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[SP-F5] The Fukkatsu Gem (Part Two: The Lilly Episode 1 Testing Ones Stamina)

Guest Meokka

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Guest Meokka

The walls were almost a perfect circle, and the farther she went into the caves the more difficult it was to walk. The ground beneath her was almost like wet glass. Reaching down she touched the smooth earth. She remembered in history class of an egyption tomb buried in the grand canyon. However it was nigh impossible to reach parts of the temple as the long drops from smooth cut stone made it too dangerous. Though Meokka always wanted to join an exploration club to talk about this with them. The thought of buying a drone was now an option and it could search deeper. Is this what it would have felt like to explore that place? She reexamined the walls and noticed something about them.

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Guest Meokka

There were hooks in the walls. Could it be for climbing? It was a shame she didn't bring rope of any sort. It wasn't like real world climbing was a skill. One would just use an acrobatics skill for it. Though Meokka was beginning maybe the game was updating itself. Making it far more real than before. Still she wanted to hope that it's laws and perimeters wouldn't change. She knew how hard she could push against the system, and how hard it could push back. Meokka sat down to rest. She was lost with no end in sight. Gathering her thoughts might be her best option right now.

6 Mats, 

HP Recover Potion tier 1: heal 10 hp  link to LD roll for potion

400 col for completion 


Edited by Meokka
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