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[PP-F2] Fortuitous Happenstance (ShinoTenshi) (Complete)

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Alright, she was going with the roast chicken ramen. That sounded like a pretty safe option, but he felt like trying something more exotic, he supposed. Ooh, that one looked interesting. Evander closed his menu. Now, as to her question. "I don't really know. My future ahead just looks full of training and quests. After I clear out most of the quests I can find on this floor, I'll probably move on to the next, then rinse and repeat. Hopefully, by the time I get to whatever floor the frontliners have cleared up to, I'll be strong enough to assist." The waiter came by for their orders. "Oh, I'll take the shio ramen, with a pork base and some extra seaweed, I guess." Might as well splurge. Wasn't much else he was going to do with his money except buy more food later. This was a special occasion, anyway. "She'll have the roast chicken ramen." The NPC waiter walked away with their orders and their menus. Evander turned back to Shino. "Yeah, I'd be willing to go hunting some with you." She might be untrustworthy, but might as well extend the courtesy. They were in the same party, anyway, and she was level 2, so if she decided to get up to any funny business, he could probably deal with it. "I go hunting a whole lot, since that's my only way of even making money because I don't feel like taking up a profession, so I know some good spots. Maybe we could do some sparring, but I'm not really so keen on duels, and I'm kind of bad at them as well." Evander took a sip of his water. "So, what are you planning to do in the future?"

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The girl smiled to Evander, happy he accepted her request to go hunting in the future. After being asked the same question Shino thought for a moment. She didnt really plan anything up to this point, "Well.. now is as good a time as any to make a plan." Shino rested her head on one of her hands and spoke, "Well I plan on sticking around out here for a while. On the lower floors I mean. I need to level up at my own pace.. First up is beating the crap out of that rock, after that its back to the first floor to finally start fighting mobs with my new skills I choose." Shino reached down pushing the fork and spoon on the table away. She grabbed a pair of chopsticks and broke them in two. "Im looking forward to leveling up, but I dont think I would want to go with the players on the frontlines. Its very risky up there." "More-so I want to hunt people more than mobs. I can see their faces now."

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"Alright, cool. Though, why don't you want to go up to the frontlines? Most are pretty nice people who'll protect most players. Well, I've only really met one, Takao, after he saved my life since I was being stupid, but I've heard from rumors that it's generally pretty decent up there, asides from the few random insane PKers who kill random frontliners at boss fights for fun. But, even then, most of them are distrusted anyway, so it should be generally safe." The waiter came back with their meals. Two hot, steaming bowls of ramen. Smelled good, looked good. Better start eating right away. Evander noticed that Shino was using chopsticks. Well, gee, didn't he feel uncultured. Eh, whatever, better to not embarrass one's self. He picked up his fork and spoon and got to digging. It was pretty good, actually. Better than he expected. Maybe he would have to check out this place more often. Seaweed wasn't bad either, though he just got some extra on a whim. It was a bit salty, but that was to be expected when ordering a sea salt seasoned ramen anyway. And he liked the salt, anyhow.

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"Nice people who protect players... disgusting. One of the reasons I dont wanna go up there with 'em." Shino nearly cringed at the thought. "They might as well be vigilantes in the real world." Shino almost forgot to answer as she saw their food coming, "I just dont see myself fighting those huge boss monsters. And I DONT take orders from people that wave their stats in my face." Evander said something about frontline PKers that caught Shino's attention, "Though Im sure some of them are cool." Shino drove her chopsticks into her bowl of ramen and brought a mouthfull to herself smiling in delight. "Ah just like home."

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Evander finished his bowl rather quickly. That was quite filling. And also delicious. He wiped his mouth with his napkin. He couldn't really understand Shino's sentiment, but eh, whatever, it was her choice. He would rather actually do something to help the people in here get out, and that meant facing the bosses of Aincrad with the other frontliners. The waiter came back around with the dessert menu. "You want any dessert, Shino? I don't care either way." It was probably all Japanese desserts. Evander didn't bother to open the menu. He wouldn't know what to get anyway. "I'll take whatever you'll get, if it's good. If you get anything, that is." Evander sat back in his chair as the waiter took away their dishes. He gave a quick thanks to the NPC as they left. Evander took another sip of water. "So, how'd you like the meal? Was it good?" Evander crossed his arms and relaxed. This was one of the best meals he had had here in Aincrad.

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Finishing her bowl at nearly the same time as Evander, Shino sighed with content. "Ahh, that was great." A dessert menu was given to Shino before her emty bowl was taken away. "Personally Im not a dessert person. These looks have to take sacrifice, you know?" Shino gave Evander a genuine smile and pushed her menu away. "My meal was amazing, it tasted just like home. Keep taking me out like this and I wont have to worry about eating ever again." Shino giggled not at what she said but what she was thinking, "If he keeps proving useful I may not have to kill him. I'll just wait and see."

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"Alright. Sounds like a plan, I guess." He wasn't sure if he was even going to see the girl ever again, but okay. Evander stood and pushed his chair in. He gave a handful of col to the waiter for payment, as they passed by. He held out his hand for a handshake. "It was nice meeting you, but I should probably be heading out. Have a good day." Evander walked out of the restaurant. He stretched and yawned, looking up at the azure sky above. It was a nice day. Evander felt lethargic all of a sudden. He didn't even really do anything meaningful today. Just talked with a girl, and had lunch. Fairly uneventful. Evander slumped over, hands in his pockets, and walked to his inn. He waved to the innkeeper NPC, and walked up the stairs to his room. He shut the door tightly, and locked the door. Good thing he didn't have a window room. He was taking a nap. He put his sword by his bed. He took off his cloak. He lit the oil lamp. For some reason, he felt afraid. Afraid of something, he didn't know what. He laid back to go to sleep. A certain face haunted his dreams...

Evander shot out of bed, grasping his heart and breathing rapidly. Shoot, he just remembered his findings. Shino was insane. How insane? Well, that remained to be discovered on another day.

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