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[PP-F1] Outside of Town With A Smile (COMPLETE)

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Dom's words were something in and out of their own as he would talk about how putting one's best foot ahead is what really changes things. Dom would talk about how he took the game by the virtual throat and strangled it till it submitted. This was also why the Azure brigade came forward and asked him to come into the fold and that was before he was like he was now which made it all the more impressive. Lee would take in a deep breath and nod his head in a firm agreement, feeling as if he did say something, it would simply ruin the atmosphere. Dom would then make a drastic change as he talked about how he had been taking a break for long enough and that it was time to hit the grind once more and he would then come into what it was Lee would see to be the player that Dom had been speaking about.

The change was like as if Dom he was speaking too wasn't a real thing anymore and replaced by what he was describing as the Berserker and as he left, he told Lee that he would be seeing him on the front lines to which Lee would stand firm and nod his head in agreement "I'll make sure to do my best and then some." He would then take in a deep breath and exhale as he would turn toward the field and wondered just what it would be like to have that kind of power and with renewed vigor, he would make his way back toward the town, with a new goal in mind.


Both Players get 1 SP and Lee Song-Fang gets 400 Col(Ssendom is giving the col to him)

Edited by Lee_Song-Fang
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