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[PP-F1] Mama? (yukisuzuki)

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Izzy wonders around the town of beginnings, searching for Yuki, her mother. Izzy was scared that Yuki would be dead and that she would be stuck in this game all alone. Izzy sat on a bench and began singing the lullaby Yuki used to sing her before she went to sleep. Izzy missed her father, who recently passed away. Izzy had to stay strong, she couldn't cry until she finally found her mother. Izzy missed Yuki, a lot. Izzy wanted to be able to see her, and tell her that she knows that she is her mother. Izzy hasn't see Yuki in a very long time, but something told Izzy that Yuki has seen Izzy before she came into the game. 

Izzy got a lot of stares from other players since she looks like Yuki, just a smaller version. Izzy never knew that she looked so much like her mother, but she knew it was possible, since now she knows that she is her mother. Izzy is happy that she still has family, that knows about her. Izzy doesn't know much about her father nor her mother's family. Izzy has met her uncle Hiro, but only once. Yuki had to make him leave after once day, we were getting attacked again. Izzy's mother and father had always kept an eyes out when they went out of town with Izzy. 

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Yuki walks out of a tavern to get the same stares from players. Yuki kept a straight face as she walked around town. Yuki was looking for a small shop to just relax in, a lot has happened in the passed week. Yuki was tired, but she still had enough energy to do a 7 mile run. Yuki walked passed a little girl with the same color hair and eyes. This made Yuki stare at the girl. But, when she heard the young girl sing... Yuki knew who it was. 'Iz? what is she doing here?' Yuki thought, she looked around for an adult that might be with her. Yuki was scared, she was scared that Izzy would never love Yuki again, after what she did. 

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Izzy stopped singing when she saw her... 'Mama?'. Izzy stared at the woman before her, who had the same colored hair and eyes. "Mama..." Izzy said before running up to her and hugging her. Izzy cried into Yuki's shirt. "W-why did y-you leave me?" Izzy said between her tiny sobs. Izzy was fairly upset at her mother, Yuki. But she couldn't stay mad at her, she loved her for gods sake. "I m-missed y-you mama" Izzy said crying even harder. Izzy knew there were probably people staring at them, she didn't mind. Izzy was just happy to see and hug her mother. "P-papa i-is d-dead" Izzy said between her louder sobs. When it comes to Izzy, talking about her father its a very weak spot for her. It's hard for Izzy to talk about her mother, Yuki, but even harder to talk about her father, Rick. 

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Yuki began to cry as well. She pulled Izzy up into her arms and hugged her. She cried into the nook of Izzy's neck. "I-i'm soo s-sorry" Yuki says between sobs. "I-i had to keep you s-safe" Yuki said, looking at her daughters face. Yuki smiled weakly and rubbed away the tears gently with the tip of her thumb. "I wasn't ready to be a mum then" Yuki explained. "I was in a lot of trouble with other people, and if they knew you were my daughter they would harm you" Yuki said crying more. Yuki was so sad that she had to pretend that Izzy wasn't her daughter. "I-i know... Izzy... I was there w-when... he ... d-di-" Yuki couldn't finish the sentence without crying. Yuki was very sorry for what she has done. Yuki had witnessed her best friends death, her boyfriends death. It was a lot for her, so she left to find the man who had killed rick, thats why she left Izzy. Yuki was scared if she brought Izzy she would get even more hurt. So she left Izzy with Ricks buds. Yuki did get the man, and killed him, along with the mans whole group of people. "I-i'm so sorry i left you" Yuki said crying again. 

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Izzy hugged her back and cried. She thought she was dead, Izzy was so happy to see her mum again. Izzy's small, fragile arms wrapped around Yuk's neck. Izzy was crying, and crying, and crying. This was the first time, first time in forever that Izzy has called Yuki mum. Izzy couldn't stop crying, it felt like ages. Ages since they last have seen each other. It was a lot to take in for Izzy, and maybe for Yuki. "Mama... Why d-did you leave... a- a-fter he di-died?" Izzy said between sobs, loud and raspy sobs. Izzy has never cried so hard, it felt like her eyes were bleeding from how hard she was crying. 

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Yuki tok in a deep breath before answering to her question. "Iz, i wasn't the person you thought i was then. Me and your dad were people who got into a lot of trouble with other gangs, and mafia's. After he died i left to look for the man who had killed him, i found him after a month of searching." Yuki paused looking at her daughters face. Izzy was quiet so Yuki kept talking. "I- killed him and his men. And then i was being targeted when i was on my way back for you. So i went back home and began to live a normal life so no one expected me to be the killer... Then i was pulled into this game... and here we are" Yuki said with tears dripping down her cheeks to the floor. Yuki put Izzy down, and began to walk holding Izzy's little hand. "I'm sorry i'm not the mother you have always wanted" Yuki said wiping the tears of her face with her free hand. 

Edited by yukisuzuki
forgot to color in the dialoge
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