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"Greetings... my name is Edge."


Game Name: Edge

Actual Name: Kai Kenshi

Age: 22 / Height: 5"10"

Gender: Male


Backstory -

"Kai was never the most social child growing up, he stuck to himself most of his life. His parent's never showed a care to him and would never ask him why he would lock himself away in his room for most the years that he lived there. His schedule consisted in the time: waking up, going to school, come back home to eat, and go his room and write his own stories. And he did that for 6 years of his life, never once did he do something different unless his family made him to do so. It all changed though when he turned 16 and he was given his own game system and computer, his parents thought he could be socially active if he had those pieces of technology. He found himself playing Role-playing games most the time he was on them, fantasy would soon strike him like a bell, and his inspiration would soon come from fantasy. 

But... even in those games he played, he normally stuck to himself. He thought he would be a bother to some people rather than a help to others. Never would he say he was depressed or had "self-worth" issues, he would describe it as... "trying not make enemies." He thought if he would be a bother to others that he would soon make enemies he would have to fight later, he liked fighting... however not against other people, he had to do so a couple of occasions... but only by force. He had no choice but to, ...he never liked PvP. He has had friends though throughout his gaming life, they didn't stop to meet him, and he soon learned how friendship can be a good thing rather than a danger. After years, countless hours gaming... he discovered "Sword Art Online" a Virtual Reality Role-playing game... and he thought that it would be his ticket... his ticket to find who he wants to be."


Virtues -

  1. Cooperative:
    • Edge is willing enough to cooperated with other people, he may not strike up friendly conversations much, but he will surely help out people in need. Many of times he will ask of a price, but if he sees that they are in dire help or needs assistance right at the moment, me more than likely wont ask for payment. More than likely he will do gestures instead of speaking while helping in combat.
  2. Detachment:
    • Some say this is a flaw rather than a virtue, however Edge feels as if this is a virtue. Rather it being in combat, or talking about general topics to others, he shows no physical emotion and remains calm no matter how bad the situation is. This being said, this can prevent himself getting into situations that would end bad for him, instead of worrying about losing, he will tend to let things go and find anew.
  3. Ethical:
    • He, however fights to what he believe's as morals. He doesn't "hate" talk to others that haven't done so to him, and will defend one that has been targeted for hate speech for no reason. He will stand by the morals of humanity, even if this is a death game.

Flaws -

  1. Callous:
    • At times though, not showing emotion may be bad in some situations and Edge refuses to believe it could be bad in some. Some say he could be cold-blooded and has no emotions rather than one that does. He wont show emotion to those that he just met, however after time he will be open expressing his feelings.
  2. Habits:
    • Edge tends to have his fair share of bad-habits, like not showing emotion for instance. He also tends to very quick and to the point when it comes to conversation rather than talking it out like anyone would. He finds himself doing this so much, that he finds it to be normal for others to do the same.
  3. Indecisive:
    • Edge finds himself most of the time not being able to decide on what to do if two options or more is presented to him. He will spend countless seconds even minutes trying to figure out what he wishes to do. However, he knows when to stop thinking and go a route if he spends way too much time thinking about it.


Skills - (Points Available: 0/5)




Weapon Skills:

  1.  <<One Handed Curved Sword>>
    • Level 1 - Novice
      • 5 SP Used.


Inventory -

  • <<Cloth Clothing>>
  • <<Basic Curved Sword>>
  • <<Bread>> x10
  • <<Water>> x15


Roleplays -

None thus far...


Relationships -

None thus far...


Story Thus Far -

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