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[PP-F1] Happening Upon an Encounter (Cilla)

Guest Kroshma_Tokran

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Guest Kroshma_Tokran

Kroshma was meandering through the starter city, his mind mumbling through musings, recollecting things of past that he felt were of importance that should be reviewed for future reference, and possibilities that may be hidden within the thin silver lining of the future, which has  yet to be unraveled by the flow of time. He also thought of events that occurred in the present, such as what has, will, and is currently happening around him. However, on his deep and overwhelming thought, it had not occurred to him to pay attention to where his feet were taking him. Perhaps it had and the thought had eluded him, or he was the one who eluded the thought to be among himself for a time. One way or another, this much was true: Kroshma had bumped into somebody, pulling him out of his trance and rewinding the steps he had taken into the labyrinth of memories and ponderings he had previously made. And just like that, they were gone.

"What the..." he said, rubbing his forehead. he looked up to see who the blockade had been, ready to tell them off for getting in his way.

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Priscilla had just departed from her inn, having spent some of the day chilling out inside. Today had been a pretty lazy day for her, allowing her to take a short, yet refreshing break from the monotonous grind of the game. Sadly, she would have to admit, Priscilla hadn't progressed much in terms of progress and what she had learned was lackluster at the least. She had started to walk to the north, expecting to make her way outside the city without much hesitation, but would find her ultimately distracted from her goal. The suspect responsible for doing so was an over-geared brute of a man, standing roughly six foot eight in height and god knows how much he weighed. He had not only cut her off without excusing himself, but intentionally pushed Priscilla out of the way with a shoulder charge hold no bars, propelling her towards the ground, "Ooof!" Landing on her bum, she called out to the careless hulk, "ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD! Watch where you're going you oversized oaf!" The dimwit laughed off the comment as he carried on to the center of the city, showing no sign of respect to those in his path. She held back from shouting anything further since it would do her no good, then proceeded to lift herself up while muttering beneath her breath, "Ugh, can't stand guys like that..."

Edited by Cilla
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Guest Kroshma_Tokran

When Kroshma looked up, he didn't really see anybody at first. He was more prepared to see someone standing over him, or in front of him at the very least. He looked down, and saw a girl with purple hair pulling herself off the ground. He wasn't sure if she was the one who bumped into him or not, but he was going to find out. He knelt down and held down his hand, offering to help her up. "Are you the one who bumped into me?" he asked, a very serious look on his face.

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Not much to her surprise, it appeared as if she wasn't the only one the blind giant had pummeled out of the way as another player knelt down to assist her up, "Why thank you, at least there are still gentlemen among the simpletons." She was tempted to say it loud enough to catch the attention of those in the nearby area, but the player that had knocked them down had went well out of earshot by now and she didn't want to annoy the lone player kind enough to give a hand, "No, but the one who did already rounded the corner. Are you alright?" While this certainly was a safe area which prevented players from harming one another in any way, at least to Priscilla's knowledge, it was a habit for her to ask such questions regardless of whether they came off as rhetorical or meaningless. She dusted off her skirt and realized that she had not gotten the name of the player, "Oh, pardon my manners. I'm Cilla; salutations."

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Guest Kroshma_Tokran

Assuming a natural position of his arms crossed, Kroshma put the thought in his head to speak. However, when Cilla stood, whatever he was going to speak about immediately slipped his mind. The serious look on his face had disappeared and was replaced with a wide, teeth baring smile. He laughed a great, hearty laugh, his  head tilted back. "Ha ha ha ha! It's a delight to meet someone without there head in the clouds! I've met far too many a titan and Goliath for my liking." he said with a sort of distaste in his words. "It's a great pleasure to meet you, my fellow David! My name is Kroshma!" he said proudly.

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Thankfully, the player was understanding of the situation and fully believed Priscilla even though the culprit was nowhere in sight. While there wasn't much of anything he could have done even if he didn't believe her, it was always nice when situations such as this went by without any trouble. He did make some jokes about the height of the player that knocked them down, though Priscilla wasn't quite sure if it was a double-edged sword also aiming to make jokes about her height. Regardless, she was happy to see him finally introduce himself, "You say 'head in the clouds,' but it looked like you were a bit aloof yourself. Got a lot on your mind?" She meant it in curiosity rather than prodding him, but it wasn't like she had much else to do today.

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Guest Kroshma_Tokran

Kroshma shook his head. "It seems you've misunderstood. While it is true my mind was busy with itself, I didn't mean daydreams when I said 'head in the clouds." he said. He then pointed up towards the sky. "I was referring to the great height that others possess, while we stand beneath them and look upon them as their heads pass adrift through the clouds." he said, smiling at his own outspoken musings.

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"That is all well and good, I'm quite aware of what you meant." She let out a little sigh as she was slightly disappointed the player had missed out on her obviously inquisitive demeanor, "Well, it's been nice meeting you Kroshma." She wasn't going to excuse herself just yet as she didn't have much else to do at this time, but if this individual wasn't willing to be a little more communicative in terms of being social, then there was simply nothing she could do besides bid adieu.

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Guest Kroshma_Tokran

Kroshma nodded, a big smile spread across his face. "Yes, and it was pleasure meeting you!" His big smile then lessened. "Do you believe the things you see in your dreams?" he asked, changing to a more serious tone. "And when I say 'dreams', I mean the messages in dreams that they're trying to get across to you. Although, I guess some people don't believe in that sort of thing." Kroshma thought about the question himself, and began contemplating it on the side.

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