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[F1-PP] Making Friends (Kroshma-Tokran)

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Rae Rose was walking around the city of Aincrad window shopping at all the shops, looking for something that she could possibly buy. Wonder what I should get, Something that I'd need. Rae thought to herself as she looked around. She continued to walk around for a few more minutes until she ended up tripping over air again, but this time instead of falling strait down on her face she began to stumble forward until she ran into someone, and then she fell on her face. "Ouch." She said as she sat up and rubbed her face. She then looked up at who she ran into. "G-Gomen." She then apologized.

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Guest Kroshma_Tokran

Kroshma felt somebody bump into him. The bump pushed him forward, almost toppling him over. "Hey!" he yelled, startled by the sudden jolt. He turned around, ready to chew out whoever was behind him for bumping into him, but stopped when he saw a woman wearing peculiar clothing. For a moment, he stared in stunned silence, then spoke. "Are you some sort of clown?" he asked, giving the woman an odd look.

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"Oh, hey, rude much?" Rae said as she stood back up and dusted herself off. "No I'm not some clown." She then stated. She then turned her gaze back to the man infront of her after dusting herself off and studied him for a moment. "You shouldn't be talking, You're not dressed the par either." She then stated and crossed her arms. After a few more moments of studying him she sighed and made a friendly bow. "My name is Rae Rose." She stated as she made her bow. After that she stood back up strait. "And may I ask who the man who I ran into's name?" She then asked curiously.

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Guest Kroshma_Tokran

"My name is Kroshma." he said, crossing his arms and looking up at Rae with his head tilted down. Kroshma looked around at all of the shops. Although he was just passing by, he was suddenly very curious about what this woman could have been looking for. "What are you even looking for, anyways?" Normally he wouldn't care about the activities of passersby, but since his walk was interrupted, he might as well entertain himself by dabbling a little bit.

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"Well it's nice to meet you Kroshma." Rae said with a smile. Rae wasn't too used to having to look down to talk to people since people were usually either her size or taller, but she wasn't going to mention anything about his size either. Or atleast, not right now since it didn't really bother her. She then heard him ask what she was looking for. "I ummm.... Just window shopping for the moment. I don't exactly know what I should be buying at my level." Rae told him. She then began to wonder. "What would you recommend?" She then asked curiously. 

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Guest Kroshma_Tokran

Kroshma closed his eyes and shrugged. "I hardly know myself. I'm so low level can't even go out into the fields by myself without getting killed." he said as though he were irritated with the fact. "If it weren't for my current financial state I'd buy better armor so I'd have a better chance out there, but unfortunately, the economy is unjust." he said, taking another small look around at the shops.

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Rae heard Kroshma say that he hardly knew himself, and that he was such a low level that he couldn't go out in the fields alone or he'd get killed. After that Rae's facial expression changed to a more saddened one as she looked down slightly. "I know the feeling, Can't really go out and explore without having someone there by your side." Rae said a bit quietly. But then she took in a deep breath and exhaled slowly and went back to smiling. "But on the best of things, Exploring alone can be boring so maybe it's a good thing that we have to travel with partners at our levels. I just became level two not too long ago." Rae then mentioned with a smile. "And what level are you?" Rae then asked.

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Guest Kroshma_Tokran

"I suppose you have a point. Traveling with others can have it's perks every now and then." Kroshma said, picking up an apple off a nearby fruit stand and looking at the red glow. He noticed some odd marks in the apple, and put it back. "I'm level three, by the way." he said, in a matter-of-fact way. "So, have you thought about what you're gonna do in the long run?" he asked, turning back to Rae.

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Rae smiled as Kroshma agreed with her. "Indeed it does have it's perks." She then stated. "To be honest I'd rather travel with a partner rather than travel by myself. Unless it's absolutely necessary to travel by myself." She then stated. After that Rae heard him ask what she plans on doing in the long run. "Weeelll..... I'm currently in the process on becoming a blacksmith's apprentice. So I guess I should plan on maxing out black smith. And then after I do that I guess, exploring the distant lands of this game and see everything this game has to offer." Rae then stated with a smile. "And what about you?" Rae then asked.

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Guest Kroshma_Tokran

Kroshma smirked and pointed up towards the sky. "I plan on reaching the top floor, and beating this game." he said with confidence in his words. He felt that at the pace he was going, it would be a long while before he'd ever get to the top floor, let alone be ready for it. Still while he had the time, and his life, he could spend it enjoying himself. No sense in letting anything in this game bring him down.

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Rae smiled at the attitude he had, that go get'em attitude. She noticed him point at the sky and mention that his goal was to reach the top floor and beat the game. After hearing this she made a small chuckle. "Well, don't let that just be a dream, I got faith in you, with that attitude you got there you can achieve anything." Rae said smiling and complimenting him. She could feel that he wasn't going to let anything get in his way.

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Guest Kroshma_Tokran

Kroshma's confident smirk turned into a proud smile. "Of course I can! There's nothing I can't do if I put my mind to it!" he said, knocking on his head a couple times. "There's a formula to being this confident, you know," Kroshma said, crossing his arms. "It takes guts, high self-esteem, and LOTS of determination. And I can guarantee you, I've got 'em all!" he said,giving his company a hearty laugh.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Rae continued to smile as the boy infront of her kept up with the go get'em attitude. She made a small chuckle again. She heard him talk about how he can accomplish anything if he set his mind to it and  and that there is a formula to being confident. After he said that Rae heard him explain said formula and how he's got them all. She made a smile and ruffled the youngian's hair. "I miss being a teen and having that very same attitude." Rae then stated. She then took her hand away from his hair. and knelt down on her knees to meet face to face with him. "Promise me you'll keep this attitued all the way up till you beat the game. Remember, you can do it." Rae told the boy with a smile before standing back up again.

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