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[SP-F1] A New Type of Bored <<Breaking the Unbreakable>> .:COMPLETE:.

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Creius:  HP: 16/16    DMG: 1               The Boulder:   HP: 35/50

ID#59391   BD:1   Miss

Nathan smiled widely at the crack that he had inflicted upon the rock. "This "unbreakable" rock truly is breakable then," he thought as he shook his hand a bit to assuage the stinging pain from his last extremely successful punch. After the pain ebbed a bit he approached the rock and sized up and darted forward. He had not spent enough time taking his stance or he did not quite have the correct balance. one or the other. Something was just quite not right with how he threw the punch because it landed without any power behind it, similar to one of his previous punches. He groaned a bit and backed off from the rock. Patience, this was all about patience and his was wearing thin right about now.

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Creius:  HP: 16/16    DMG: 1               The Boulder:   HP: 35/50

ID#593963    BD:1    Miss

The patience that he had come arrived at this quest with was quickly dissolving. While he had made some progress it was pitifully small compared to how long he had been working at this. Quite a few of his punches had proven ineffective and his effective punches could only do so much damage. Nathan approached the boulder, this time frustration beating at the back of his mind, and threw his fist forward quickly. His fist landed and he immediately regretted letting his frustration get the better of him. He groaned softly and back off, nursing his throbbing hand. A bit of punishment for letting his frustration take over his judgement was good. It made Nathan reflect a bit on what he had done to get those more effective punches. That didn't mean that it had to be so painful though.

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Creius:  HP: 16/16    DMG: 1               The Boulder:   HP: 34/50

ID#59404     BD:6     Base 1 = 1 DMG to Boulder

Nathan approached the rock once more, taking deep breaths in an attempt to keep his impatience at check. If he were going to complete this quest, which is something he would do because quitting was never an option, then he would just have to be as unbreakable as the rock he were facing. The difference of course was what was being tested between them. The rock was only being tested on its physical characteristics. Nathan was being tested on something far more innate and harder to develop. Quickly Nathan darted towards the rock, raising his fist and putting his weight behind a punch. There was a solid sound of contact and a slight movement in the Boulder's health bar. Progress was progress, he just could not forget that. He just had to be patient and this quest would be over before he knew it.

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Creius:  HP: 16/16    DMG: 1               The Boulder:   HP: 32/50

ID#59405    BD:9    Base 1 + Crit 1 = 2 DMG to Boulder

Nathan backed away from the rock and took a few breaths. Just had to keep himself in check so that he did not let himself to get carried away in frustration again. He shook himself a bit, just to get some nerves out. This quest was proving difficult in a strange way but he would not let it beat him. Nathan sized up, taking a stance towards the rock. He darted forward and threw a punch towards the rock, putting his weight into it. There was another solid sound of contact, much more resounding than the previous one, and another drop of health in the bar, slightly more significant than the previous one. Nathan backed away from the rock with a smile, glad to have made to successful punches in a row. He just had to keep at it and the rock would crumble, much like the stories of Jericho of old.

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Creius:  HP: 16/16    DMG: 1               The Boulder:   HP: 32/50

ID#59406   BD:2   Miss

Nathan took a few breaths again, just to try and set up some sort of pattern within his movements. As far as he knew though he could be taking up his stance incorrectly so he didn't pay too much mind to technicalities. He focused on what felt right instead since that was easier. After a few breaths he approached the rock and sized up and readied himself to throw another punch. Then he darted forward and threw a punch once more. He did not quite get as much power behind it as the previous punches so it landed flat with a sound that did not sound powerful at all. Nathan frowned and backed off, shaking his hand a bit to assuage the pain and taking deep breaths again, keeping back that impatient frustration. He wouldn't let it overcome him over a simple failure of a punch. By now he had realized that they were going to be a part of this quest and that he would just have to accept them.

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Creius:  HP: 16/16    DMG: 1               The Boulder:   HP: 31/50

ID#59407    BD:8   Base 1 = 1 DMG to Boulder

Nathan took a few more deep breaths just to make sure that he truly was calm over the failure of a punch. Once he was certain he was not just going to throw a maddened punch that was bound to fail he stepped closer to the stone. He sized up, raising his fists to a comfortable level, and tried the dancing on the balls of his feet thing again. After finding a rhythm he darted forward and threw another punch, doing his best to get his weight behind it. The punch landed with a sound smack that Nathan knew to be the sound of a fruitful punch. "Progress is progress," he repeated in his head, making it a mantra of sorts to keep him calm during this grind of a quest.

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Creius:  HP: 16/16    DMG: 1               The Boulder:   HP: 30/50

ID#59408   BD:8    Base 1 = 1 DMG to Boulder

Nathan backed away from the rock, taking a few breaths as he shook his arm. He was getting into a bit of a pattern now and he hoped that would help alleviate that frustration that had almost overtaken him previously. After a few more breaths he approached the rock and took a stance in front of it, readying himself to throw yet another punch. Nathan eyed where he wanted his blow to land and then darted forward towards the rock, throwing his fist out in front of him. He put as much weight behind his punch as he could, just as he had these past few punches. Once more his fist landed solidly, providing a nice sound of contact as it landed. Once more that mantra went through his head, helping him stay calm.

