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[PP-F1] Looking For Reasons to Smile (Rae)

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The white clothed player would turn his head only slightly in her direction as she would speak her thanks as well as uncovering her eye. She then went on about the fact that she was actually lucky enough to be able to see through the eye itself as the blade did not harm the actual eyeball itself. Her laughing did more wonders though as she began to talk about the fact that they would be speaking about something so serious and then he would derail the train of conversation straight into the proverbial ocean. He would shrug his shoulders and laugh hesitantly while rubbing the back of his head as she talked about the graphics "I have my hits and misses. The game is well made and sometimes I forget that it isn't real and for the most part, I don't mind that."  

He would move his hands onto his lap once more over one another "I think that treating the game as a real world helps a lot of things for a lot of people, myself included.

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"I know right, This game is so realistic, it's sometimes hard to tell the difference." She then stated with a smile. "I mean, a few times there were times where I went hours thinking this was the real life up until someone tells me it's a game and then I remember." She then stated with a smile. After mentioning al that she looked down but her curiosity drew her eyes over to Lee's hands as he kept moving them around. "Adhd?" She then asked curiously and returned her gaze back to Lee. "Either ADHA, ADD, Or your nervous." She then stated. "It's got to be one of those am I correct?" Rae then asked curiously. She would always try to figure out why a person made their actions, even if was something small as continuously moving their hands.

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He would be pleased that Rae would also see the game in the same sort of light that he himself saw it in terms of how it appeared. As she went on about the losing herself within the game till someone came in to speak the truth and she would break out of it. He would stop as she would bring up the word 'ADHD' and he would tilt his head to the side and she would explain more about it and he would look down at his hands and would connect the dots himself. He would laugh lightly "Oh, it's more of a little tick than anything. I tend to dislike being too stationary for too long. It's a reflex from a game I used to play where if you stayed stationary for too long, people think you were away from the keyboard."

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"Well, How could I possibly think you're away from keyboard if I'm sitting here talking to you and hear your voice. Also let's not forget we're like, stuck in this game." Rae pointed. "I don't think you can go 'away from keyboard' even if you wanted to now can you?" Rae then pointed out and smiled. She then looked up at the sky and the sun was just beginning to go down and the sunset came out. "It's beautiful." Rae mentioned, talking about the sunset. "It's very romantic." She then stated. And then she realized what she had just said out loud and began to blush and hide her face in her hands again.

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Lee would listen as she would begin to explain that being away from his keyboard would be quite problematic. The first being that he was actually fairly vocal so being away would be impossible as he was also replying. She would also point out the whole lack of keyboard would be difficult given the lack of one. He would laugh lightly "Old habits die hard." He would then listen to Rae as she would turn her attentions to the sun as it was falling behind the horizon as well as its appearance.

He would turn his attention to the sunset "I would agree with that wholeheartedly." He would take a moment before looking over to Rae as she had her hands over her face once more to which it would alarm him "I'm sorry if this is a touchy subject, I didn't think that this would have any connection to your scar! I apologize completely!"

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Rae heard Lee agree with her and she smiled behind her hands, the blush still on her cheeks. But what really got her was when Lee thought she was hiding her face because of her scar, and that's when she began to laugh again. "It's not because of the scar silly." She then said and removed her hands from her face, revealing that she was blushing like crazy. "Not to be weird or anything, this just reminds of of scenes from romance movies, A beautiful young girl and a handsome young man sitting out alone in the sunset." Rae pointed out. She then looked around. "The only thing this scenario is missing if the beautiful young girl." She then stated both, complimenting Lee as a handsome young man, and down siding herself saying that she was not beautiful.

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Lee would listen and be put at ease as she would tell him that it was not the scar she was covering and was pleasantly surprised as she was laughing. She would then tell him that the scene that was playing out before them seemed to be one from a stereotypical romantic movie. She would then talk about the lack of a female lead to which he would laugh and shake his head "I'm not one for belittling but I'm sure that you would be rated a lot higher that you put yourself." He would then place his hand onto his own chest "I'm a man that sees a beautiful female person here in the sunlight though I'm not sure if the word handsome would be the right one. Tall? Weird? Those seem to be more popular one's."

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"Tall, Weird, And handsome then. Or atleast, You're handsome to my taste." Rae said being a bit of a flirt this time. She began to blush more because she was flirting with him but at the same time kept a smile on her face. She heard him compliment her calling her a beautiful girl earlier and smiled, still blushing as all this goes on. "This is still going like the sterotype romance movies. "Sunlight, alot of flirting, Then you know what comes next?" Rae then asked him curiously.

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Lee would smile and rub the back of his head at her comment to which he would reply "Thank you Rae. You're quite the beautiful yourself." He would then listen as she would speak about the scene still playing out like a normal stereotypical movie and would ask him if he knew what came next. He would move his hand around and place a finger on his chin as he began to think. "Well, I haven't been one for romantic movies but we have already exchanged numbers, more or less and-"

He would pause as there was a small flashing dot off in the corner of his eye. He would look awkwardly at this and then turn his attentions to Rae "I'm terribly sorry about this." He would move his finger to tap the area in the air to open the message to read its contents as quickly as possible. Then there was a pause. He would send a single word reply and then close the message before standing up "Rae, I am so sorry to cut our day short and I will make it up to you it's just that a friend really, really needs my help with a very...complicated situation."

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Rae smiled as Lee complimented her once again. "Oh it's nothing." Rae said blushing and making a small giggle. She then heard him say he was never much of the romance type and notice him begin to think of what would come next. Well, up until he got a notification from a friend needing help. After getting the notif she heard him apologize. "N-No no it's okay." Rae reassured him with a smile. She heard him apologize again for having to cut the day short and because he needed to help a friend. "Oh no, it's fine, I should get back to exploring anyways." Rae told him and got up. She turned around and began to walk off into the sunset. But before she went out of site she looked back at him. "We'll stay in contact." She told him and walked off out of site.



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