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[PP-F2] A Riddance Of A Pest <<Long Live The Queen>> (Hikoru)

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Gaster waited patiently outside the main gate, waiting patiently for, really anybody at all, to show up. He had just put a message on the notice board asking for help with a quest. He wondered what the person was going to be like. He wondered if they were big or small, or strong or as weak as he was. A multitude of different kinds of characters flashed through his mind, unable to keep one in his mind to have something to expect, or at the very least, look forward to. Gaster stopped thinking about what his helper(s) would look like, and instead mulled over the information from the Information Broker. He thought about how strong he heard the Queen Bee was, and felt a chill run up his spine. Indeed, he had some decent protection, but that didn't stop him from being afraid. Gaster hoped that whoever would be coming to help would arrive soon. He wasn't sure how much longer he'd be able to wait before he cracked under the pressure of his own cowardice.


Talk about info about quest, post on info board, wait for me to get there and to one-shot the mother trucker

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