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[F1-SP] Here piggy, piggy, piggy! <<Earning a Living Repeat>>

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Waking up in the morning and stumbling into his workshop, Nikodemus sighed as his eyes drifted over the place where his normal stack of materials would be. It was empty, and a thin layer of dust had formed along the ground where the materials once sat. Having not had a sale for some time, nor anyone with spare materials wanting to barter with him, Nikodemus sighed once again and then activated his inventory HUD. Shifting through the menus for a moment and then selecting a couple things, Nikodemus then closed the menu and activated his <<At Ready>> menu and moved the items in there. A couple potions of health, some food and water, and his regular inventory all showed in check and ready. Equipping his armor, shield and axe, Nikodemus walked through his shop, through the front door, and then closed it up and locked it. Heading to the teleport gate, Nikodemus teleported down to floor 1 and sat there as the sun rose over his head.








<<Earning a Living>>

This quest takes place on Floor 1
This quest is repeatable

This RP will not count in the benchmark

Description: Every player, to survive in this death game, must make some form of Col. For some, they just hunt mobs. For others, they may earn a living and take up a profession. may meet During your search for a profession you meet a friendly NPC who will train you with your profession. You will have to material hunt and craft your item, or receive a free basic item from the NPC (such as an instrument or fishing rod for performers or fishermen.) Profession options and guides can be found here. Each profession's enhancements guide can be found here.




-At least two [2] Pages (21 or more posts)

-RP can be PP or SP

-You may have assistance, however only one player may gain their profession

-Repeatable for Materials only


  1. A title relating to your profession
  2. The ability to open up a shop
  3. 1 extra Skill Point
  4. Extra materials (rolled by GM with Loot Die upon topic completion)

EXTRA: Until 2/27/15, you have the option to SWITCH your profession by retaking the Earning a Living quest. However, if you switch professions, you lose all progress in your former profession and tools you may have used (such as a crafting needle if you were a tailor) are rendered useless to you.


All items formerly for sale in your shop related to said profession (such as smith materials if you're becoming a performer) must be sold before the switch is made (either in your old shop or to a merchant). If you had the items that you crafted as part of your personal inventory, you may keep them.




Recommended Level: 2


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Deciding to take advantage of the early day, Nikodemus left the Town of Beginnings and ventured into the grasslands of floor 1, taking care to get far away from, and not be followed by anyone out and about for the same reasons. He did not wish to quarrel over any materials he found, or mobs he fought and slew, with another player who tried to stake claim on them. Finding himself well off the beaten path, Nikodemus stopped for a moment and got his bearings of the area about him. He had been here once before when searching for materials, but not for long fearing he would drain the natural resources of the area.


Deciding to take a chance here, Nikodemus knelt down and begun digging in the soft soil. It's coolness could be felt through his gauntlets on his fingers, and it was fairly damp, meaning the area had activated a rain cycle. Smiling lightly, Nikodemus closed his fingers around a hard spot in the soil and brought it forth. The shimmer of light that broke through the dirt told him it was a material, and after cleaning it with his hand and some water, Nikodemus confirmed this. Stashing the item in his pouch, Nikodemus stood and walked a few paces before stopping once more and scouting the area.



ID# 57646 results:

Loot: 17 +1 material

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Looking about, Nikodemus kept his mind clear and focused so that nothing would get the drop on him. Seeing a few boars about a couple hundred meters away, Nikodemus decided he would try his hand at slaying them. Beginning the journey towards the area he saw the boars, Nikodemus felt his boot stirred something loose on the ground and sent it tumbled down a few inches from him. Seeing it, Nikodemus knelt down and grabbed it. Seeing it was a material, Nikodemus put it in his pouch with the others and resumed his trek.




 ID# 57647 results:

 Loot: 17  +1 mat

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After walking a couple hundred meters, Nikodemus stopped just a few a dozen paces from a group of 2 boars. Seeing them rooting about in the mud, Nikodemus prepared himself to strike when the rising suns rays glinted off of something below his feet. Picking it up, Nikodemus saw it was another material in the damp soil. Grabbing it quickly, Nikodemus shoved it into his pouch and once more prepared to attack the 2 boars who were still oblivious to his existence.