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Creius:  HP: 16/16    DMG: 1               The Boulder:   HP: 28/50

ID#59248   BD:9   Base 1 + Crit 1 = 2 DMG to Boulder

Nathan backed away from the rock, taking his routine deep breaths as he steadied himself and prepared for the next punch. Nice and slow, he just had to make each punch count. That would make this quest go the fastest and efficiency was something he enjoyed greatly. Once more Nathan approached the rock and raised his fists as he took another fighting stance. Nathan eyed the center of the rock and darted towards the rock and threw another punch. Nathan's fist landed solidly against the rock, the contact creating a nice and resounding sound from the rock as he dealt more damage to it. Without looking up Nathan was able to tell that the punch was a good one and had done some good damage. A little bit more progress towards finishing this quest.

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Creius:  HP: 16/16    DMG: 1               The Boulder:   HP: 28/50

ID#59461  BD:5   Miss

Nathan backed off, taking deep breaths and shaking his hand as he had so many times before. He was starting to get into a rhythm and was finding a natural routine that allowed him to make the most out of each punch every time he took a stance to the rock and that was such an awesome thing to experience. After a few deep breaths he approached the rock and rocked on the balls of his feet and darted forward, throwing his fist out and putting his weight behind it. The punch landed solidly but he felt that he had shied back on getting his weight in there. Not his best punch but just shy of doing damage he would guess. That was okay though, as long as he maintained his rhythm. Still bouncing on the balls of his feet he backed off from the rock, starting the routine over again.

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Creius:  HP: 16/16    DMG: 1               The Boulder:   HP: 28/50

ID#59462  BD:5   Miss

Nathan backed off just a little, taking his routine deep breaths. The thought that this was more than just a sign of brute strength occurred to him. He approached the rock and sized up to it, still dancing on the tips of his toes. There was a quick movement where he darted forward and threw his fist out simultaneously. His weight shoved behind the punch it landed solidly, a resounding smack as it made contact with the slightly cracked stone. There'd been quite a bit of force behind that punch too but not quite enough to warrant registering damage. Still, it was no matter. The quest would be finished in its own time. He backed off a bit, prancing about on his toes as he kept himself moving.

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Creius:  HP: 16/16    DMG: 1               The Boulder:   HP: 27/50

ID#59463   BD:6   Base 1 = 1 DMG to Boulder

Making a small distance between himself and maintaining the deep and even breathing, Nathan considered the quest further. "What if in all reality this quest was to teach you some factors about using your fists effectively in combat?" That was a rather interesting thought to Nathan. Once again he darted forward. Once again his fist flew forward with his weight behind it. And, once again his fist landed with a solid smack that was the sound of a good contact. This time though the force could be felt really well in his arm. He had really connected with the rock that time and he felt the little bit of damage that he had done to it. He danced back away from the rock, recreating that small distance he had been making between punches.

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Creius:  HP: 16/16    DMG: 1               The Boulder:   HP: 26/50

ID#59464    BD:8    Base 1 = 1 DMG to Boulder

Nathan danced a bit on the balls of his feet, considering the thought that just flew through his head. It made perfect sense. Already he could see how this quest had taught him to be more patient. Just look at the little routine he had created in order to keep the frustration and impatience down. Nathan approached and sized up, the movements becoming increasingly natural now after the repetitive task. He quickly darted forward and threw his fist forward, getting a lot of his weight behind his fist this time. There was a loud smack that seemed to echo in his ears, maybe because the bones in his arms felt like they were throbbing. That had been a good solid punch and had inflicted some damage. Nathan smiled and danced away, keeping the rhythm going as long as he could carry it.

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Creius:  HP: 16/16    DMG: 1               The Boulder:   HP: 26/50

ID#59465   BD: 1   Miss

Nathan took a few deep breaths and approached the rock, sizing up to it once more. Slow and steady would win this. Patience and precision were what this was about. As long as he took his time to aim and hit true then this quest would be done easily. Nathan darted forward and put his weight behind yet another punch. Something went wrong with the routine though, the rhythm out of whack. Nathan slipped up somewhere and felt as though he were falling so he pulled the punch and it harmlessly grazed the surface of the rock, awarding Nathan with a stinging pain along his knuckles for his failure. He backed off, taking deep and even breaths to keep the frustration still in check. He sat there for a bit in an attempt to find that rhythm once more, dancing on the balls of his feet as he tried to find the perfect movement for him.

