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[PP-F3] Dark Elf Massacre <<Worn out Welcome>> (Xion)

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It was a beautiful day on the third floor and Solaire had sent out yet another call for help from the players of Aincrad for yet another quest that he thought would be enjoyable to take. A little bit of fighting and hopefully a new piece of armour, both of which were appealing to the young knight. One player had responded to him, some knight by the name Xion. Solaire could not be picky with usernames because his was by no means normal but in his opinion, that name belonged in a science fiction novel. No matter, as long as his blade was sharp and true then he was welcome to join for a man of any caliber as long as he was brave was worth spending some time with. Solaire waited on the third floor, having messaged Xion back telling him to meet Solaire by the teleportation plaza before they went out to do the quest. For the time being, while he waited, Solaire stood proudly and watched for anyone that might seem to be his next companion, wondering who exactly he would meet this time in this expansive world. On this he pondered, as well as a few minor items, while he waited for the companion to approach.

Edited by Giant Dad
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Xion sighed as he walked towards the teleport gate on floor 1, the teen tank had dragged himself out of bed to assist a lower levelled player in some quests, nothing too taxing but he was a lazy person on the best of days. The blonde took some time to look at his reflection in a  nearby fountain, his hair was it's usual messy mass of shoulder length blonde locks, his dark grey maelstrom armour was scratched from many battles, the crimson and gold half cloak that he wore over his left shoulder was torn and ravaged, having been ripped to shreds by Lyrica the werewolf baroness. "I look like a mes...oh well, it's numbers that matter" he said before walking tot he teleporter and stepping through it. He appeared on floor three. "Now...who asked for some help..."

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Solaire did not have to look around for long. A few minutes after he had received the message he saw someone teleport onto the third floor. The blonde man was considerably short but was wearing heavy armour and had a large shield equipped. It seemed that he would be able to take some damage and the spear on his back indicated he could deal it as well. Once more Solaire realised just how weak he was in this game whereas in the real world he probably would be able to have squished this man. Either way, he seemed well enough prepared for a journey that there was a good chance that he was the man. "Hail! By chance, are you Xion? My name is Giant Dad, though if you find that unsuitable I will respond to Astora. You seem like the type of man whom could take a few blows. If you happen to not be the man I am looking for I could always do with another knightly brother to fight by my side." Solaire extended his arm forward, hand open for a handshake as a greeting. Solaire's hand was worn with work, both from wielding a sword and wielding a hoe, and it was strong, providing a firm handshake when given.

Edited by Giant Dad
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(My stats in my sig are old >.> and I'm presuming you're pronouncing my name wrong) 


Xion had only left the gate when he was approached by a man a good deal taller than the blonde knight. He asked if he was Xion, pronouncing the name wrong in the process. "I am..although the name is not pronounced with a Z. It's She-on not Zi-on" he said with a smile, the man's overly jolly and spontaneous behaviour unnerved the tank, it just didn't seem right. "Astora...If you start talking about gross incandescence I swear..."

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(Oh, I paid no mind to your sig xD I looked over your journal and saw the spear skill so I just assumed you were using a spear. I'll edit that to sword real quick. Sorry about that. Should have read the inventory a bit more in-depth. You guessed right about the mispronunciation, though. I hope you can forgive those mistakes. By the way, not gonna be a Solaire build)

Solaire looked suitably embarrassed at being corrected on the pronunciation of the name and the embarrassment turned to confusion at the mention of incandescence. He had little desire to become so hot that he would begin to glow. "Well, my apologies Xion," he made sure to pronounce it the way the young knight had and mentally made a note to keep that in mind for future encounters. "I did not mean to mispronounce your name. Thank you for correcting me. As for incandescence, I truly have no clue what you are talking about. The sun is beautiful and all but I do not believe I will be going around praising it so much that I want to be it." Solaire turned towards the sun and inspected it, making a guess at the time. "Well, unless you desire to wait around a bit longer or ask anyone else to join our band of knights then I believe we should head out." Turning back to the blond man who would be accompaning him. "Are there any questions or shall we depart?"

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(Oh no it is a spear, my journal isn't completely up to date. I more meant that in my sig I'm a wimp compared to my actual stats XD) 


Xion nodded as the man apologised for his mispronouncistion of the boy's name. "It's fine, a mistake that many make. Although with a name like Giant dad or Astora I am surprised that you don't know what I am talking about, I mean it's a little old by now but the reference can't be that dated..." He said, trailing off a little at the end before the man's talk of setting off brought him back to reality. "We shall depart, I want this to be over quickly as I find low level quests to be extremely boring" 


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(my lord xD Keep one of them up to date. And now that I realize it having him named after a DS character makes it an awkward RP whenever they mention the game and I wanted him to have no knowledge of it xD)