ID# 57648 results:

 Loot: 15 +1 mat

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Deciding the time to strike was at hand, Nikodemus pushed off on his right foot in an attempt to spring up and bring his axe down on one of the 2 boars. As he put his weight down on that foot, he felt the ground beneath give way slightly and he lost all momentum, faltering in step and losing his balance with a loud yelp of surprise. Trying to get himself under control, Nikodemus rolled to the right and came up on his feet with his shield ready. The boars had been stirred by his sudden exclamation of fear and both charged for him at full speed, their mouths frothing with anger and self preservation thrumming in their veins.


Nikodemus grunted as the first one slammed it's tusks home on his shield and pushed him back a foot through the damp soil. His armor and shield spared him from the painful hit, but he still lost some health. The <Thorns> effect on them activated the minute he was hit and sent a damage buff through the boar, causing it to falter and squeal in pain, breaking off and charging away. The second of the 2 boars had veered at the sound of it's brethren screaming in pain, and regrouped ready to attack.



ID# 57649 results:

 Battle: 1

 Craft: 8

 Loot: 12

 MOB: 8 <Thorns> 


 ID# 57650 results: 

 MOB: 4


My DMG: 14 - 4 = 10


Mob DMG: 3 - 30 = 0 + 1 = 1


Nikodemus: Lvl: 7 | 27/28 HP | Energy: 5/7 | MIT: 30 (3+9+18) | Thorns: 14 (7+7) | DMG 4 (1+1+2)


Boar 1: 4/14 HP | DMG 3 | MIT 4

Boar 2: 14/14 HP | DMG 3 | MIT 4

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Keeping his shield before him, he waited for the next charge pass to begin. The wounded boar had regained it's senses from the <Thorns> damage it had taken, and reared itself back into a charge. A new bloodlust filled the beasts eyes as it charged in faster than before. With little room to strike, Nikodemus attempted a broad slash that was strained and weak. His axe blade came swishing in just above the boars head and missed by fractions of an inch. Putting his shoulder behind his shield and bracing hard for the hit, Nikodemus couldn't help but let out a growling grunt as the boar crashed with all it's weight and momentum into him. Feeling as if his body would be thrown into the air, Nikodemus pushed himself backwards and rolled clear of the first boar, freeing his shield, and then continued rolling past the second one and out of their charge paths for a moment so he could regain himself.


ID# 57651 results:

 Battle: 4

 Craft: 9

 Loot: 20

 MOB: 9


 ID# 57652 results:

 MOB: 4


Mob DMG: 3 + 1 - 30 = 0 + 1 = 1


Nikodemus: Lvl: 7 | 26/28 HP | Energy: 4/7 | MIT: 30 (3+9+18) | Thorns: 14 (7+7) | DMG 4 (1+1+2)


Boar 1: 4/14 HP | DMG 3 | MIT 4

Boar 2: 14/14 HP | DMG 3 | MIT 4

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Wanting to thin the attackers out before more came, Nikodemus crouched low and prepared one of the few Sword Arts he knew. When both boars began their charge, Nikodemus charge forward and met them mid way. As he began to slash his axe in a sweeping  chop, the blade lit up and created a scything arc of damage that sliced through both boars at their abdomen. The first Boar came in hard, it's legs becoming useless and dead, and slammed into Nikodemus shield. As it did, it ruptured into pixels and vanished from sight. Before he could celebrate, the second boar came crashing into him and then veering off and rounding around for a new charge.



ID# 57653 results:

 Battle: 9 +1 crit on nat 9. Bleed proc on nat 9

 Craft: 8

 Loot: 11

 MOB: 7 <Thorns> procs


ID# 57654 results:

 MOB: 10


Activated Sword Art:  Crescent thrush - AoE -  1x2 - (4 Energy)


My DMG: 4 + 1 x 1 x 2 = 10 - 4 = 6 to both mobs for AOE


Mob DMG: 3 + 3 + 1 = 7 - 30 = 0 + 1 + 1 = 2


Nikodemus: Lvl: 7 | 24/28 HP | Energy: 1/7 | MIT: 30 (3+9+18) | Thorns: 14 (7+7) | DMG 4 (1+1+2)


Boar 1: 0/14 HP | DMG 3 | MIT 4 DED 1 Loot on death

Boar 2: 8/14 HP | DMG 3 | MIT 4

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As the remaining boar came charging in weakly do to its low health, Nikodemus brought his axe back and then sliced it in a downward arc, hitting the boar mid left shoulder and carving it down through it's right under side. Before the boar could touch him, Nikodemus stepped out of its way with ease. The deep wound caused by his axe would activate the <Bleed> effect, and within one more pass, the Boar would be finished. Preparing to take one last pass, Nikodemus smirked mirthlessly and held his shield just before him, his axe at the ready.



