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[SP-F1] Hunting for Materials (Verus)

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Verus had decided to take some time out of his day and set off on a different type of mission. He desperately needed some of Adhaerere's peach cobbler to survive. She hadn't had enough peaches to practice her newly acquired profession and he figured that he might as well go look for some if she would be cooking for him. He also felt like he needed a slight break from all the monster grinding. It really had gone to his head and he needed to relax; maybe peach picking could help him do so. 

He had traveled all the way back to the first floor only because it was the only place where he knew where an orchard was. The walk to Horunka was long and somewhat boring. The road itself parted the fields of the first floor, allowing some sort of guidance from the Town of Beginnings outwards. The surrounding area was almost infested with wolves, but the all seemed to stay slightly away from Verus. He out leveled them just a bit, and he wanted to believe that they knew that as well. 

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The trip would take him a while, but he was ready for it. The mobs nearby had seemed to either try and back away or almost taunt him in a way. It was a strange feeling being watched by several of the beasts, but Verus didn't really mind. He was confident that they'd be unable to get anywhere near him really, let alone fight. But his thoughts seems to backfire and he was quickly surrounded by three wolves. Each of then snarled and reared back, getting ready to pounce at him. With little time to react, Verus drew his sword, only to be jumped on by all three at once. Each took a turn biting ad his legs, causing Verus to let out a short yell. It hurt like a bitch, but he wasn't gonna fall to these three. "Sweep!" It was one of the sword arts he hadn't used but had wanted to try it out. It was an area of effect attack, dealing damage to all three wolves at once. They all fell quickly, dissipating into particles. "Filthy things..."

ID# 62487

BD: 10

MD: 7

Verus: 19/28 (3/7 energy) 

Wolf: 0/4

Wolf: 0/4

Wolf: 0/4

(+3 MAT)

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He put his hands to his knees and caught his breath, watching as his health bar slowly filled up. "Damn mobs." He was lucky he landed that attack; had he not it would've taken some time to take each of them out one by one. However, this ordeal seems to have backed some of the other mobs away from his location. He was free to continue on. Verus sheathed his sword and continued walking, spotting Horunka village just over the horizon. He smiled as he saw an NPC traveling past him. The computer was  dragging a cart behind him, causing Verus to believe that he was a traveling salesman or farmer. He waved slightly and Verus returned the action, walking past him and onwards towards the village.

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The walk was long and lonely, though it hadn’t really got to him. The rolling greens were always pretty to look at, and it helped that his favorite color was green. Paired with the seemingly endless plains was the seemingly endless sky. It was a near perfect blue today, only an occasional cloud or two polluting the sky. The weather was hotter than it usually had been due to the lack of cloud cover they normally had. The cloud albedo was non existent and he could feel it. He brought the neck of his shirt up to his forehead and wiped away the beginnings of some sweat droplets, continuing onwards.

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Verus was greeted by a guard NPC who seemed to wave at him from afar. He returned the gesture and walked through the gate to the town, surprised to see how alive it was. A good amount of NPC's were walking around and chattering up a storm, giving the small village a lively feel. He enjoyed it. He was able to tune into little parts of each conversation as he walked, surprised at what he heard. Even as programs they were able to withhold meaningful conversations with one another even when no other players around to hear. They were living their own little lives regardless of what the foreigners did around them. It truly was an interesting spectacle. 

A kid ran past him and just brushed against his sheathed rapier, causing it to clang against his sigh when it retracted back. He had made it mostly through town, spotting the other gate where he would exit to find the orchard again. He was ready for some peach picking.

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The walls of the city were small compared to the few others he had been to. However, he knew nothing was ever going to surpass that of the Town of Beginning. Those suckers were almost overly large, but it was to be expected for the very first town. He nodded down towards the guard at the gate's arch, treating him as he would treat any other guy he didn't know. The brocode carried over into this game too, and if it hadn't, he'd bring it along with him. The tree farm was a short walk away, but it was still a walk. He'd done a lot of it to get to the town and would have to sit down for a bit once he arrived at his destination. He got tired real fast for some reason. Maybe he wasn't eating enough or drinking enough water. He waved the thought off and continued on his walk, eyes fixated on the upcoming trees.

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His eyes fixated on gates of the orchard. He had finally reached his destination and planned to make good use of his time. The hinged gate entrance easily swung open, allowing Verus inside the small farm. He was immediately hit with a wave of smells. The must apparent to him was that of the countless fruit trees, each giving off a strange smell that combined into one mega tree smell. It was hard to describe, but Verus paid little attention to it. He was here for peaches, and began his search by checking just by the entrance for any fruits that were dropped by NPC's or players when they were leaving. There was nothing there.

ID: 62627

LD: 8

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He sighed as he straightened his back up, knowing that this would be a long and monotonous process. At least he had the place to himself. It was calm and quiet, only the sound of the leaves in the wind tainting the silence. It was a good day. Verus decided to get into a decent mood and scout around one of the nearby trees, hoping a better attitude would provide him with fruit. Strangely enough, it did.

ID: 62629

LD: 15

(+1 MAT)

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His hand grasped a small peach; not the size he was looking for but it was a start. Verus smiled and stored it in his inventory with a few swipes of his finger, not wanting to take a chance of bruising it. This tree had bore him fruit, giving him the impression that it would give out more. He decided this time to try and climb the tree, wanting to check some of the branches instead of the ground. For his first attempt, he attempted a running start to mount and climb the tree, only to crush his own peaches as he slammed against the base. He slid down cartoonishly, slightly falling to his side and curling up once he hit the ground. He watched as a pear fell from a high branch of the tree and break into particles, right in front of his eyes. 

