The man continued to ignore him.

Cinder inhaled again on the <>, blowing the smoke outward towards him, the last bit of the roll coming to an end as he flicked the butt at the coin hat, sparks exploding from the lit end as it impacted with the coins. He hoped to catch the man's attention that way, but despite the fact, the man just continued to play.

"Humph." Cinder scuffed, as he crossed his arms, pondering what the reason behind the lack of interaction from this character was. His thoughts didn't last long as the hat caught on fire and a purple smoke began to fill the air from underneath the coins.

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Cinder was growing a little more paranoid that something was about to happen, but before he could do anything, the music began getting louder, and soon he couldn't even hear his own voice when he tried to shout to the man. The world around him grew hazy, and his eyes began to grow heavy as his vision blurred. He instinctively reached for his dagger, his fingers gingerly fiddling with the grip, but it was of no use. He was growing more and more unaware as he lost consciousness it seemed like.

Did I... Did I lose? Has the game beaten me? Several thoughts crossed his mind in the seconds of fading darkness, that seemed like years, began to overtake his vision. With a moment of utter silence, there was an explosion of bass as music filled his ears, his whole body vibrating as suddenly he was surrounded by people holding various colored lanterns, streams of fireworks blasting off into the sky as he stood higher than everyone else, the lute in his hand. As he watched the scene, a system panel opened in front of him with the words 'Begin <>>?'. Unlike before, there was only one option. "Yes." He hovered his hand over the button as the cheering crowd around him watch patiently, cheering him on to press it. This game is insane. he thought to himself as he tapped the button.

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With a flash the panel collapsed, then instantly opened up again as a different panel, this time with just a white box outlined in black. This panel was more transparent than the others, making it so he could still look through it, without losing track of where it was. Time around him began to slow as the crowd faded into silence, the only thing changing was the panel in front of him, offset to the bottom right. In the panel were eight lines running horizontally, representing the eight strings on the lute. He stared at it for a moment as black dots slowly began to appear, scrolling to the left from the right side until it reached a solid vertical black line centimeters from the left border. At that point, the black dot froze, and a glowing beam protruded from the lute on the same string as the line represented. Cinder looked at it for a second before using some common sense and putting a finger on the line. From there, that same string glowed, but on the right side where his finger was meant to strum it. Reaching down, he plucked the string, and a sound echoed from the instrument, and the dot continued on and faded off the left border. Soon another dot approached the line, this time, it didn't stop, and before Cinder could play the corresponding note, the instrument made a soft dinking sound, meaning that he missed the correct attempt at the note. So this is how it works... he thought to himself, watching the notes pass the line as he attempted to press them in the correct sequence at the correct times.

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It was fairly easy, the tune was very simple and uncomplicated. Cinder actually laughed at the simplicity of it, and began paying more attention to the booming crowd in front of him. It wasn't like the modern concerts he had back before he got trapped in <>, it local gathering of people surrounding him with nothing but lanterns for light in the darkness, the various colors of smoke being the most obscure thing in this tutorial. Enjoying himself a little bit, he watched as the last circle came across the line. After successfully playing the last note, the panel flashed gently before flickering away. The people continued to cheer, and he gave a low bow, but as he lowered his head, he felt the world grow hazy again.

The sounds of the crowd grew distant, and the deafening cheering felt as if it was being smothered by a pillow. Cinder lifted his eyes up as he watched the world fade to black, losing consciousness again it seemed like.

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Cinder awoke in a startle, his hand immediately going inside his cloak to his <> as he yanked it out quickly to defend himself. As he took in his surroundings, he realized he was alone, his breathing heavy as his eyes bounced around. Letting out a relaxing sigh, he let his head fall back gently onto the stone that lay beneath him. There was a moment of silence before he eventually sat up, alone in the square, not even the flute player to keep him company.

Cinder looked down at the global Sword Art Online clock, it read just past 7PM. So I wasn't out for long, ten minutes it seems, he thought to himself as he returned his dagger to its sheath in his cloak. Still, ten minutes is more than enough to catch me in a sleep-PK if that was a player based stun, he thought before stretching his arms out. "Let's find this damn owner," he said as he turned back towards where he had come from.

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As he approached back to where the dog was originally, the lute player was sitting there casually. The old man, the one who originally started the quest, was no where to be found. Cinder grew slightly suspicious as he approached the man, his dagger withdrawn and gripped from underneath his brown cloak where the individual couldn't see it. The man was petting the dog, his gloved hands sliding through its fur as the dog laid there, unmoving. As Cinder approached, the man stopped what he was doing, and slowly stood up, causing Cinder to slow to a stop himself. Just as he did, the man slowly turned his head to where one eye was on Cinder, the dark iris beaming into what felt like his mind. "Are you the one they sent?" the man said, his face straight and serious.

