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[F1-SP] Saving a Life That is Not My Own. <<Secret Medicine Of The Forest>>

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Once the village had been cured of the illness, the Village Elder took Nikodemus to his home and retrieved an item. Turning to Nikodemus, he present the item, a large sword and smiled with gratitude. "This is the <Anneal Blade>, a weapon handed down from my father to me, and from his farther to him. I shall give it to you, as a gift of thanks. Please take it, as a sign of your friendship to this village." Nikodemus nodded and took the large sword, smiling. "Of course. Thank you sir." After a moment, a <QUEST COMPLETE> prompt opened before Nikodemus and he read through it. When he was finished, he selected the <ACCEPT REWARDS> screen and the <Anneal Blade> was put into his inventory, along with some Col. Thanking the Village Elder once more, Nikodemus took his leave and returned to the Town of Beginnings, then teleported to Nimbus and returned home to his shop to do some work. He hung the <Anneal Blade> above the counter and smiled before going to his Forge to begin working on new items.






100 COL

+5 mats

+2 SP

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