ID: 62635

LD: 2

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Verus propped himself up and somehow managed to quickly rise to his feet. The sight of the pear disappearing disgruntled him. That could've been in his inventory rather than in...wherever dead code was disposed of. He would be smart about this tree this time, not wanting to damage himself again. He calmly approached the base of the tree and began to bear hug it as much as he could, using his feet to find notches in the bark. He slowly crawled up the side with the grace of a dead tree climbing monkey.  It wasn't pretty, but after a good five minutes or so, Verus had found himself a sturdy branch about halfway up the tree. It was a good spot to pick and choose what branches had the best fruit. Within his first second of search, he had spotted a rather large peach sitting practically in front of him. 

ID 62636

LD 19

(+1 MAT)

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The sun was blocked from his view, his canopy spot providing a cool, shaded area for him to perch. It was rather calming sitting up in the tree, not having to worry about much. His main and only focus was to find more peaches. He had a craving for pie that only peaches could solve. After scooting himself slightly down his sturdy branch, he looked around again, holding out his hands to try and grasp what he had found. It was one of the biggest peaches he had ever seen.  He softly pulled it from its resting place and quickly input it into his inventory. It was a good day.

ID 62637

LD 20


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Verus was having a field day with this tree. After depositing the peach in his hand into his inventory, he immediately grabbed another one just under a foot away from the last one. "Oh glorious days!" He was a happy Verus. A very, very, very, very happy Verus. His peach inventory would be stocked for days which meant more and more pies. More pies would make for a better Verus. A better Verus made the world go round. Praise be to worlds going round.

ID: 62660

LD: 18


(+1 Mat)

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Verus stumbled while reaching for a peach, watching it fall down to the ground and splattering into red particles. He pouted and sat back up, huffing slightly. He was going to get fat with all these peaches. After pondering for a moment, he came to an agreement with himself that that was okay and worth it on every level. Peach pies were the [censored] and always would be. He scooted himself backwards towards the base of the tree and tried to climb down without ripping any of his clothing. He made his way over to a mother tree and stared up, noting all the red dots and shapes above him. Praise be to the apple tree, it was a Pear tree. He needed some pears anyway.

ID: 62668

LD: 6

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Verus knocked against the tree, thinking that he may get lucky and catch a few pears if they were to fall. He must have stood there for a couple minutes just lightly knocking on the tree before he realized how stupid he was being. The ground around him seemed barren of any fallen fruit, giving him bat feelings about this tree. Nonetheless, he scaled the side of it as he had scaled the peach tree. It took a while but he eventually reached a perching spot where he could get himself situation. He then began to look around for suitable fruits to pick, not seeing any at first. "Hmph."

ID# 62669 

LD: 7

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The pear tree didn't seem to be as giving as the peach tree had been. He searched high and low for the fruit it bore, having come up short after peering down several nearby branches.  A small sight escaped him and he slowly scooted his way back towards the base of the tree. He gripped on tight and maneuvered himself down, taking his time as he was slightly afraid of falling. At this height it would've hurt quite a bit, and he did his best to avoid that until he reached the bottom. Verus dusted off what tree bark dust had left on his shirt and continued on with his search, not having been happy with the pear tree.

ID: 62775

LD: 7

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Verus stumbled around after nearly tripping over a tree root, almost stepping on what he saw to be a bright red apple that must have rolled a decent ways from it's home tree. He picked it up and pocketed it after checking for bruises, not having found any. His quest for materials had gone well. He'd amassed three wolf pelts and probably a basket full of fruit. However he wasn't going to be okay with it until he got at least another basket full. Verus wanted more pie. However at his last moment of holding the fruit, he dropped it and watched as it disappeared. 




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Verus decided to scour the orchard grounds once more, this time hoping to me more thorough than usual. He focused his eyes in on the tall patches of grass around some of the trees where he usually wouldn't look. He peered into a few of the patches, unable to find even the smallest fruits to plunder. He must've hit a rough patch in his searching ability as he hadn't found anything in the past hour. Verus sighed and continued the search, 


ID: 62814

LD: 4

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The sun was beginning to set slightly, giving off a nice orange vibe to the sky. His day of travel and gathering was coming to an end and for the most part it had been worth it. He had looted the trees for a good amount of their seed, having believed that he profited from the ordeal. He continued to test his luck a few more minutes though, wanting to increase his score load. 

He moved to almost the opposite side of the orchard, having realized that he only covered three out of the many trees that were there. He spotted would looked to be an orange tree, only to be disappointed by the lack of citrusy goodness. Verus shrugged. "Must not be in season." 

ID: 62952

LD: 13

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He put his hands to his hips and let out a slight grunt, kicking at the orange tree soon after. He just wanted more fruit. It was one of his favorite snacks in the real world and wanted to know if it tasted the same in game. He had restricted himself to only eating his bread and water until it was all gone. Luckily for him that would come sooner than later as his supply was almost fully diminished. He had just a couple loafs of bread left and enough water to last a few days maybe. His rations were scarce, but effective. His search around the orange tree was also meager, having found nothing worth picking up.


ID: 62953

LD: 3

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He childishly kicked at the dirt, having decided to call it quits for the day. On his way back to the gate he decided to search the area he was walking through for any fruit, only to come up fruitless. He sighed, knowing that he had gathered a solid amount to bring home to the group. A couple of peaches would be perfect for a pie or two, and the rest was just extra goodness. A small smile shot across his face as he closed the gate behind him, beginning his long, lonely walk back to where his party was. 

ID: 62958

LD: 3


Verus: +400 col, +1 SP, +7 MAT's

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