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[SP-F1] A New Type of Bored <<Breaking the Unbreakable>> .:COMPLETE:.

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Creius:  HP: 16/16    DMG: 1               The Boulder:   HP: 16/50

ID#59521   BD:1   Miss

Nathan backed away from the rock, a huge beaming smile on his face. Not too much longer from now and he expected himself to be done with this quest and have gained the skill of martial arts. After taking a few breaths and wiping the grin off his face he stepped up to the rock and sized up, preparing another punch. Again he darted forward and threw his fist out in front of him. And again, sadly, his fist only glanced across the surface of the tall stone as the punch flew in at an angle and was deflected. All the energy behind the punch was dispersed, resulting in no damage being dealt once more by him. It amazed him how he could go from throwing an extremely successful punch to barely being able to hit the rock. Just a side effect of his lack of training in such fighting he guessed.

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Creius:  HP: 16/16    DMG: 1               The Boulder:   HP: 15/50

ID#59522   BD:8   Base 1 = 1 DMG to Boulder

Nathan danced back, shaking his hand a bit to assuage the pain as well as taking the deep and even breaths to counter any frustration. He was intent on finishing this quest soon so he would have to do his best to make every punch count but he could not seem to quite be able to maintain his rhythm. He started bouncing on the balls of his feet as he tried to find the rhythm once more. Nathan realized that he was not far at all from completing the quest so long as he was consistent but that seemed to be an issue. He could not regularly just land solid blow after solid blow. He found the rhythm once more and approached the rock after sizing up to it. With a quick dart of his fist there was a solid smack once more and the throbbing returned as the force of the punch climbed up his arm. That one had dealt some damage, again with the inconsistency.

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Creius:  HP: 16/16    DMG: 1               The Boulder:   HP: 14/50

ID#59523   BD:6   Base 1 = 1 DMG to Boulder

Nathan darted away from the rock while he maintained his rhythm, trying to keep the feeling going. As long as he could remain consistent he knew he could wrap this up so he was spending most of his energy on keeping it alive. Nathan danced up to the rock and sized up to it, eyeing the growing cracks in the middle as he readied another punch aimed for the center. Darting back up into the rock's vicinity and throwing his punch there was another solid smack as his fist landed, the cracks growing slightly bigger, and Nathan backed off a bit. There was another small smile on his face as he celebrated himself for having been able to maintain the rhythm. Now if only he could keep it going for even longer.

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Creius:  HP: 16/16    DMG: 1               The Boulder:   HP: 12/50

ID#59524   BD:9   Base 1 + Crit 1 = 2 DMG to Boulder

Nathan took a few breaths and danced on his feet for a few seconds, just to make sure that he indeed still had the rhythm down before he went in for another attack. He was getting the hang of this slowly, a testament to how this quest was doing a pretty good job teaching him how to use his fists. He danced back within the vicinity of the boulder and sized up. Once again he darted forward and threw his fist out in front of him, putting his weight behind it. Once again there was a loud smack, louder than the normal punches, and a throbbing pain accompanied it. Nathan smiled wide as he realized that had been a really good hit that he had just made. He glanced up at the health bar and saw it was approaching the 20% zone which meant it was almost in the red. "Almost there, just a bit more."

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Creius:  HP: 16/16    DMG: 1               The Boulder:   HP: 10/50

ID#59525   BD:9    Base 1 + Crit 1 = 2 DMG to Boulder

Nathan danced away from the rock, still looking up at the unmoving health bar which resided just above 20%. He was so close to finishing the quest that it was just unbelievable. It seemed like he had been punching this rock forever and now he had just gotten back into the groove of things. Nathan danced on his feet a bit and slowly approached the boulder before darting forward and closing the distance. He aimed a punch for the center of the stone once more, getting the power of his weight behind the punch. There was a loud smack and more sounds of stone cracking as the punch landed solidly and the cracks grew a lot more. Nathan glanced up at the health bar just in time to see it drop into the red.

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Creius:  HP: 16/16    DMG: 1               The Boulder:   HP: 7/50

ID#59527   BD:10   Base 1 + Crit 2 = 3 DMG to Boulder

Nathan danced back, pacing himself to the rhythm he set. He took a few breaths as he realized that fourth hit in a row and second really good hit. He intended to keep this streak going if at all possible since this rhythm was really feeling great. He stood there, dancing on his feet as he kept in rhythm, and breathed in and out evenly. He approached the rock, dancing on his toes, and sized up to it again. He darted forward and threw his fist in front of him, his weight pushing it forward. There was a loud smack and a deafening crack. The rock splintered beneath his fist, caving in a bit as the sheer damage proved too much for the weakened rock. Nathan smiled widely, not minding the extreme pain that he felt in his hand. That had been a really good punch and with a glance up at the health bar he saw that the boulder's health was almost depleted. Just a few more good hits and he would be done with the quest.

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Creius:  HP: 16/16    DMG: 1               The Boulder:   HP: 5/50

ID#59528   BD:9   Base 1 + Crit 1 = 2 DMG to Boulder

Nathan danced away from the rock, his eyes pretty much constantly on the health bar. It was dropping so quickly with these successive punches that had been so critical. He looked at the center of the rock and saw that it had been greatly decimated. The entire center was pretty much concave from the blows, huge cracks making spider webs across the surface of the huge stone. He had made huge progress compared to the hulking piece of rock that had stood before him when he first approached. He danced up to the rock and once he was within its vicinity he darted forward and threw another punch. He pushed all his weight behind it and yet again there was a loud smack and the sound of rock cracking. Yet another greatly successful punch. Nathan still had a wide smile on his face as he backed away from the rock, feeling great with the current rhythm he had set for himself.