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Creius:  HP: 16/16    DMG: 1               The Boulder:   HP: 23/50

ID#59466    BD:10   Base 1 + Crit 2 = 3 DMG to Boulder

Nathan stood there for a minute, focusing all of his energy on finding that rhythm. He bounced on the balls of his feet at varies speeds until he found one that was extremely comfortable. After finding a rhythm again he opened his eyes and looked at the rock once more. Precision, accuracy, balance. That was what this quest was about. Not beating up some big rock but learning the essentials of fighting. Nathan approached the rock and sized up to it, raising his fists and eyeing the center of the stone, where the small crack he had made had already grown slightly bigger. Nathan darted forward and threw his punch in front of him, putting all his weight behind it. There was a resounding smack followed by a loud crack. The force of the punch sent shivers up Nathan's arm; he knew it was a really good one. Nathan backed off and smiled wide as he saw the large crack the stone now bore, a sign that real progress was being made.

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Creius:  HP: 16/16    DMG: 1               The Boulder:   HP: 22/50

ID#59467   BD:6    Base 1 = 1 DMG to Boulder

Nathan could not help but smile wide as he backed off from the boulder and witnessed his handy work. Keeping in time with the rhythm he breathed deeply and evenly through the smile but excitement kept building. His pace increased a bit as he realized that he had turned onto a new stretch of the quest. He approached and sized up, just as the many times before, and readied yet another punch. Nathan darted forward and carried his weight behind another punch. This punch landed soundly on the center as well but it carried no where near the power of that punch. This one landed with a solid smack though, a sound which indicated to Nathan that some damage had been done at the very least which was always reassuring.

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Creius:  HP: 16/16    DMG: 1               The Boulder:   HP: 21/50

ID#59468   BD:8   Base 1 = 1 DMG to Boulder

Nathan backed off a distance, making sure to maintain the rhythm and the routine. Those two things were what would carry him to the finish line of this quest. After cooling a bit he danced back up to the rock and sized up once more, ready to throw yet another of the seemingly endless punches. Nathan darted forward and threw his fist towards the center of the stone, getting as much of his weight behind it as always, and it landed with a resounding smack. Once more Nathan had managed to deal damage to the rock, a fact that only made the smile on Nathan's face grow. The cracks seemed to grow in size every punch now, or maybe that was just his eye making him see what he wanted to see.

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Creius:  HP: 16/16    DMG: 1               The Boulder:   HP: 20/50

ID#59649   BD:7   Base 1 = 1 DMG to Boulder

Nathan danced back a small distance, keeping his breathing deep and even still. By this point there were many mantras going through Nathan's head. "Patience, accuracy, balance," and "Progress is progress," being the chief ones among them. These little phrases kept him going in the calm little serenity that he had entered. The serenity that was allowing him to throw successful punch after successful punch. Nathan approached the rock, sized up, threw the punch, smiled wide as it landed and backed off as he witnessed the effects of yet another punch. The crack was definitely getting bigger with each punch and that was a really good sign. Nathan chanced a glance up at the Boulder's health bar and saw it was somewhere around 40%, over half way done.

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Creius:  HP: 16/16    DMG: 1               The Boulder:   HP: 20/50

ID#59516    BD:1    Miss

Nathan approached the rock, dancing lightly on his feet as he did his best to maintain the rhythm he had developed, and sized up once more. Surprisingly, he was finding the monotony relaxing. He was able to just keep following the same footings as his previous punches and was able to just let the system do its work. He would break through this rock eventually, that was all that mattered. Nathan darted forward and threw a punch, putting his weight behind it as he had the previous times. This time though his fist barely glanced the rock, the punch having come in at a slight angle. All the force he had put into the punch dispersed upon the stone surface, dealing no damage to the boulder at all.

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Creius:  HP: 16/16    DMG: 1               The Boulder:   HP: 19/50

ID#59517   BD:6   Base 1 = 1 DMG to Boulder

Nathan danced back, the deep breaths coming and going as the slight frustration at such a failure of a blow grew. There was not going to be anymore letting of that anger take over. For a few seconds Nathan battled the frustration before he calmed and approached the boulder once more, still dancing on the tips of his toes. He sized up and readied to throw a punch and with a lightning fast punch he hit the rock solidly. There was a resounding smack once more as a he hit the boulder with a lot of force, enough to knock its health down another peg, though there was definitely room for improvement. Nathan smiled though, unable to resist the desire to. "Progress was still progress and that punch had made progress." It was a ridiculous thought, hence why he could not help but smile. It was a true thought though and he intended to stick by it.

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Creius:  HP: 16/16    DMG: 1               The Boulder:   HP: 16/50

ID#59519    BD:10   Base 1 + Crit 2 = 3 DMG to Boulder

Again he backed off, well into the rhythm by this point as was indicated by the constant back and forth movement on his feet. He took a few even breaths, feeling the end pressing closer and closer. Victory was nigh, he just had to keep on pushing himself forward. Nathan danced close to the rock and sized up and once again his fist flew forward and once again there was another resounding smack. This time though he felt the rock cracking under his fist as he dealt a lot of damage to it. The cracking underneath his fist elicited yet another smile from Nathan as he realized he was just that much closer to beating this rock into a pile of dust before him.

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