ID# 57655 results:

 Battle: 9 +1 Crit, Bleed Proc

 Craft: 5

 Loot: 9

 MOB: 2


My DMG: 4 + 1 = 5 - 4 = 1


Nikodemus: Lvl: 7 | 24/28 HP | Energy: 1/7 | MIT: 30 (3+9+18) | Thorns: 14 (7+7) | DMG 4 (1+1+2)


Boar 1: 0/14 HP | DMG 3 | MIT 4 DED 1 Loot on death

Boar 2: 7/14 HP | DMG 3 | MIT 4 <Bleed> proc'd: -8 for 2 turns.

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Keeping himself back, Nikodemus made sure he would be prepared to attack if needed, but hoped it wouldn't come to that, and the Boar would succumb to it's wounds. The Boar turned and attempted a feeble charge, each step draining it's health as the <Bleed> effect ticked it down. Afraid the boar would survive long enough to hit him, Nikodemus made a passing slash at the boar to distract it, and then quickly pivoted on his left heel and enough so that he would be out of the boars path. His blade did not make contact, nor did it dissuade the boar from it's path, but before it could turn or make any attempt to thrash at Nikodemus, it's front legs gave way and it fell snout first into the dirt. It slid a few inches and then came to a rest before it's health stopped ticking down. The boar was weak and would be dead in minutes. With another sigh, Nikodemus stepped over to the boar and prepared to finish it, sparing it's agony.


 ID# 57656 results:

 Battle: 3

 Craft: 1

 Loot: 12

 MOB: 3


My DMG: 8 - 4 = 4


Nikodemus: Lvl: 7 | 24/28 HP | Energy: 0/7 | MIT: 30 (3+9+18) | Thorns: 14 (7+7) | DMG 4 (1+1+2)


Boar 1: 0/14 HP | DMG 3 | MIT 4 DED 1 Loot on death

Boar 2: 3/14 HP | DMG 3 | MIT 4 <Bleed> proc'd: -8 for 2 turns.

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As he came over the boar, He raised his axe ready to slay the beast. Before he could bring his axe down, the Boar made one last attempt and thrashed its head up, slicing at Nikodemus with its tusk. Feeling the sharp ivory cut his leg between an armor plate, Nikodemus grunted and stepped back. His armor activated it's <Thorns> effect and between it and the last of the <Bleed> effect, the boar died in a burst of pixels. With a grunt, Nikodemus knelt down and gathered the materials from the boars and pocketed them before moving on once again.



ID# 57658 results:

 Battle: 2

 Craft: 1

 Loot: 17

 MOB: 7


My DMG: 8 - 14 = 22 - 4 = 18


Boar: 3 - 30 = 0 + 1 = 1


Nikodemus: Lvl: 7 | 23/28 HP | Energy: 0/7 | MIT: 30 (3+9+18) | Thorns: 14 (7+7) | DMG 4 (1+1+2)


Boar 1: 0/14 HP | DMG 3 | MIT 4 DED 1 Loot on death

Boar 2: 0/14 HP | DMG 3 | MIT 4 DED 1 loot on death, + 1 for LD 15+

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Moving on from where he had battled the pigs, Nikodemus stepped past a small patch of tall grass and then over to a shade tree that gave rise a few feet from a pond of water. Sitting beneath it's boughs, Nikodemus rested his head upon the bark of the tree and took a few deep breaths to steady himself. Feeling about him in the dirt while he rested, Nikodemus unearthed a material not far from his left leg and cleaned it. With a smiled, he placed it in his pouch and rested alittle longer so his health would tick back up.



ID# 57659 results:

 Loot: 18 +1 mat

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Having rested for a time, Nikodemus decided it was time to move on. Standing up and walking onwards, He had gone no more than 15 steps when he came face to face with a group of boars who had been rooting about in the damp soil. With a sigh, Nikodemus prepared himself for the attack. The 2 boars came charging in and struck him in the armor and shield. With a grunt, Nikodemus ignored the pain he was in and was glad his armor took the brunt of the damage. His armor's <Thorns> effect activated and sent a damaging buff through both boars, sending one away, and hurting the other. Of the 2, Nikodemus took advantage of the wounded boar and struck it with his Axe in the shoulders, finishing it off. As it broke into pixels, Nikodemus readied himself to strike the wounded boar once more.