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Creius:  HP: 16/16    DMG: 1               The Boulder:   HP: 5/50

ID#59529     BD:5   Miss

Nathan danced on his feet, trying his best to keep his excitement at bay with deep and even breathing. That was four really successful punches in a row and a total of six good punches in a row. He felt like he had finally hit this martial arts thing on the nail right at the end of the quest. He continued to dance on his toes, his pace increasing a bit as his excitement continued growing. He approached the rock and rushed forward, throwing his fist out in front of him. However, unlike the other times, he had rushed himself too quickly and wasn't able to get all his weight behind the punch. This time his punch landed with a flat smack and lacked the pain which all the other really successful punches had rewarded him. There had been no loud crack as the stone split further and no drop of the health bar. Well, excitement had quickly ended his streak even if just barely.

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Creius:  HP: 16/16    DMG: 1               The Boulder:   HP: 5/50

ID#59531   BD:3   Miss

Nathan took a few steps back, the rhythm lost now. Taking a few breaths he tried his best to find the rhythm as he bounced on the tip of his toes slowly but no matter which pace he tried none of them felt as natural as that one had been. He chose a pace which felt nice and danced up to the rock and sized up to it. He threw his fist forward but the pacing felt off compared to the previous one and his punch landed flatly again. He frowned a bit and pulled his fist back. He knew luck could not always be with him but it had chosen a poor time to desert him. He had been so close to finishing the quest and now he could not even hit the rock. He sighed softly, knowing he would have to find that pacing again before he would be able to finish the quest.

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Creius:  HP: 16/16    DMG: 1               The Boulder:   HP: 3/50

ID#59543   BD:9   Base 1 + Crit 1 = 2 DMG to Boulder

Nathan backed off a bit and stared blankly at the rock. All of a sudden that sense of perfection had left him and now he felt like he had no clue what he was doing anymore. He had to find that rhythm wherever it went. Nathan began balancing on the balls of his feet then moved around, slowly at first and gaining speed. When the pace felt alright Nathan approached the rock and sized up to it, still dancing on the tip of his toes. Nathan darted forward and threw a punch at the rock and was surprised when it landed rather solidly, the cracks spreading further. That punch had turned out pretty well which was an indication he was back towards the right track. Now if only he could maintain this heading.

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Creius:  HP: 16/16    DMG: 1               The Boulder:   HP: 3/50

ID#59544   BD:4   Miss

Nathan backed away from the stone, trying to maintain the pace that he had found. He danced about for a bit, trying to internalize the speed so that he could easily go back to it later instead of constantly having to try and find it whenever he wanted to fight. After a minute of just moving about he approached the rock once more and sized up to it, preparing another punch. His fist flew forward and with it the weight of his body. The punch did not hold as much power as the previous punch and did not register any damage on the rock as the lack of cracking sound indicated but still, it felt solid enough. It was something he guessed, a lot better than some of the first punches he had thrown.

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Creius:  HP: 16/16    DMG: 1               The Boulder:   HP: 0/50

ID#59545   BD:10   Base 1 + Crit 2 = 3 DMG to Boulder. The Boulder has been broken

Nathan danced back and just moved about on his feet, maintaining his pacing. He took a few deep breaths as he calmed himself and prepared for another punch. After a few breaths and around a minute of moving about he thought he was ready so he approached the rock once more. Nathan sized up to the rock, bringing his fists high, and then darted forward. Nathan threw his fist far out in front of him, pushing all his weight behind it. The blow landed with a really loud smack which was followed by a whole bunch of cracking. Nathan backed off and glanced up in time to watch the HP bar of the boulder deplete to zero. Slowly the cracks webbed over the entirety of the stone until it seemed that it would just crumble into many small pieces with how many cracks it had in it. Instead, though, it exploded into pixels just like how any object was destroyed in this game. Well, he had done it. It had taken him a while but the rock had been broken.

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Nathan turned away from where the rock had been to the NPC who had been sitting there, watching the entire time. The NPC gave Nathan a warm smile and walked up to him, some poultice in hand. The NPC rubbed some of the substance on the paint which he had put on Nathan earlier, wiping them off his face completely. That was a relief, Nathan had not really been sure what he would do if he had to look like a cat for the rest of his time in Aincrad. That was probably not something he would cope well with. The NPC kept smiling and said, "Well, congratulations. You've finally conquered the unconquerable. Broken the unbreakable. Done the impossible. You truly show that you hold the potential to be a Master Martial Artist." And with that short spiel a small window popped up, informing Nathan of the completing of <<Breaking the Unbreakable>> and informed him of the unlocking of the extra skill Martial Arts. He wondered what he would use that for but was not entirely sure. If anything, it would help him if he were ever caught off guard and needed to fight with his fist. Nathan hit the ok button on the window and bowed to the NPC, as though he were a dojo master, and turned. With the quest finally completed Nathan began the long descent down the mountain and back to the town of Urbus. 

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