Solaire watched as the man accepted his apology and mentioned some sort of reference, obviously a reference that had flown over his head. With a shrug he accepted the man's strange mumblings, he saw nothing wrong with his name and he knew of no reference that could possibly fit it. Unless some game had used his home estate's name for something else and that was what Xion was referring to, but if that was so Solaire was clueless to it. "Then let's head out quickly and be done with this." Solaire beckoned for the blonde to follow and began heading towards the shop which harboured the quest he intended to do. "I still have to go accept the quest. I had wanted to wait until a group of companions had developed before truly starting it." They now reached the master blacksmith Griswold's shop and Solaire looked back at Xion. "I should not be terribly long if you do not mind waiting a bit. Come in if you wish but I should be in and out." Solaire walked into the shop with this said and walked up to Griswold. He quickly initiated the quest and listened as Griswold said he would make a piece of armour for Solaire as long as Solaire could bring back some materials. After being given a location and a monster to fight Solaire exited the shop, now officially on the quest <<Worn Out Welcome>>. Solaire turned to Xion, beckoning once more. "And we're off. I would like to go ahead and thank you, especially if you are bored of these types of quest. If I may ask, why do you do them if you are tired of them? Why not go seek some challenge? I know that is what I would do if I were in your shoes." Solaire saw helping beginner level players as a noble cause, sure. It just seemed like it would get tiresome quickly having to do the same thing over and over again. Maybe it was just a factor of being strong in this game, you helped the weak. It made sense and it was a kindhearted goal, Solaire just felt he was bound for better than that.

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Xion followed silently as the man went about accepting the quest from the NPC and whatnot, he spoke of wanting to get a group together, which made Xion chuckle. "Trust me, I am worth more than a whole part of lower levels..." the man said before checking his inventory. "Saying that, it seems that my tier 2 gear is ready. One moment" he said before unequipping his maelstrom equipment and replaced it with his twilight armour, shield and glaive. "Much better...pushes my mitigation to 89 and nearly doubles my damage output..." he said with a smile before the other man continued to talk, asking Xion about why he did what he did, helping others when it became boring. "Mainly because it helps me to climb levels, albeit slowly. Every single bit of SP is worth it...that and setting yourself up as someone that people can look to when they need help has it's...advantages, shall I say? Not to mention that it allows me to seek out potential recruits for my guild, a steady supply of new blood is always nice..."

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Solaire watched as Xion put on a more magnificent set of armour, amazed by the make of it. He definitely trusted the man's words, that he would be able to deal with this quest easily. The man definitely seemed capable enough, especially with that new piece of armour and the dangerous looking spear. He certainly seemed much more dangerous than Solaire himself did. He listened as Xion explained the two aspects of helping lower levels that were significant enough to advocate the task. He was such a low level that the SP factor mattered little to him, it would eventually but at the moment it was insignificant compared to the SP given by quests. The recruiting made sense, though, combing through the new recruits tended to lead to pleasant surprises as one found a good soldier within them all. Solaire nodded slightly and replied, "That makes sense. I hope that I seem worthy enough to fight in the name of your guild. Brothers and sisters to fight beside would be a comfortable feeling. I am weak at the moment but I swear on the Lord, I will be strong in this game." It was most definitely a promise which he would make sure tha he kept and his resolve most likely showed in his eyes as he looked back at Xion.

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Xion chuckled as Astora talked, smiling as he listened. There was determination in the man's eyes...he showed promise. "I'll be sure to talk to KOB about it...you're a little low when it comes to level but that can be changed. We were all but newcomers once". The sank then sighed and started to set off, he knew roughly where the quest was, albeit not completely. "You know I am still yet to complete this quest, so we can both reap the rewards" he said with a smile before focusing once more on travelling, mulling things over in his head. "He does show potential...but again, it isn't my place to decide who joins. I'll leave it to Mack"

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Solaire looked forwards, leading the party of two out of the town and onto the road towards the Forest of Wavering Mist. He nodded slightly at the man's promise to his guild about it. Of course, he had heard of the KoB and to be given rank in such a guild would be a fast track to success. Along the way, he might learn a few tips that would only augment his strength and make him all the more capable in this world. When the knight mentioned how he had yet to complete the quest Solaire nodded slightly at the mention of rewards. "Speaking of rewards, a piece of armour is promised. I doubt that it is of much use to you but I will offer it now. Would you care for that reward as compensation for helping me? I try to pay off my debts as I receive them." It was just an aspect that had been hammered into him back home. Debts could be a horrifying thing and his father had made sure his son knew how important it was not to be in debt.

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  • 2 weeks later...

(sorry about the wait, I have exams and I'm trying to reply to as many threads as i can while revising) 

Xion shook his head at the offer "I have no need of such items, take them. They would be put to better use by you than me" he said before sighing, the quest would be a bore but it had to be done, he didn't want to fall behind the rest of the higher levelled players, and thus he would have to find the motivation to power through quite tedious tasks. "Astora, let's go..." he said before he set off, his armour clanking as his boots fell heavily on the ground, the tank not bothering with subtlety. 

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