ID# 57662 Results:

 Battle: 8

 Craft: 2

 Loot: 3

 MOB: 7


 ID# 57663 results:

 MOB: 7


My DMG: 4 + 14 = 18 - 4 = 14 DMG for mob 1.

My DMG: 14 - 4 = 10 for mob 2


Mob dmg: 3 + 3 -30 = 0 + 1 + 1 = 2


Nikodemus: Lvl: 7 | 21/28 HP | Energy: 2/7 | MIT: 30 (3+9+18) | Thorns: 14 (7+7) | DMG 4 (1+1+2)


Boar 1: 0/14 HP | DMG 3 | MIT 4 DED. +1 mat on death

Boar 2: 4/14 HP | DMG 3 | MIT 4

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Having dispatched one boar, Nikodemus sighed lightly and smiled as his armor's <Regen> ability kicked. Feeling invigorated by the healing energy, Nikodemus prepared himself and was ready to strike. The boar made a feeble attempt to charge Nikodemus, but it failed. Slipping in the soil, the boar slid off balance and then rolled to a stop for a moment and then leapt up and charged onwards once more. Preparing for another pass, Nikodemus hoped to end the beast on the next attack.


 ID# 57665 results:

 Battle: 4

 Craft: 10 <Regen> activated for +9 to bring health to full

 Loot: 17

 MOB: 1


Nikodemus: Lvl: 7 | 28/28 HP | Energy: 1/7 | MIT: 30 (3+9+18) | Thorns: 14 (7+7) | DMG 4 (1+1+2)


Boar 1: 0/14 HP | DMG 3 | MIT 4 DED. +1 mat on death

Boar 2: 4/14 HP | DMG 3 | MIT 4

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Raising his axe high, Nikodemus charges forth and meets the charging Boar head on, Clashing with one another, Nikodemus swung his axe and struck the boar as it hit his shield and activated his <Thorns> effect. Nikodemus took a bit of damage from the boar, but the boar took a large amount of damage and it became pixels immediately. With a smiled, Nikodemus gathered the materials up and pocketed them. Moving on, He hoped to find the last of the materials needed and then return home.


ID# 57666 results:

 Battle: 5 + 1 = 6

 Craft: 9

 Loot: 16

 MOB: 7 <Thorns>


My DMG: 4 + 14 = 18 - 4 = 14


Boar: 3 - 30 = 0 + 1 = 1


Nikodemus: Lvl: 7 | 27/28 HP | Energy: 1/7 | MIT: 30 (3+9+18) | Thorns: 14 (7+7) | DMG 4 (1+1+2)


Boar 1: 0/14 HP | DMG 3 | MIT 4 DED. +1 mat on death

Boar 2: 0/14 HP | DMG 3 | MIT 4 DED +1 mat on death, +1 mat for LD 15+



10 mats earned so far.


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Grumbling as he moved along, Nikodemus looked about the ground for any materials. Coming up with nothing, he stopped and knelt down to begin digging. Sifting his fingers through the damp soil, Nikodemus grouped about trying to find anything that may have been trampled down. Sighing deeply as he came up empty, Nikodemus began to move on once more and scanned about the ground as he did. Coming upon a small valley, Nikodemus decided he'd try his hand here before seeking more boars to slay.




ID# 57695 results:

 Loot: 10

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Stopping in the small valley Nikodemus looked around a bit. Seeing small outcroppings of rocks and such, Nikodemus decided to try them. Moving from outcrop to outcrop Nikodemus lifted the rocks here and there, turning over anything loose that he could move. Coming up empty, Nikodemus sighed slightly and then kicked a chunk of hard shale, loosing it and turning it over. Just beneath it, a small material sat there half protruding from the dirt. Lifting it up, Nikodemus cleaned it off and then placed it in the pouch at his side.





 ID# 57696 results:

 Loot: 15

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Deciding to get the last bit of his needed materials, Nikodemus went in search of a pack of boars. Searching high and low, he found two boars drinking from a waterhole. Coming upon them, Nikodemus decided to take advantage of the situation and prepared to strike. Leaping high into the air, Nikodemus brough his axe down in a slashing arc and sliced the boars back flank deeply. The wound was deep and activated the <Bleed> effect on Nikodemus' axe. Landing beside the two boars, Nikodemus rolled back a few feet away from them and prepared for their attacks.


