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[PP-F1] Taking Time (Dreamer)

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"Did you have a bad relationship with your sisters?" he asked, looking up at Dreamer in the tree. He never wondered if his parents ever hated him or not. He had always figured that they never had time for him. He preferred to keep it that way. Gaster looked down, and stared off. His thoughts began to fill with the possibilities of how his parents might have felt, considerations of why the never paid any attention to him or why they neglected him, and musings of why he never cared. He should have cared. Gaster quickly pulled himself away from those dark thoughts, erasing them from his lexicon. "I suppose I never really had a relationship with my family." he thought.

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They despised me. She muttered and suddenly a grin came upon her face. She stood up on the branch she was on. She opened her mouth and started shouting the song that made her sisters despise her. WE ALL GO TO HELLL she repeated this line for a minute and looked down to see woman, children and men staring at the strange girl on a branch. She turned red but stuck her tongue out at the people. When everybody went back to their daily lives, Dreamer sat back down. And THAT Gaster, is what made my sisters hate me. 

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Gaster stared at her blankly for a moment. "Er... so they despised you because you kept saying that we're all going to hell?" Gaster asked, a bit confused as to what she was talking about. "I'm not sure if I understand, but if they were judging your beliefs, then I don't think they're very nice people." Gaster would have liked to believe there were approachable people every where, but this notion was false. In fact there were a great many kinds of people, most of which, he figured, were not the approachable kind.

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Dreamer held herself in a weird position sitting on the tree. Meh, I liked the band My chemical romance when i was young. They attempted to slit my throat when i set it as an alarm, but my brothers sang along every morning and my sisters ALWAYS listened to that crap, One Direction was it? She laughed at the morning memories. Yes, She was poor but her family always had been so fun. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Oh... oh my..." he said, sitting with his knees hugged close to his chest. "It must have been difficult. I can't imagine living that way. I don't know if I'd be able to handle it." Gaster looked up into the tree at Dreamer. "I don't think I've ever heard of them. Although, I've never of many artists, being cooped up and all." he said, trying to think of a time he'd ever listened to music. One time had crossed his mind, although it was a very bleak one. He had created his own specialized record player.

The player had two pavilions, each pointing in opposite directions of each other.  There were four needles that sat perched at the corners of the box, and were suspended above its center. A record he had developed himself, formed in the shape of a sphere, was held in a goblet shaped holder; a wheel at the bottom of the holder to move the spherical record once the record player was turned on. Once he had finished the first model, he began the first test of the record player. As the record began to roll and the needles scratched along the surface, he found that it let out a horribly queer sound. Immediately, he stopped the player, and removed the needles from the record. At some point, he got bored of playing with music, and did not return to his record player project.

Reclaiming himself from this warm yet unpleasant memory, Gaster remembered why he didn't keep up with the newest musical artists, or what the most popular song of the day was. He found music to be something quite trite. "I'll just keep it to myself." he thought.

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