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[PP-F1] <Secret Medicine of the Forest> (Husky & Lee Song-Fang)

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Lee would watch as Date would turn his attentions back toward the creature and Husky would speak his words of wisdom, telling them that they need not rush things and that the game would do the work if they just got the wheels going. As Date launched his attack, it would miss its mark and Lee would tilt his head to the side, aiming was quite the hassle in the game and he was starting to see this to be a major fact. "I would like to try my hand at this." He would say as he would take in a deep breath and exhale through the his nose as he would take large strides forward and push his shoulder upward to send his sword flying over it and crashing down into the ground, barely missing the monster but at the same time, causing the monster to miss a strike that would have struck him as well "Double negative? Or would that be a positive?" He would look to Date and then to Husky as if waiting for an answer.

ID: 56087 BD: MOB: 5

Edited by Lee_Song-Fang
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Husky spoke. Offering words of encouragement and advice to keep a cool head. Date only needed one of those thing as he refocused on the mob.

Lee was the second to act as he charged into the battle. Though his miss was just as appalling as the brunettes.

Gritting his teeth, Date removed his spear from the gnarled oak tree and lunged forward.

"There is no positive or negative when fighting, Lee. Only life or death, and the way you choose to implement either."


Polygons shattered as Date stood in the fading remains of the beast that was. Twirling his spear, he slammed it into the ground before re attaching it to his back. Flicking his gaze to his to companions he offered:

"Shall we kill a Variant now?"

ID: 56139 BD: 8

Date: 6/12 E: 0/3

Lesser Nepent: 0/2 HP | 1 DMG

Edited by Date
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Husky looked at the two battling with the Nepent. A smile of approval grew on his face, as the new player was able to use the sword art beautifully. Pushed himself off from the tree trunk, Husky approached the two, readied to go and find the boss. They didn't have to go anywhere, however. Rumbling tremor started from the ground, as the Nepent Variant emerge from beneath the soils. It was nearly three time as big as the normal little nepent. Husky cracked his knuckles and ran in front, drawing the attention of the monster to him.

"I'll take care of this one for you guys." He told the two, before lunged forward and readied his sword art. The monsters lashed the vine whip at Husky, but the warrior had his hands raised up and blocked the attack. He retaliate with his own, syncing with the reflective damage from his thorn armor. The damage bounced back from the hit the Nepent Variant gave, as well as the damage from a strong right hook to the soft spot of the nepent was more than enough to finish off the monster. Millions of pixelate fragments burst from where the monster use to stood, and fade in the air. "That settle that. All right, let's all pack up and go home." Husky told his two companion, before heading back to Town of Beginning to turn in the quest.


ID: 56169

MOB: 7

BD: 7

Husky: 15/16 HP | 3/4 EN | ( - ( 2-27) = -1 DMG)

  • Hate: 1


Nepent Varient: 0/15 HP | 2 DMG | 5 MIT | ( - ( 4 -5) = -1 DMG) (-14 THR DMG)


LD: 16

Looted: 1 Mat, 30 Cols

Edited by Husky
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The silver haired man would turn his attentions over toward Date as he would speak of the negatives and positives being irreverent, it was life and its darker side that truly mattered. Date would then use his spear to strike the plant-like creature down and call it a victory for himself in the regard "I see what you mean." He would pull his sword from the ground and up and onto his shoulder while looking to Husky when the ground began to rumble and emerged the supposed boss of the area. As it appeared, Husky told them that he would take the monster on and lunged forward. Lee would have been more than happy to help if it would have been needed though it seemed that Husky would one shot the creature as well as it striking against itself and getting a light his against the player.

As the monster burst, Husky spoke of going and turning in the quest to which Lee would nod and look to Date "This was rather enjoyable." With that, he would then turn his attention toward the town and follow suit after Husky.

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