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Cinder looked at him, and then cracked a smile. "What if I am?" he asked him, examining the man's body language for signs of threat or fear. He couldn't see any visible weapons, but what was to stop him from being a martial artist of some kind. He's seen one before, and they're a nasty bunch.

The man cracked a smile as well, and then turned his body around to face him straight forward, his figure hidden underneath a black cloak. Cinder could see a bulge from inside, meaning a weapon of some sort most likely, but before he could say anything or make any conclusions, the man tossed his cloak off, a lute in his arms, one hand up in the air as if he's about to drop it down into a heavy strum of strings. Cinder needed to react quickly; the fear of passing out again was still in the front of his mind, and he wasn't about to be sleep-PK'd because of some asshole with a guitar.

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Just as Cinder stepped in to attack, the man grinned. It was one of those grin you'd see someone have when they know a plan fell together and that everything was going to go smoothly, because of that, Cinder didn't attack, but merely approached the man causally, his <> still hidden within his dark brown cloak. "Are you the owner of that dog?" Cinder asked, slowly walking towards him.

The man lowered his hand, placing the lute on his shoulder like a baseball player would for a bat. He looked down at the dog, and then back at him. "You have a keen eye there," he said as he stepped back to lean against the wall of the building, "so keen, I think you might just have what it takes."

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Cinder smiled at the comment, "Thank you, so kind of you to flatter me," he said as stopped in front of the man, the grip on his <> tightening. This little [censored] is either rude, or an NPC, either way, he needs to get to the point, he thought to himself, referring to the fact that the man has ignored every question he's asked him.

The man pulled the lute off his shoulder with one hand on the neck, and examined it for a moment, and then handed it over towards Cinder. Cinder didn't move, he just looked at it until a systems panel appeared in front of him. The words "Do you accept the performer profession: Lute Artist?" With the same two options as before of yes or no listed below with their corresponding buttons. A profession eh? So thats what the information broker meant by 'You'll be able to take a breather from the normal game mechanics'.

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Cinder thought about it for a moment, the character in front of him not moving a muscle. Having a profession wouldn't hurt, and what better profession than a musical one? I don't know about the other players, but the last thing I want to do is roam around collecting mats for weapons I'll never use, being sold to characters that will probably die with them anyway, he thought as he went to press the blue circle symbolizing 'yes'. Just as he did, the systems panel collapsed, and the man holding the lute nodded, signifying for him to take the lute from his hands. Cinder put his <> away underneath his cloak and then attempted to grasp the lute, only to have the man step forward, the bottom of the lute smashing him square in the face, knocking his avatar back two steps. He instinctively reached for his nose, but then stopped half way realizing that it didn't actually hurt.

Looking at the man, he chuckled, his hand finding the hilt of his dagger again. "So now what? I have to take it from your grimy hands?" Cinder asked, the man bringing the lute to his chest as if he was about to play it. A green hit point bar appeared next to the man's now visible name, <>. Don't think for one second you're going to get a single note off.

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Cinder went in for a stab at <>'s hands, attempting to stop the the playing of any strings. The man reacted, taking a step back, but only finding the comfort of a wall to hinder him. As the man leaped sideways to dodge the attack, he rolled, standing up, his hands reaching for the strings again. Cinder grinned as the man rolled away. Jumping harder into the attack, he brought his foot up and kicked off the wall, aggressively redirecting himself for another attack on <>. It caught him off guard as the man raised his lute to block the attack, Cinder's <> colliding with the wood with a thud. Not wanting to give the man a chance, he stepped into the block, dropping his body height underneath the defending lute. The man went to drop the lute down, trying to smash Cinder before a blow could be made, but Cinder slashed at the thighs of the man, orangish digital tears appearing where the blade made contact, a portion of his health dropping towards zero.

The lute still came down, forcing Cinder to lean back after the first slash, the lute nimble passing across his face as he jumped backwards onto his back, using the momentum to help him roll back onto his feet, his dagger traditionally gripped for more reach as he brought it up to defend himself, charging back in. I can't let this man get a note off, there is no telling what he's capable of with that instrument, he thought to himself as he moved in again.

