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[OP-F1] Shop Assistant contest

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"Mister?" Ronin answered back with a look of humor on his face, as he looked to the guy who had given him the bottle of water.  "...I don't see any of those around here," he teased, knowing he was no gentleman and trying to assure this generous stranger that he didn't need to address him as such.  "...You can call me Ronin..." he answered at last, lifting his bottle slightly in Lee's direction, as though to say,  nice to meet ya.  Once their little meet n greet was over, Ronin turned his attention back to the guy running this little shop assistant contest and he sighed.  Now he was going to have them running all around town looking for his dumb little shop?  This was proving to be more of a headache than it was worth.

"Screw this, I'm outta' here..." announced Ronin, rising to his feet and taking another swig of his water.  No free item was worth all this trouble and he had better things to do right now.  "...You guys have fun, Lee, catch you later man..." he said, before turning and strolling off.  While it might've been a trick to throw the others off and make them think he was abandoning the competition, Ronin was actually more concerned with finding somewhere to take a leak, than finding this buster's shop.  "Whatever..." he sighed, walking away from the group and off down the street, a smokey trail in his wake.

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Lee Song-Fang listened as as the male player would chuckle at the comment of being called 'mister' to which Lee himself would laugh lightly himself when the player said that he saw no one of that kind of description around. He would then address him to call himself Ronin to which Lee would nod politely and send a friend request "Nice to meet you Ronin." With their greeting completed, Lee and Ronin would look toward the shop keep as he would seemingly officially begin the event, saying that the first task was to find the shop itself. Ronin was not fond of this idea and, because of this, he would say his goodbye to Lee and head off. Lee would wave his hand in a goodbye.

Lee would look around and take off in the opposite direction of Ronin as he was told that he would be getting informaiton about the shop and that he would need to send a message to Rowan once it is found. He would look back and wave at the person "I'll be seeing you all at the shop~

Edited by Lee_Song-Fang
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Yuki went to the starting point that she was given, she was out of the town of begingings. She sighed knowing why he wanted her to have the worst starting point that the other appliers. Yuki walked back into town and womdered around town, she passed buildings that she has seen too many times. Yuki keeps walking around town checking if the building was near her or not. 

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Lee would slow his jog to a brisk walk, moving through the alleyway in search of the shop in question. This was actually going to be quite the something, aiming to be the winner and have a head start would be pleasing but something he wasn't completely aiming toward. This was a competition and not one that was of a hateful kind but more friendly which made all the difference. That meant that everyone involved would be enjoying themselves whilst it was going on. Though, he must find the place to be declared a winner and, for the time being, that would not be the case as he did not see anything of the like around so he would continue onward. 
ID: 55002
LD: 3

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I look at Ronin when he left, but not sure if he really meant or just trick them "You will get a massage when someone will find the shop. You are already part of the group, I have no way to cancel it".  It was a lie of course, but it will give him what he want in case he is not out. It was kind of strange, he came here from the first place just to leave? But if you thinking about that, he is that kind of a guy that life only the moment. He doesn't pay to much attention to the details...man, he couldn't tell the difference between bleeding effect and a damage effect. Maybe it's really not suit for him. 

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Yuki kept searching around, she was a bit confused. Everything looked so different, everything looked so strange. Yuki sighed and took a seat on one of the benches, she saw players pass her, she saw a few children walk past her staring right into Yuki's soul. Yuki shrugged off the stares and got back up and back to the search of the building. Yuki was really confused since everything looked a bit strange, but that didn't stop her. For some reason Yuki wanted to be closer to Rowan, even if he wanted her dead. 'Why does he want me dead anyways? I have enough problems to be worrying about... like Rick's kid, where is she? or... did i kill the person who actually killed my mother' Yuki thought to herself. Yuki kept walking around until she noticed she's been walking in circles. 


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It was good being as tall as he was, the lengthy legs would be able to make bounds when it came to quick pace walking. The player would come to a stop as he looked from one side to the next in hopes of finding the shop in question. He would rush over to a corner and turn it in high hopes but to his dismay, it was a shop, just not the shop he was looking for and thus, his search would continue on.

ID: 55962 LD: 15

Edited by Lee_Song-Fang
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