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[PP-F1] Why Not Smile? (Ratatosk)

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The sun had began to arise over the Town of Beginnings and all that would dwell within it. Of these individuals, one lay on a bench with his legs handing off the edge with an arm over his face to keep everything dark. But, like all things, it must come to an end as the sun would begin to shine from the pond. The white clothed player would then let his arm fall from his face and pull himself up into an upright position. He would stretch and stand up into his full upright position. Today he had the plan to actually go out into the field in order to get his hands on some materials to fund his item making but more so, it could be fun. 

Lee would make his way through the town and come to one of the gates that would lead outside of town. He figured that he wouldn't have to worry much about monsters and if they did show, he was sure that he could either make a run for it or fight though the latter was unpleasant. He would open his menu and check through his small amount of equipment and then to see if there was anyone on his friends list that might want to join him in his venture.

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Outside of the Town of Beginnings was a small training field with wooden dummies, Ratatosk would often go there to test his sword skills. The blonde's blade slashed at the wooden training dummies quickly, and he ended his combo with a stab. "Damnit, looks like that wasn't a sword art. Nope, not even a combo either, it takes too long to execute." Ratatosk did a few tricks with his blade and then sheathed it, making him look like a cool swordsman. "Yup! That's how you do it!" He took pride in his swordsmanship, but he was actually better with the knife.

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The silver haired player would be confident in his own equipment or at least what he had for the moment and it would seem that the individuals on his friend list were otherwise preoccupied. It would then mean that he would go on gathering on his own and would hopefully be able to get up with them at their leisure as he didn't want to nag. He would start out just as he would take note of another player heading the opposing direction. Surely someone would like to benefit from a venture of things that everyone seems to want or need. Lee would raise his hand up in order to get the players attention "Hey there. Are you doing anything at the moment?"

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Ratatosk turned around, "What the?" He spotted a very creepy smiling guy looking at him, "Woah there, you look a bit creepy." The blonde was a bit reluctant to do some training, but he had to in order to become a front liner. "So uh... What do you want anyways? If you want I can help you with some training, or maybe some material hunting if you need it." His vision of the creepy guy disappeared, he now saw him as normal. "I see that you're kind of a low level, and I was wondering if you needed some help, not that I think you're dangerous or anythi-" He paused for a few seconds, then his eyes turned a shade of emerald green. "Huh? Damnit Ratatosk, you always leave the bad situations for me..." Ventus (His alternate personality) sighed and looked at Lee. "Hi there."

Edited by Ratatosk
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The white dressed player would listen as he would be called a bit creepy in terms of appearance to which he would raise a hand to the back of his hand and rub it hesitantly. "Well, it wouldn't be the first time I've been accused of that. Though I assure you, I am not creepy." Though, just because he said it did not make it true and there wasn't much way he could change someone's mind if they thought that which made him wish he could. Though, it would seem that the other player would indulge him and ask what it was that he wanted and one of them was material gathering.

He would then agree with a head shake and hold his arm out as if to present the field "Actually, materials are a great idea!" He would then look around "Is there any area where you'd like to start? I'm sure that you'd have a better feel for the land than I."

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"Huh? What?" He was a little nervous, after all he just swapped personalities. "Oh, right... So gathering materials..." Ventus recalled hearing something about a good hunting spot around the first floor boss room. "Right, so around the boss room of the first floor should be a good place to search for some materials." The blonde started thinking about it then pulled out his map, "So we are here, it's just a little two kilometer walk from here." He put down the map and started walking to the area, "Anyways, my name's Ventus, glad to meet you." His green eyes and soft toned voice offered a bit of comfort, to Lee it would be quite strange however. One moment he was talking in a deep, aggressive voice, and now it's soft and welcoming. He'd probably think, "What's up with this kid?" Or something like that.

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The silver haired man would let his head tilt to the side ever so slightly as the player would speak of a boss room. The player would open a map and then say that it would be a small walk to the area to which Lee would nod in agreement. "Right, I would be more than willing to go for this if you are." They would soon begin their walk and the player would speak that his name was Ventus to which Lee would continue to smile "It is very nice to meet you Ventus, I'm Lee Song-Fang, Lee for short." He would open up his menu with a flick of his wrist and shift through the menu's and would send a friend invite to his new acquaintance.

It was also during this that his eye caught the attention of something he was about to walk past. After closing his menu, he would then reach down and pick up an object, a material. "Oh, already off to a good start!" After he put it away, he would begin to think more about this player, he could have sworn he had seen him somewhere else but couldn't quite place him right yet.

ID: 55917  LD: 19
Material: 1

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Ventus stared at Lee-Song Fang searching for materials the old fashioned way. "We could get a lot more materials by hunting some monsters, it's not that hard. If we fight enough monsters by the end of the day, we can get a lot of materials." He had a friendly smile on his face, and went over to a group of boars and killed them quickly with Lightning Fall, an AoE sword art. "See, look, I got eight materials already! You should try it too, but first we gotta make sure you have some armor, do you have any?"

ID# 55918

Battle 10 (No Crit, 8+2)

Ratatosk: 68/68 HP, 3/17 Energy

DMG: 1 (Base) + 4 (Skill) + 3 (Weapon) x 7 (Sword Art) = 56

Boar: -13/34 HP, 9 Mit, Dead

Boar: -13/34 HP, 9 Mit, Dead

Boar: -13/34 HP, 9 Mit, Dead

Boar: -13/34 HP, 9 Mit, Dead

LD 19:

+8 Mats

+680 Col

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