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Cinder could see a smile cross <>'s face as he blocked Cinder's next two attacks, deafening thuds echoing from the instrument as he did so. It was almost as if <> was enjoying this as much as Cinder was. Cinder, halting his attack just long enough to provoke <> into a full on baseball bat swing, used the time to redirect his movement underneath the blow, leaving the left flank of the man exposed from the over extension of the force. Pulling the dagger back to where the point was in line with the tip of his nose, the blade glowed a bright blue, then his whole body exploded into a fixed technique that he couldn't control the outcome of. "Rapid Bite!" he said aloud as his blade peirced into <>, then slashed three times, forming an asterisk on the man's rib cage.

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<> let out a howl of pain as he jumped back, his health bar dropping into the red, halting with just a few inches of life left. He put his hand up, signifying to stop the attack. Cinder knew all too well that even if he tried to attack again, the <> notification would appear beside the NPC, and if he continued after that, a harassment message would soon follow.

<> panted heavily as Cinder replaced his blade back into the sheath on his chest, covering it with his cloak. Placing his hands in the pockets of his leather pants, he leaned back on his heels, letting out a faint whistle while he waited for the NPC to gather himself, a smirk across his face. What a show, its not everyday I get to use my sword art; this lutist was something else, he thought to himself as he watched <> stand up straight, the lute back on his shoulder like a baseball bat.

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<> smiled, "You are indeed a worthy opponent, the best I've managed to come across this fateful week," he said, walking back towards the dog, "but there is but one more test you must complete before I give you this fine instrument."

Cinder followed behind him as he approached the sleeping dog, the man, taking the lute off his shoulder again and holding it as if he was about to play it, brought his fingers to the strings. With a graceful strum, sound emanated from the instrument, and Cinder managed to catch a twitch of the dog's ear. Ahh, so thats the final test, he thought to himself as several more notes were played.

<> then stopped and looked over at Cinder. "To be a Lutist, you must have several things: You must be agile, quick to react. Lutists' are helpful in combat as much as they are in Col making. You must be keen, you need to be able to see things that other can't, read the body language of the people around you. You don't want to accidently provoke the wrong emotions into monsters or players, and lastly, you need to witness the power of the Lutist first hand. I will teach you your first tune."

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Cinder took the lute in his hand and plucked down on all the strings. As he did, a systems menu appeared in front of him, a list of available songs floating in a scroll menu. Only one song was available, labeled <>. Cinder tapped it with his finger, and it flashed orange then blew up into a larger square like before when he was playing in front of all those people. Hmmm, so this is how this works, he thought to himself, already familiar with the way things worked. Black dots slid across the eight lines corresponding with the strings on the instrument. As he did so, he pressed his fingers down on the correct strings, plucking the correct notes in order. It was a simple tune, he expected it to be the starter tune for all lutists, and wouldn't be surprised if much more complicated songs existed in the world of Aincrad.

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As he played the instrument, the dog began to move. First his ears twitched, and then his nose ruffled. After about the fifth measure, the dog's eyes opened up, and with the sixth measure, the entire creature burst up, charged <>, and jumped into his open arms. It's tongue licked the man's face, and he laughed as he pet the dog on the head, ruffling its fur. "That a boy, settle down now... settle down." <>, after calming the dog, turned towards Cinder with a smile on his face.

"You know, you show true potential, I'm glad you made your way out here."

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"You know, you show true potential, I'm glad you made your way out here."

Cinder smirked as the lute song finished, and then collapsed into thin air. The lute itself in his hands glowed for a moment, another systems panel appearing in front of him, this time with item information. The name of the item? <>. It didn't surprise Cinder at this point; he had an excellent understanding of this quest and its purpose. It was time to wrap it up, take the experience, and get out of here.

Cinder nodded to <>. He was an NPC, so there was going to be no further interaction with this NPC after this, unless a follow up quest included him. Cinder wasn't fond of friendship to begin with, let alone with an NPC. "Well good sir, it has been a pleasure," Cinder said, as he tossed the lute up off his hand gently, the item disappearing into his inventory.

With that, he tossed a friendly wave to him and his dog, and turned his back on the city, heading back out into the wilderness to continue his adventure. He wondered where the rest of the players were at, and how the frontlines were doing. He chuckled at the thought. The frontlines, oh how you'd be the true challenge. I'll be seeing you shortly, he thought to himself a systems panel flashed up in front of him, a quest complete message for <> written in the box. No items were received, with the exception of the <>, and <> was learned. What a way to start off the week.

Quest Complete

Item(s) Added:

+1 <>

Skill(s) Learned:


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