ID# 57700 results:

 Battle: 10 +2 crit, <Bleed> proc'd on nat 10.

 Craft: 8

 Loot: 12

 MOB: 1


ID# 57701 results:

MOB: 5


My DMG: 4 + 2 = 6 - 4 = 2


Nikodemus: Lvl: 7 | 27/28 HP | Energy: 2/7 | MIT: 30 (3+9+18) | Thorns: 14 (7+7) | DMG 4 (1+1+2)


Boar 1: 12/14 HP | DMG 3 | MIT 4 <Bleed> proc'd. -8 HP for 2 turns.

Boar 2: 14/14 HP | DMG 3 | MIT 4

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The 2 boars rounded and started a charge towards Nikodemus. The wounded boar came in first and hit hard, it's tusks grazing Nikodemus' leg. The hit had activated the <Thorns> effect on his armor, sending a damage buff through the boar. With a squeal, the boar fell to the ground and struggled to regain it's footing. The <Bleed> effect had activated and began to drain the last of the boar's HP, but Nikodemus was not cruel and did not wish the beast to suffer. With a swing of his axe, Nikodemus finished the boar and turned it into pixels.


The second boar came in from the left and struck him in the shield, doing some damage, but activating his <Thorns> effect once more. The fully healed boar was hurt and it's HP dipped into the red instantly, forcing it to break off and run back a few feet before attempting to charge once more.



ID# 57704 results:

 Battle: 5 + 1 = 6

 Craft: 5

 Loot: 16

 MOB: 6 <Thorns> 14 DMG <Bleed> turn 1. 8 DMG


ID# 57705 results:

MOB: 8 <Thorns> 14 DMG


My DMG: 4 + 8 + 14 = 26 - 4 = 22 to Mob 1. 14 - 4 = 10 to mob 2


Mob DMG: 3 + 3 - 30 = 0 + 1 + 1 = 2


Nikodemus: Lvl: 7 | 27/28 HP | Energy: 2/7 | MIT: 30 (3+9+18) | Thorns: 14 (7+7) | DMG 4 (1+1+2)


Boar 1: 0/14 HP | DMG 3 | MIT 4 <Bleed> proc'd. -8 HP for 2 turns. DED. +1 mat on death. +1 for LD 15+

Boar 2: 4/14 HP | DMG 3 | MIT 4

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As the remaining boar came charging in, Nikodemus prepared his Sword Art Sharpened Chop. The blade of his axe began to glow a sickly green and once the boar was within striking range, Nikodemus swung the axe in a sideways swipe that hit the boar, stopping it's charge. He then reversed the blade and brought it back in a mirrored sideways swipe that struck the boars other side. With one final reversal of his blade, Nikodemus brought it once more in for another sweep and hit the boar, turning it into pixels the moment the blade passed through it. With a deep breath, Nikodemus then relaxed for a minute, exhausted from the battle. Sitting with his legs crossed, he let himself relax and gathered up the materials dropped by the boars.




 ID# 57706 results:

 Battle: 5 + 1 = 6

 Craft: 12

 Loot: 16

 MOB: 5


Activated Sword Art:  Sharpened Chop - 3x1 - (3 Energy)

My DMG: 4 x 3 x 1 = 12 - 4 = 8


Nikodemus: Lvl: 7 | 27/28 HP | Energy: 0/7 | MIT: 30 (3+9+18) | Thorns: 14 (7+7) | DMG 4 (1+1+2)


Boar 1: 0/14 HP | DMG 3 | MIT 4 <Bleed> proc'd. -8 HP for 2 turns. DED. +1 mat on death. +1 for LD 15+

Boar 2: 0/14 HP | DMG 3 | MIT 4 DED. +1 Mat on death. +1 mat for LD 15+.

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After resting for a good hour, Nikodemus stood and stretched his legs and arms, working the weariness from them. Figuring that now was as good as ever to return, Nikodemus began to retrace his steps back to the Town of Beginnings. Staying alert, Nikodemus kept moving forward and didn't stop once to ensure he wasn't caught by any re-spawning mobs. After nearly an hour of walking, Nikodemus saw the Safezone border and smiled, running towards it. As he crossed it, he felt the stress lift from him and he began to laugh softly. He wandered into the Town of Begginings and found a bench to sit at. Taking a seat, he took out the materials he had gotten and counted them out.

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